omg i just watched a video, HEART ATTACK-ed.
oh my goodness, swing the kid like some toy. sia la almost faint,
you know you're not suppose to shake kids vigorously? you will cause some inner damages to the kid's brain! DAMN
that kid's dad is some freaking moron. sia la, you will regret if anything happens to the kid.
damn you.
argh. stupid.
i'm already feeling under the bloody bad weather and this father is so darn dumb.
irritated only.
any way...i'm planning to volunteer myself to make-a-wish foundation :) i know i have said it before last sem but this time i'm serious. really. life's been really boring. i have nothing to do and so, why not help kids with life-threatening medical conditions? right? my life will be so meaningful :) i will learn to be emotionally stronger and hopefully i wont get any more depressed :)
PEOPLE PLEASE JOIN ME! i dun wanna be alone :( i might just abort this operation if i'm doing this alone :(

hello baby :)
sigh...he's so pretty..i wanna be half as pretty as him :)
i like his natural hair best :) seems like he cut his hair. i like this hairstyle :)
ok night ppl!
life's been a bitch.
i'm so overwhelmed with saddness out of no where.
feel like crying and feel so lost.
i think i lost my point.
i'm going to think about my life and i'll be back soon.
not too soon i guess.
hello my fellows!
i should be studying for my marketing management test and probably for business finance but heck i'm here!
listening to few english songs and thought i should share them and it's lyrics :)
first up! song called Airplane by B.o.B featuring Hayley from Paramore :)
pretty awesome :)
i could really make a wish right now.
actually, i dun really, specially needs a wish right now, but if i have to, i wish to pass all my tests. thanks :P
so, wishing upon airplanes....hmmm i tried, but apparently those airplanes "crashed". none of them came true :/
next, its the song Stop for a Minute by Keane featuring K'Naan.
heard it from the radio, twice and that statement describes the way i am and how i feels.
really, songs are the best way to express yourself when you are lost.
Some days, feels my soul has left my body
Feel I'm floating high above me
Like I'm looking down upon me
Start sinking, everytime I get to thinking
It's easier to keep on moving
Never stop to let the truth in
Sometimes I feel like it's all been done
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one
Sometimes I wanna change everything I've ever done
Too tired to fight and yet too scared to run
And if I stop for a minute
I think about things I really don't wanna know
And I'm the first to admit it
Without you I'm a liner stranded in an ice floe
Just sharing the whole of first half of the lyrics which spoke my soul :)
lastly, the song Pyramid by Charice featuring Iyaz :)
its a great song where it talks about how strong love is & can be even if natural disasters or mother nature seperate two lovers. This love comparing to the strong standing Pyramid.
try listening to the 3 songs :) btw, i did the pics for pyramid and stop for a minute :D i'm good huh? XD
shit. my elbows' condition getting worst. shit. i have this bad itch condition for both of my elbows and i will tend to scratch it and now the skin is kinda....ewwww look like cow skin (what mum said).
jia lat the condition damn bad. the cream is of no use. it till itch like fuck so its stil gonna worsen. fuck.
i think i needa go see the doc for this. argh.
okok spent lots of time on this post hahaha i needa prepare resume too! DIE LO
early in the morning 4.51am :)
i'm wide awake! :( but i think i still sleep like a pig if i hit the bed right now :D
all those flashy lights! those cameras go click click and all those flash goes all at once.
how does those artistes endure that? and also not blinking for pretty pictures :O
awesome...flashy lights~
ewww saw key's hairstyle at dream concert. alamak!
and he had red eyeliner. i have no objections for that XD
dubu's hairstyle was abit....urhhhh ;/
taem, JJong and minho are fine...(just that i'm lazy to comment XD)
watched Robin Hood today! personally, i think its a great movie :)
"Rise, and rise again. Until lambs become lions."
it means not to give up :)
embarrassing night :( cleared up and now feeling weird. sigh~
rah i wanna do some shopping soon! :(
i wanna get blouse and a REALLY fit jeans and round sneakers/shoes :(
i'm a bit more of a loner by each day.
hey people why arent we contacting each other since our last meeting?
although i'm sure individualy you guys contact some...why not me? :(
i'm still quite excited to meet him you know.
although i'm not sure how long i'm gonna wait...
meanwhile..i'm addicted to NU A BO dance! :D
fierce enough xD i'm gonna master it and do the shirt lifting hurhur :P
hello :) been a long time since i lasted updated.
life's been tough recently, was really upset and depressed over a couple of things but i guess i'm now much better.
i always thought all the friends whom i'm close to are good people. what i meant was, i believed if friends are close enough, they won't bitch about each other and would have kept their secrets. i was wrong. i thought after the friends issue during secondary 1 was over but now poly year 2. seriously, i just have to face these kinds of things in every education level? zzzz well at least i know who are my true friends.
please dun break my heart. please. too much depressing events are happening and my heart aint strong. its very fragile. it breaks, i break easily.
and i vowed not to love anyone any more. too tiring and torturing. well at least i'm dealing that better than healing myself on the friends issue. no more one-sided love for me. controlling hard on making this one fail and making the wanted-to-but-still-failed one die. (if you get what i mean)
today my family got into a minor accident. some guy banged my dad's car from the back :( poor car! took one hour to settle with the guy =.= well that's quite an experience, was really shocked and for a spilt second, i was afraid if anything bad were to happen like erm we were send flying out of the car etc. but thank good we're all safe just a little bump for our poor car :( tomorrow dad and mum will settle matters with that guy. no more accidents please.
well, after that little incident, i can now understand how people feel when they are invovled in an accident. ahhh being alive and still able to be with my love ones is good. thank you lord and grandparents for looking out for us. thank god thank god thank god.
lost my vibe recently. like a deflated balloon losing its air and slowly getting emptied.
i hope i get back my center if not, prepare to see me emo.
cut my hair :) look more like a secondary schooler. doubt any one will believe i'm 18 with this look now :P
went to National Museum of Singapore on wed for NE. rediscovered SG's history :) HMV meant His Master's Voice haha cool.
for the sad, unhappy ones. cheer you up :)
is what i need to be able to say this...
group shot polaroid :)
that's all folks!
tomorrow is friday! which is...NO SCHOOL FRIDAY! :D
its 2.45am now.
i'm suppose to wake up at 6.15am to attend 8am class.
best right? and i've have do ICT and NE project tomorrow. i foresee a very tiring wednesday :)
wanted to post some pics in this post but hey look at the time! and my eyes! they are closing already :(
okok bye.

Happy Bang :) finally met the other 6 for a clique outing after such a long while!
had dinner over at Lena's and took lots of photo, some polaroid and neoprints :) good (Y)
Miss you guys so much! i wonder when can we ever meet again? :(
saw Junsu's schedule for the singapore trip.
i'm guessing there might be a chance he will be at vivo.
but i'm tired. every part of me, tired.
i wanna stay at home and rest but my heart shouts i wanna see Junsu.
so in the end, i decided to let this golden chance go.
i have tutorials left undone and quiz to study.
I'm sorry Junsu, i wanted to make use of this chance to fulfil my 4 years dream to see you but just...not the right time. i regret too and i really hate myself for not being able to be there.
Lord, tell me there are still chances and hopes that Junsu will come back to Singapore.
for this lifetime, i need to see him.
now i going back to my corner and comfort my hurt soul of missing Junsu.