hoho i'm so bored that i'm here to blog.
seriously i'm blogging
all this free time should be used to study macro ica this thurs...
oh well, after this post i'm gonna study=)
i feel so sian!
oh oh oh hahaha!
my sis was whispering to my mum about something and i just so happen to pass by and i looked straight to my sis and HAHAHA okok i pretend i dunno anything k. HAHAH but i do know they are doing something. LOL so cute hahaha
sigh too bad my dad arent going to join us this wed =(
he's gonna join my grandma and go malaysia.
okok i'm blogging nonsensical stuffs. =P
yeah but still.....nonsense! i miss you.
There's no need for words,
Deep inside of my eyes its clear and full
Of my feelings towards you
Would you give me your heart, that was whisperingly hid
Hold my hands
I will never let you go
I will wait for you, and only you
When I fall
It was love at first sight
Cuz when I fall
I already fell in love
It feels as if the time has stopped
Its as if Im on top of the world
Im falling in love with u
At your smiles, I dream
I don't ever want to wake up from the sweet happiness
I'm happy with the sweetness,
So I don't want to wake up.
Can you feel it?
Please accept my heart.
I wanna call u my boo
Could you give me your heart?
Ill always treasure it
I will wait for you, and only you
When I fall
It was love at first sight
Cuz when I fall
I already fell in love
It feels as if the time has stopped
Its as if Im on top of the world
Im falling in love with u
Within my dark heart
You became my light.
My heart that was once cold
You've warmed it up.
Accept my love that has coated the world white
I love you, I will promise you
That anyone else wont do, dont like anyone else.
When I fall
It was love at first sight
Cuz when I fall
I already fell in love
It feels as if the time has stopped
Its as if Im on top of the world
Im falling in love with u
my laptop's mouse is getting faulty =_=
now i have to buy new ear piece and mouse.
when will my curse on IT stuffs get over?
any way, effws ica 1 tmr! O.O
wish me luck yo! =]
i'm so free eh? able to blog everyday HAHA
but i did study! =D
and i saw a disgusting piece of news!
this crazy fan girl of taekyeon wrote him a bloody letter!
bloody as in it's written with her period blood! AND a sprinkle of public hair =.=
oh god, WTH?!
that's so gross!!!
i gonna puke out my food..GAH
Hello folks=) back again to update my advance birthday celebration with HAPPY BANG=)Some personal favorite shots=)
Happy Bang's present- Stickman 3=)
hahaha! was totally shocked that they named it stickman 3! LOL
and the email address! they actually submitted stickman_lovevonvon@hotmail.com!
Great time with Happy Bang=) its a simple gathering but its heart warming=) Took a lot of photos. I think there's a good hundred in total =O too bad we din get to play basketball today=( suppose to be a friday event! but the weather hasn't been on our side=( i hope to play basketball next week!PLEASE!
Any way, at yt's house, watched [WILD CHILD]&[ITS A BOY-GIRL THING]. the first one was not bad, second one was...ok. Some scenes were in it X_X but the male lead were all HOT <3 HAHA XD and also the female leads....=/
*yawns* so tired. eyelids are falling. head feeling giddy.
gottta go bathe and head to bed asap. make it now. HAHAHA
awesome day spent with HAPPY BANG=)
love you guys ttm=)
PS: even my big sis was shocked that you guys bought me a bear from build-a-bear shop=)
at 2.48am
sigh, i feel so sad.
my ideas for my birthday celebration with my family was rejected, rejected and REJECTED.
for every idea i suggested, it got overruled with my sisters "brilliant" idea.
they think it as a OUTING but not CELEBRATION.
and i left my special day for them....right.
so freaking sad.
i just lost the excitement. zzzz
well at least there's school on that day...
it wouldn't be THAT bad right?
come on....dun do this to me. i arent THAT bad right?
celebration with HAPPY BANG tmr=)
please lord, it wont be THAT bad right...
i see you, i wished for you.
freaking sian.
what is there for me to anticipate?
现身天使 (Angel of Emergence)
有打算和对方继续发展吗?不管怎么样, 你一定能好好再爱过。
容许自己沈殿在爱情里。 让爱情的滋味填满你的人生。
access will be the cause of the F for my ica tmr.
advance celebration with HAPPY BANG this friday!=)
can't wait to see them=)
although i saw jp today XD
i din see her so she was standing in front of me and went : hello?
HAHAHA oops sorry dear :x
didn't mean it XD
special day gonna be spent with lots of family loves!=)
its also option day.
i hope special day brings special luck, allowing me to get into the course i wan =)
i'm choosing CRM, HRM or SUPPLY CHAIN.
no retail. can't talk and convince people to buy stuffs. HAHAH
2 icas next week =(
good luck manz!
the night when we went to celebrate Jeannie's birthday, there was this scene.
this scene so familiar.
i seen it before.
the ambiance, the place, the angle and the people.
yes, i saw it, in my dreams.
i think it was some time ago. Perhaps months to 1-2 years ago?
what's the magic between dreams and reality?
the connection that dream comes true.
then i hope, that dream, me and my special one, will come true soon.
cause you are my sun, the moon.
-In my room, Shinee
Hello folks! =)
tonight, daddy & mummy went up to "fight" in genting (casino) ><
i feel kinda insecure><
but oh well, they will be back soon! =)
food snacks...=]

Went to celebrate Jeannie's birthday on friday night. Didn't really enjoy the time there cos i was not feeling well..i din even get to eat finish my meal (soup+baked rice+drink)! How wasted! HEY LET'S GO BACK THERE SOON!=) did i mention it was vegetarian? THE FOOD IS AWESOME considering its vegetarian=) I AM GONNA VISIT THERE SOON=) vegetarian food is healthy you know? =]

AHHHHH i wish i was this cute i tell you! those eyes, those cheeks! HAHA soo cute! oh manz~
haha i just wanted to take pics with her XD

mama looks so happy to carry her=] i feel jealous>< heh =")">
and! when parents, grandma and i were out to get my cousin's present, i got myself a pair of heels and flats. HAHAHA the heels look hot ok! i'm loving it=) HAHA how am i gonna match my clothes with this pair of heels? HMMMM i need to go shopping soon XD my flats! school purposes=) too good for school leh XD
i bet you din know.
for quite some time i was looking forward to my special day..
because i was fantasizing maybe you would do something special for me.
and now, i continue with this fantasy till the last minute of my special day pass by.
will you...?
so tired.
here to blog a bit before i go to bathe and to my lovely bed.
i'm gonna appreciate my bed more and more HAHAHA
came back from Jeannette's birthday celebration some time ago=)
not bad=)
elaborate on it soon yah?=)
night peeps=)
Hello folks!=)
OMG people! I FINISHED MY MARKETING ICA1! 3 cheers for me! YAY YAY YAY
finally i'm done with it. phew!
there is this big portion of stress lifted from my shoulders, phew!
i can now at least sleep without having to remind myself i have to complete my marketing work soon, PHEW!
a good night's sleep is very important for a girl ok!
a disturbed and troubled sleep messes and screw my mental state ok. LOL
i get very restless and less energetic..
MANZ! now that this is over...HIP HIP HOORAY! =DDD

see see see
i wasn't lying when i said kavi renamed me as yovonne. HAHA i still find it ridiculous for her to spell my name wrongly since its only 4 letters. HAHA *meanie EVON XDDD*

and look! hahaha! i messed with kristine's phone while she was sms-ing her friend XD tendency to do that when i see kristine using her touch screen phone. HAHA i just like to randomly type in the words since its touch sensitive XD and i really clicked send and it was sent to her friend. LOL

hey hey hey! my sis just helped me print out my marketing report!=)
edited and changed and it looked much more nicer. sometimes its good that you are attending the same school and course that your older siblings went to.
my sis helped me alot in terms of cooping and giving me tips so that, i too, will be able to ace poly!=) i do hope i will be able to be like one of them..I do wanna pursue university education ok! i will strive hard on that! cheer me on!=)))
oh my....seeing my marketing work printed in front of me, i feel so darn accomplished!
but i dun even know if its a A worth piece of work...but i sure hope it is!=)
i'm gonna work doubly hard if i wanna get a directorship list for year1.
missed one and not gonna miss another.
yeah, i wont.
evon, you can do it if you aren't that lazy and if you pushed yourself harder=)
or should it be
hahaha if you combine the second one and my chinese name...
okok byebye!
contented me is feeling dizzyly sleepy. HAHAHA
一边在责怪自己, 另外一边则是在责怪他人。
心想: 是自己的无能
又想想, 他们也不对。
就是,当你想真正做好事, 但他们却好像毫不在意。就好像不会认真对待...
天涯海角, 也会找到你=)
suddenly i feel so blessed=)
its so heart warming to know you have friends and family surrounding you =D
to have friends who laugh with you, listen and share with your troubles.
to have friends that make tutorials not so boring after all.
i'm really glad to be surrounded with my friends=D
they are those wonderful daily gifts god given to me=D
my life, is not that dull after all!:D
and my family?:D
my cute cute mama, my always kena bullied by me papa=D
my two sometimes serious sometimes fun yet always my loving sisters=D
my two aunties who i know cared for me (us) =D
oh manz! my life is wonderful! =D
there are also people here and there...
appearing and disappearing in my life..
i meet them, i lose them.
but its ok, at least we met at our life's cross junction =D
today, i'm so grateful and so enlightened=D
my family's love for me is so great that i wanna share it with the world! HAHAHA
(please dun hate me on this><)
the reason i'm this happy is because i have freed myself and him.
I know i will be wasting his time so i shall not make him waste more time on me when i know i wont be able to be with him. you get the idea?
when one girl and one boy get into a relationship, its when they both truly love each other=D
this is what i look forward to=D
sorry boy><
okok! gonna do tutorials and projects! and STUDY!
manz....where's my motivation?
edit: my sis and i did a recording for our house phone. HAHAHA its retard i tell you! XD try calling my house phone to hear it XD
PS: this post has been altered=D
too bad if you din get to see the before-altered post=P
you can come find me and ask HAHAHAHA
cheeky me :D
hello loves :D
a disturbing headache.
that's when you slept too much
sending your brain to rest for long hours.
yesterday's basketball session with HAPPY BANG was canceled due to the rain. SIGH
i was looking forward to it...
its our first attempt to making basketball session a weekly activity! =(
but oh well, there is always next week=)
please dun rain! i need my exercise you know! XD
everyone! i need to inform you my new name! =)
instead of EVON, i am now YOVONNE.
and its not even the usual Evonne or Yvonne =.=
hahaha! the proud creator of my new name is KAVITHA=)
LOL, i'm not suan-ing her k...but i am shocked XD
its only 4 letters! and you dun pronounce yovonne as Evon leh...LOLZ
sorry kavi =x
and and and i have a another new name! its called KAVONGER.
lol, its a combination of kavitha, Geraldine and evon=)
Kavonger sounds like some brand for climbing equipment XD
what else is there for me to blog here...hmmm
oh! i changed my brand for marketing ICA1 to TOYOTA!=)
sorry frolick><><
i promise to patronize you more ok? XD
have to complete tutorials, study and finish projects.
i wanna go out><
where's my date? ><
hey people~!=)
if you start off your day with a smile, your day will probably end off with a smile too=) and if you give your friends a smile in the morning, you probably bring a smile on their face, starting their day with a smile.
this is my current wallpaper=) i tried using paint and combine the pics but, of course, its a total failure. But i did a successful one for my previous attempt ok! =D i think the main point in the new wallpaper is key's pic with "seductive" on it XD oh man, i really love this guy! =DD
and this is another collage of me with bunny/dumdum. I look like a happy and excited KID XD damn, the childish me has been exposed! =DDD but i do look happy hugging the bunny XD what do you think? =Di'm listening to 2pm's new song [Heartbeat].
WAH...the MV is...errr i have no idea how to describe it.
It's not bad and its a bit over the good range...=/?
any way, all of them looks different with their new hairstyle! i couldn't recognize them! =o
Please cut nichkun's hair back to the AAA era? ><
Taek's too! Wooyoung's too! Junho's too!
other than that, its fine XD oh man...jay! come back! =(
oh oh oh! my sis friend was saying KIM JUNSU MIGHT BE COMING TO SINGAPORE!
must be my junsu she's referring to since 2pm's kim junsu is gonna be occupied with new album's promotion =D OH MAN, MY JUNSU!! PLEASE COME!=D
okok, i need help on this.
what are the needs of the people (whom wanna try new things) when they consume frolick(frozen yogurt)?
help? S.O.S? help?
My heart beats for the sake of living, to stay alive.
For you, him, her, and everyone i love.
For the goodness of the world.
For me.
actually....i dun know what my heart is beating for...=/
WOW its a chilly night. Has the weather turned chilly in the night or is it me?
i'm feeling seriously cold...maybe i'm catching a cold...hmmmm
any way, my macro lecturer showed us this video called the paradox of our time.
we gain and we lose at the same time.
its a cool video but i din have ample time to digest and think about it =[
and and and oli was toking about some prata that is like paper ball...so she was describing the goodness then she said when you tear it, stream will come out cos its that hot. LOL
then we were toking about ris low...
then we linked to this:
"ris low should endorse this prata"
" yeah, then she would say: this prata boomz cause its that hot"
okok the point is, the
its that hotXD
doing my marketing ICA1 now...
its a individual written assignment...i'm doing on frolick and i'm starting to regret it><
i love frolick i love frolick and so i can ace my ica1 on it =]
bball this friday!=]
little surprises
life's surprises
life filled with surprises
oh yeah! i finished my new moon book! and now started on eclipse! and i'll approach the climax of the whole twilight saga, BREAKING DAWN!=] some find this series stupid, but i really like it alot so do bear with my craziness over it=]
i'm slowly losing myself.
dun tell me that i'm not because who else knows myself best other than myself?
i need someone to catch me and pull me back.
i know i have changed.
not for the better and i know it damn well.
i see my old self leaving me.
that old self that i'm more comfortable with....
ending this journey is not the solution to go back to where i came from.
i know.
late for school =.=
that's first for this semester...
my mum mistakenly woke me up at a deadly time of 6.15am.
i even woke up and bathed.
while i was bathing, i realize i'm not suppose to wake up till 8.15am! =O
i even looked up the bathroom's clock and thought:
wow, its 6.45-ish. bathed again..(i bathed quite late last night XD) EH?! i thought lesson starts at 10.10am?
i was wrongly awaken (LOL!)
in the end i slept through 8.15am till 10am =.=
i skipped stats lecture...sigh
how lousy! stupid phone's alarm clock!
you know how deeply asleep humans can be that no sound can ever enter their world?
maybe even without being asleep, humans still cant hear some sounds.
is it a choice to hear or turn a deaf ear to these sounds?
there is this world.
the world that one cant see but could be seen by others.
no no no, maybe its the world that one failed to see because its bounded to one world only?
in this earth, there are more than one world.
the world that everyone looked so happy
the world that everyone looked sad
the world that everyone fought through each day to survive
so many worlds, living side by side.
goodbye love=]

Nov 5, i played two traditional games which i have not touched since my graduation from primary school XD just when i thought i have little memories of primary days, i remembered the games i played =] if only i could relive the times in primary school again...those days when it was so carefree and those silly worries that can't even compare to the worries i have today =[

same day, was our celebration for sha xiao zi's birthday=] was suppose to wear something nice for her birthday, so i wonder if i wore the right clothes? XD
so lazy to study and to do work =[ so expected of me since its already approaching the 4th week of school=[ okok, for real, i'm going to study tomorrow and for the rest of the week. No more slacking! time to buck up if i wanna get into the course i wanna get in! that is, HUMAN RESOURCE! =]
we no longer could talk like before.
i wonder if i could truly let you go now.
but somehow, i felt so attached to you.
what should i do to completely let go of you.
i'm a idiot, seriously.
freak you manz, kns

i'm clean and nice now=) haha what a statement XDDD
played basketball with happy bang, justin and his friend today=D
EXERCISED, YO! heh heh =P but i'm super tried and every part of me ache now=(
even my heart, ached.
just one day, i dunno how many times i fell asleep><
i'm just tired and i just slept slept slept when i have the free time =[ turning into a pig, SIGH
any way, LOL got people say I cute wor! XDDD why am i happy over this? LOL
they think too highly of me liao>< i'm so ordinary that cindy didn't realise i was in class for the whole day lo. I blend in with the people =(
but any way, that's a nice thing to hear to brighten my day heh heh =P
still cant get over some events. It just occupies my mind so naturally.
any way, i just wanted to say this:
dun treat relationship so lightly. if you dun mean it, dun say it.
i cant find the courage.
i'm sleepy and tired now.
its a long day today and the future ahead.
i hope i will be able to pull through all life's obstacles and make each stumble a lesson to learn and strengthen myself.
i really wanna sleep soon but i have yet complete the tutorials needed for tmr's lessons. Good luck to me =[ today, wasn't a great day after all><
you haven't tried and you have given up.
disappointed and upset, but what more can i say? a brand new start, it means a second chance. then you can use this chance to get things back on track. once oversleeping is fine but twice and now? its not a excuse for you to skip lessons after lessons.first time oversleeping then you gotta try not to do it a second time. but you aren't trying to wake up on time. even if this is not the road you desired and wanted but since you have already been placed here, could you at least try to fit in? but from what i see, you're not even trying. but any way you have chose the way you want and i cant do anything to it right? guess i'm that petty and selfish friend after all.
so tired.
so much blows.
so much to handle.
so much to fake.
so much of so much.
will you light up my candle of hope?
for love, friendship, kinship, peace and compassion.
To: my sweetie
i love you, still.
Good morning world~!=D Let's go through some pictures i took=D Shall we? =]

This phone that my friend owns is super cool! the keypad is transparent! and touch sensitive! cool or not? =]
and there was a time when a group of us went to amk's the face shop...where my nails get painted with multi-colors. But my nails are now repainted PURPLE like my little finger in the second pic=D ALL HAIL PURPLE!=]]]

and the phrase " evon curses technology' still goes on...as you can see, the "T" on my laptop detached from its place and it could never return to where it belong>< it wont freaking stick back ok! #&$*&#* so now those "T"s are typed with much effort ok! appreciate those "T"s! XDD

out of boredom, i took this pic. HAHAHA and it just so happen that the cushion is captured too! and my eyes are directed to the cushion...so...HEH HEH =P

i like this pic=] i dunno even know why><
remember those days when i blogged about the sleepless night? XD
any way, make a guess which is 6 o'clock in the morning and 6 o'clock in the evening=D
its easy to guess XD
my eyes always seem to be searching for you.
always looking out for you
always turning to you
and all is done...without realising, i'm actually looking at you.
there are times when our eyes met...
probably, you do know that my eyes are keeping sight of you..
i didnt want to><><
i know i had gotten over you but somehow, you still weigh so much more then the others.
and i know, in your heart, lands another person.
with all chances and luck, i hope it will be...me><
i'm stunned and shocked and nothing can possibly explain the dilemma i'm in now.
TVXQ, to me, they dun just mean idols.
TVXQ, to me, this name is not just a band name.
TVXQ, to me, it meant so much more.
TVXQ, they are more than my idols and they meant everything to me.
I love them, not just as a fan girl but also a student who respect her teacher.
The years i followed them, has brought me a lot more than other idols i followed.
They taught me a lot more even though they may not know it.
And as i love them so much, i want to protect them.
From anything that may threaten them in every possible way.
I love them, i really do.
I love TVXQ as a whole. I want them to be together as long as possible.
Oh lord, please please please guide TVXQ in all ways possible. Bless them with your kind guidance and bring them out of the misery they may face. Give them strength they need. With your healing hands, take away their unhappiness and heal the wound they may suffer. Oh lord, i put them in your hands. Oh lord please help them. Amen.
TVXQ, please...
dun break my heart any further.
I'm already a living dead and for the longest time ever, i relied on you.
You cant destroyed my world.
you just cant.
please, lord see them through.
but if its unavoidable, i guess i could face the trouble fate.
edit: I'm totally lost and confused. I have no idea who to trust. Whose mouth speaks the truth...who's lying? Who's right? Who's wrong? Am i dumb? No, i'm so stupid. i'm fooled. this world is so scary.
either one of them IS LYING. BIG FAT LIAR.
i dunno and i just want to run away.
dig a hole, hide my head, block my ears and let myself drown in the darkness.
Junsu, tell me, if i can trust you?