i'm like having a spilt personality lol
after updating a post in tumblr i'm updating blogger now.
of two different sides though.
actually what was my point of maintaining a tumblr and a blogger? ._.
my newest tumblr post could sound a bit sad? but its actually quite an enlightment. go read it yourself :)
any way, i almost got to see BEAST ok!
without tix to their showcase at mediacorp heh heh
but damn, because i went there late i missed the chance to "coincidentally" bump into at the lift.
stupid much. i spent that time L4D2-ing with yt and hm.
well at least L4D2 session was fun with shooting down the zombies. like you can kill legally, you know?
proj meeting tmr. bye!
life's been a hell of a ride, just have to clench my teeth and walk through it.
eventually, just eventually, the light will appear. it just have to.
alright, had 2 basketball sessions this week. good! :D
then, projects meet ups. its like nothing are accomplished. i shall get my parts done tonight.
meeting _ tmr for proj and then rush off again to prepare and meet m for ukiss.
then tuesday another proj. rest for wed and meet up for proj again on thurs and probably an outing on fri.
saw xander today :D he's really cute! hahaha my random xander XD
kevin is damn skinny. what's up with these stick men? O.O
read a fan account on key & jonghyun.
i swear i could really punch key on this.
if anything BAD happen to you, i could really cry like there's no tmr.
stupid key for almost killing yourself cos you were using your phone and not noticing a motorcycle is gonna hit you. i would scold you like how jonghyun did. you stupid idiot. HUMPHS
$&%&($^& stupid guy. thank god for jonghyun, thank you thank you thank you thank you for saving OUR key :D
rah mmm why the sudden entrance of people's affection?
ahhh i'm suppose to go to bed now so that i have sufficient energy for tmr law project meeting but hunger is keeping me awake :(
after posting those food pictures, i'm even more hungry! rah.
anw, played bball with clique just a few hours ago :)
it was great it was awesome it was fantastic it was good good GOOD~
its always fun to play bball with happy bang :)
bball to me was only fun because i play with them :)
too bad we can't always get together and play that often :(
but its like this that we learn to cherish the moment eh? and that we find it so enjoyable :)
play soon k! :) ok shall go to bed now night peeps! :)

some time ago, i helped yt with cooking :) making me hungry at 3.45 in the morning :/
some time ago, went out with m and had starbucks for breakfast :) once again making me hungry at 3.49 in the morning :/
then that same day i went out with my best cousie :)
just two days ago, i went out with leng & janel :) 1 day before orchard road was flooded. we were exactly at the same place. we're lucky to choose one day before eh? XD
i'm cursing computers and laptops so badly.
i think i should really consider living without them.
i could save a whole lot of computers.
rah :(
once again, i feel so sian!
rah >|
for you.
meanwhile, shinee's coming back soon! july 6 for teaser!:)
taemin's building up muscles :S and my key is getting much more
pretty handsome :)
i had a vvvvvv good longggg sleep last night :)
slept till 3pm! awesome :) i'm charged ttm :)
i'm really to face the finance proj this monday. lol
then i will be so bloody dead to face thursday's law proj and friday's hrm proj.
then i will spend sunday and monday for ukiss then tuesday for marketing.
haha packed or not? i din even plan for any outing except for leng and janel's one which that have yet to be confirmed.
so busy! its a love hate relationship regarding this busy schedule.
i see nice clothes online. kns
life's here and there.
there's happiness and sadness.
i'm finally done with efma project!
(at least i'm already touching the finishing line and is about to break that)
i'm wide awake at 5.34am, and shocked to see people are already awake! on facebook and msn XDD
i've been awaiting for your arrival. thank god you're here.
and so are the projects ._.
please no more leader dirty jobs for me.
this term break, gonna see UKISS and probably BEAST
goodie~! for my eyes WHOOSH
hello xander :D
heard this song called Don't Leave by Baek Ji Young.
got me crying tonight.
and i dun even noe what i'm upset over.
perhaps its how life's not going well recently resulting me much more emotional.
"Do you know who
the person who had to let you go,
As they clutched their heart?
That person is me,
Please love that person."
혹시 알고 있나요
뒤돌아서 가슴 쥐고 그댈 보내주는 그 사람
그 사람이 바로 나예요
그 사람을 사랑해줘요
i tell you NYP system sucks to the biggest hell.
i freaking tapped and attended law lecs ok?
SAS sent me warning letter saying i skipped 2 lectures. LIKE HELLO? i went!
fuck you.
i need to go find winnie lie about this and mrs pang for efma project. MY LIFE SUCKS OK.