i need to seriously find a wall to bang on. how dumb can i be?
i should have just listened to the inner me and checked soompi earlier!
Junsu arrived on thursday instead of friday!
can i really go bang myself now?
but oh well, at least ignorance saved me from being squeezed and pushed by a good 300 crowd.
BUT OMG its Junsu we're toking about!
the thing about him in Singapore is awesome enough.
NO NO i wanna see him! for most of my life i have been awaiting for this chance!
my life is so over :(
its going down!
okay i finished my rant. making plans on how to meet Junsu if not, its really no fate. sigh
The 3 stuffs i got recently and have been talking much about XD Polaroid Cam, Bowler Hat aka round hat and my 'new' laptop :)
see what i did to my polaroid cam :D i pasted the cow sticker on it as well as the star moon nail art sticker on it hur hur now its evon styled :P
showing you how's my polaroid diary looks like :) its not that fancy and artistic but at least its something i'm doing to keep and maintain my memories knowing how forgetful i can be. I know the memories kept in there is worth looking back and i dun wan to spare the chance of forgetting them :D i dun wan to forget my precious people :'(
<3 i need to take a family polaroid soon!
out with mabel the other day to collect our item :) thought my hat looks big but it turned out small for my head =.= i have a big head! but that doesn't mean i have 大头症 >:/
thank god for no school fridays!
i should be sleeping now but seeing its no school friday tmr i shall just stay a little while more spamming Key's raising idol vids :)
oh, do you know that i'm in love with a guy who looks damn sexy and awesome with blue eyeliner?

my hottie :) not forgetting my other hottie Junsu! he's coming next week y'all know? yipee :D
went for my school's club crawl today. saw a guy having the same round hat as mine :O any way, played one round of the water activities and stopped heh :P
went home at a very bad timing where the rain was super duper ultra heavy. there's no way to avoid the rain, wind too strong :( my new bag was a tad wet and this is when i'm grateful for the waterproof material phew!
i'm really tired tonight, but despite that, i insist in watching at least some parts of Raising idol heh :P
saw this scene in school some day ago. it just struck to me that how people just can't come clean about their stuffs with their friends. well if the "new" friends get to know why can't the "old" friends know too? i wonder why people just can't come clean and have to keep a mum about such a thing. Dun ask me why but i'm disappointed and upset. i dun even really know why. maybe i just thought if people are close enough like old friends, they should be able to come clean with such matter. argh, maybe i'm just jealous?
i have learnt a lesson today.
Not to expose your unused polaroid films. they will spoilt it and thus when you try shooting a pic of it, it will come out blank.
and with that, i wasted 2 unused polaroid films (worth $2.40) as the lesson fee.
itchy hand is the culprit and the criminal to the death of the 2 poor innocent unused polaroid films :(
i'm sorry and learnt my lesson :'(
well, today i tried to accomplish IT related stuff with my "new" laptop today.
with the success of configuring my school's connection, i hope the heucampus installation will be just as good (please please pretty please...!)
gastric is still here! why?! i ate my med! humphs!
okok i have to finish this post quick and get back to finish my busfinance work (can't believe i'm doing tut work during the first week of school :(((
well that's should be all for now :)
need to buy the polaroid films again. hope its not that expensive! bye!
2 days of school and i'm totally drained.
sigh, i was intially excited to know who's my new classmates but now i'm totally zzz
my new classmates are...not what i was looking forward to.
maybe i was pinning too much hope on being in the same class as JS (not Junsu yo XD)
argh i must say me and JS are not fated~
and today! yes today! i fulfilled my polaroid camera dream!
yesh, i bought it! along with a pack of the film.
now i only left 3 of them. HAHAHA
was going around taking pics.
zzzz and my aunt just took a pic of herself and her daughter without even thanking me.
i mean its really fine using my cam to take a pic but isn't it basic courtesy to thank me?
hate you. zzz
oh well..i'm gonna do up a polaroid diary.
the notebook i bought from BooksActually will be used for my polaroid camera :)
its already filled with 9 polaroid. wow
my aunt bought me a new backpack! YAY
my friend commented, wah you getting all new things hor?
then i told her, the "new" laptop i got is not exactly new.
oh i went to sim lim square today :)
GASTRIC visits again.
i'm going to rest now. have to bring my laptop to school tomorrow :( and i have a 8am school tmr and thursday.
at least i have no school for fridays :D
you can be an angel and a devil.
YOU are so two-faced.
i think my aunt is really really good :)
she really really dotes on the 4 of us.
over the years, she's willing to give up her time, energy, money for us.
you know she always buy REALLY expensive stuffs for us? no kid.
if you accumulate the stuffs she bought for us over these years, we'll be darn rich.
and i blame myself for not being a better niece of hers.
sorry and i love you.
i sound so weird.
oh man.
i think the world's gonna end. somehow.
oh well....weird...weird...weird...
i think i have said this before but imma gonna say this one more time.
about 1/3 of my year 1 class mates are gonna be in my new class.
and i'm curious to find out he other 2/3.
most of all, i'm curious to find out if i'll get to survive through seeing him for the rest of my poly life.
god is making fun of me.
sigh. mabe something will happen out of it?
like please make us be normal again?
at least just being friends is enough for me.
you get what i mean?
Konichiwa! :)
share with you a magical story i encountered while i was having my dinner a few moments ago:)
while i was eating my food, my dad told me someone was calling me.
so i turned back and saw a little girl looking at me.
weird and puzzled since the little girl's a total stranger to me.
so when i was looking at her, i smiled and waved at her and guess what?
she smiled at me! :D
you know how little kids are shy towards stranger? and the fact that she's looking for me when we dunno each other?
its so magical.
and when we're leaving, i think she was looking for me...hmm
any way, so i turned back at her direction and she waved byebye to me!
wow and we din even know each other! and she waved byebye to me!
its so wow and magical you know?
i have never met anything like this and i feel so mmm touched?
my dad says its fate.
but i feel that its more than that like she's someone i have been looking for?
now thinking back, i suddenly feeling like crying.
was she someone i was looking for from my previous life or something?
i still think my encounter with this little girl is so magical.
maybe i'll see you again:)
till then, grow up well :)
it was nice to meet you :)
i'm still feeling sore for a few things :(
first, the thought of facing stickman 2 for the next 2 years.
second, yesterday's pulau ubin cycling trip. great workout though :) lots of mosquitoe bites zzz
third, dong bang ahh :(
forth, i want more Shinee Hello Baby :(
can't wait to start school. really, at least in school i have things to do.
i feel so freaky dead and wasted.
i should have done volunteer works this holidays! oh man why did i think of this for the last week of holidays?
dumb ah evon zzz
i just saw my sec 4 commonwealth essay. hahaha! damn dumb, i wrote it with the perspective of COCKROACH. hahaha! omfg. haha
and i saw my old photos. throw face only. HAHAHA my nerd nerd face haha omg haha
do you remember the times when i was so crazy over Dong Bang Shin Ki?
do you remember the times when i can't seem to stop going over and over again about Dong Bang Shin Ki?
and the songs that Tohoshinki sang that speared through my heart.
my Dong Bang Shin Ki, my Tohoshinki
when will i ever see you again?
i realise this time i'm even more hurt.
there's no more hope and promise when the 5 of them will stand on stage together again.
Tohoshinki group activities suspensed.
Dong Bang Shin Ki group activities suspensed.
what am i suppose to do now that my hope that at least 5 of them could perform on stage together in Japan gone?
tonight, the sky looks grey enough.
how the 5 of you forget the times you have gone through together?
the memories? happy ones? touching ones? no? none?
i dun wanna just support Junsu or Yoochun or Jaejoong or Yunho or Changmin.
i wan to support TVXQ as a whole.
you get what i mean? fcuk
why did 5 of you choose this way? why?
my life is so over. i'm gonna go to one corner and knock myself out.
even hello baby is ending.
nothing is going right.