will be off to genting in about 2 days time.
a break and a runaway.
i'm sinking myself into misery and saddness.
that's not really good and i dun like it.
i wish i could control what's going through my mind.
sometimes, it's hard to be me.
and sometimes, i really dun get myself.
i guess a break before new year is a good end for 2009.
end of year resolution: what's done it's history. Keep moving forward.
Spend the last bit of 2009 well yeah? :)
♥ Phone call with MinHo
Saturday, December 26, 2009
♥ Lee Min Ho's SG fan meeting
I know this is kinda late XD sharing videos of me up on stage with Min Ho =D see the last part of the second video where my very weird expression comes out. HAHA in case you dunno which one is me, i'm the third one counting from Minho's right. (spot my long colorful handphone strap XD)
♥ Happy Sixth Anniversary TVXQ!
Video: TVXQ, I'll be Your Umbrella (Always Keep the Faith)
Can't believe its the 6th year already! (its my 3rd year as a cassiopeia =D) my awesome princes: TVXQ!
this video reminds me so much memories. brings me joy and happiness but mostly, sadness. made me cried and cried and cried and cried so bitterly. you'll understand if you are a cassiopeia.
any way, i really hope TVXQ will come back real soon.
♥ christmas with a taste of champagne
Friday, December 25, 2009
MERRY CHRISTMAS! HOHOHO! i hope uncle santa (sort of) visited you last night and gave you the presents!:D
although christmas eve was spent quite blandly, christmas was spent quite blissfully! i like family gathering during this kind of festive season:D it just up up up the joyous mood:D
Christmas with a taste of champagne, i like this title:D i came up with it! gonna copyright it HAHAHA kinda sound like Cloudy with a chance of meatballs right? SHUT UP this Christmas had a taste of champagne which i think its my first time? wow, its bitter like...WAHHH but i still manage to drink quite an amount. whoo~ i didn't get drunk! IMPRESSED :D
like last year, ate turkey! also tried gingerbread! (wasn't as nice as how i thought it will be =/) i hope everyone enjoyed your christmas! :D
its boxing day tmr which means i have to complete 2 projects. Go evon! WHOOTS
champagne makes me sleepy and my head giddy. ZZZZ
♥ Uncle santa! :D
Merry Christmas! :D Jingle bell jingle bell JINGLE ALL THE WAY! HOHOHO!
unlike last year's, i stayed at home the whole day for christmas eve =/ well, i could have gone out, on the streets of orchard but.. i just didn't have the mood and feeling to go out...so...
gastric problems again:(
can't believe that i'm actually thinking about you. zzzz evon wong! you noe he's not a good guy and he's not true! dun you dare fall for him! ZZZZ
tomorrow, will be out at ah yi's house:D Le ya! Min le! TURKEY :DDD since last year, we have been celebrating christmas by gathering at ah yi's house and have christmas dinner together. I think its because of uncle robin. heh TURKEY! does taste like chicken XD
OH! read from Shinee's soompi forum that they might be coming to SG next year! shouts OH YEAH! getting lucky, seriously!:D now, i just have to wait for my really realistic wish to come true=) i hope it does:( because i have been waiting for quite long=/
i can't remember what else to blog so... BYE FOLKS:D merry christmas!=)
love you all lots and lots!=)
♥ christmas is always the same
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
hey!:D its officially JANEL's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!:D my wishing for you came late but that doesn't mean i forgot! I remembered!:) i doubt she will see this though :p and yes girl, i know i owe you a present. i WILL get one for you, no worries!:D
You know i use to embarrass myself everyday during secondary school days? now, it's kinda extended to my poly school life :( during my statistical theory test time, i got real hungry and so my stomach growled *>_<* it's just stomach nature to growl when its hungry right? BUT why does it have to growl so loud? so embarrassing! AHHHHH then during a tutorial lesson, i fell of my chair =.= embarrassing nah! zzzzz go away go away stop cursing me with embarrassing moments! :(
on a lighter note...I GOT TO SEE LEE MIN HO! real real close! i hugged him too:D shaked his hand and even talked to him on the phone for a while! WOOHOO! ^_^V I'm gonna be lucky! XD its a good thing i filled up the paper and put it inside the box:D thank you MINHO for picking my paper! XD one thing freaky was, my instincts actually worked :O before hand i was telling my sis that i have a feeling that i will be chosen for the interacting part with MINHO. HOW LUCKY CAN I BE!!! :D i know i told this to many people already but i just can't believe how lucky it is! when the mc read out : EVON WONG i was shocked to the max and i went: WHAT?! AHHHH that's my name! and she said minho is gonna call the fans. OMG he really called! and i seriously cant hear him on the phone and i guess we probably din converse much:( BOOHOO! but one thing is, he cant pronounce my name. LOL i still remember telling him its evon XD i saw myself in one of the fancam! cool XD okok that's all i wanna say about it. enough to last for a lifetime=)
now i believe. yeah, it won't be easy for me to find love :( i'm so not lovable. HAIZ
shocking stuffs. unbelievable. sigh. why like that?
i need a runaway. if only the genting trip was pushed forward. life sucks to be like this.
christmas, although some parts is different this year but overall, is still the same.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
They said… It’s all up to you to choose… Choose what’s best for you … Ignore what’s bad for you Choose what’s right for you… Ignore what’s wrong for you… Choose what do you want to believe… Ignore things that make you lose faith… Choose the thing that will make you happy… Ignore things that make you sad… Choose the thing that will make you smile… Ignore things that will make you cry… It’s all up to you… Cause it’s all about you…
However, Why it’s hard to make a choice…? Isn’t it easy just to think about your own self…? Isn’t it easy only doing what’s right for you…? Isn’t it easy only cared what benefits you…? Isn’t it easy to ignore others…? I don’t think so… Cause life it’s not all about us… Life is not about one single person… Others counting on you… Others depend on you… Others watching you … They are smiling because of you… They could cry because of you… They would laugh together with you…
So, Deep think is a must… Deep tolerance to adjust… Before the choices are made…. Before the decisions you take… Cause, it will affect not only to you but, others too….
♥ broken harmony
aftermath of a storm.
how do you mend a broken harmony of 5?
how do you ease the pain of a sorrowful heart?
how do you bring back a lost bond?
how do you build back a crumbled trust?
how do you destroy a wrongly built image?
how do you piece back my broken heart?
how do you cure those wounds?
how do you hide those scars?
how do you ensure those smiles before will never be gone?
how do you make sure those smiles will be the same?
how how how?
♥ life's hard
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
who say life is gonna be easier? girl you gotta be stronger. and girl, if you wanna score well, you gotta work hard.
the memories i shared with you, even though it's virtual... i kept thinking, how can we be so close in the past and yet be like strangers now? what are we now?
♥ with wings
Monday, December 14, 2009
hello fellows!=) did some paintings at my aunt's house today=D i can feel my muscle working XD also, i will be attending Lee Min Ho's fan meeting on the 21st! heh heh XP now if only i get to see Ukiss, 2pm once again...=] Meet Shinee and TVXQ...=]
my sisters are having cold war now over a phone =.= feel my misery now. i'm sanwiched between my sisters and i can't take on either side >< worst thing is, my big mouth went to add more oil to their already burning fury. really evon, how dumb can you be? sigh. i din mean to make them quarrel even more><
on a lighter note.... i will be celebrating christmas with HAPPY BANG on tuesday! cool! ^-^V one thing, i have yet prepared the presents 0.0 *dies* and stats exam is on tuesday. Evon have you studied for it? Nope. *dies x2* i see my monday packed. GOOD LUCK EVON.
oh oh! key has bits of his fringe dyed green. HOLA, impressive! i'm loving his previous ash purple highlights on his fringe. I'm planning to highlight that same color too=) but janel say i should just keep my hair black. sigh...how?
okok i should go bathe and prepare for stats paper, save monday. XD
♥ reasons
Friday, December 11, 2009
because there's some things in life that can't be forced.
because there's some things in life...it's not you want it you get it.
because there's some things in life you have to learn step by step.
because my heart is so empty now, i'm relying on my pretty boys (aka my idols =D)
because somehow i'm not fated to be with the one i love.
because i'm not good enough.
i can't find him.
♥ heart's castle
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturdays use to be my short days. Those, i wake up in time for dinner and for a few more hours, go back to sleep. However, today, it's a very long day. Done stuffs from morning till night. So sleepy. My brain feels the need to go sleep soon. LOL
Met Leng (her bf too) and janel after such a long time=] thank you for the gifts!=] KEY @_@
seeee i told you he wasnt true and serious when he said. feel so bloody cheated =[ (i'm saying this for a lot of times already...this just show how upset i am!) why do guys treat girls like some toy? zzzzz i'm so petty i'm so PETTY. humphs.
i'm going burn my fire of frustration with the KEY(shinee)-filled holy shows.
until someone proves me wrong, i won't let myself get hurt again with love. I'm building castle surrounding my heart to save it from breaking. My heart wont see the sun of happiness till prince comes along and break through those cold hard bricks of defense.
♥ In a wrap
Friday, December 4, 2009
Birthday this year was actually filled with gratitude, happiness, realization, surprises=)
1st collage are pictures of celebration 2nd collage are presents and me, house's ladies pics =] really really thankful to friends who spent time with me to celebrate my birthday. I wish i could express my fullest gratitude to you guys! But other than Thank you, Thank you and more Thank you, i don't how else to express how happy and blessed i felt=) Really, thank you so so much!=)
Birthdays (and everyday) will never be dull again with you guys in my life=)
Cookies, Cookbook, Stickman 3, Froggie, Top one, Neoprints, Swensn, Korean food=] In a wrap, yup this is it=]
To me, every hour of the day and night is an unspeakably prefect miracle.
-Walter Chrysler
♥ 용기
Thursday, December 3, 2009
if the world you've been living in changed.. will you run away? or face it with courage?
myhead! feeling a bit drowsy...mentally and physical tired. have to be stronger as the war still goes on. Probably no time left for rest. Laziness wont bring you any where near victory in competition. Determination makes you stronger to finish the race.
i'm gonna sleep. yes now yes now yes now no later! heh.
You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
19 more minutes left before my birthday will be over=)
will come back again to update the happenings on this day!=)
cramps sux! need to study for test on your birthday SUX.
and getting disappointed on your birthday SUX EVEN MORE.
perhaps, its our fate to just be this way. however, thank you for wishing that made me realized and settle my heart. back to the old days=) i'm freed from those tiring relationship stuffs. for now, i'm aiming for studies=)
the weird one
17 going Eighteen
NYP, Business Management Y2
Full time weirdo, part time dreamer
TVXQ & Junsu <3
SHINee & Key <3