我爱他 轰轰烈烈最疯狂
我的梦 狠狠碎过却不会忘
曾为他 相信明天就是未来
情节有多坏 都不肯醒来
我爱他 跌跌撞撞到绝望
我的心 深深伤过却不会忘
我和他 不再属于这个地方
最初的天堂 最重的荒唐
will you be my valentine?
there is this emptiness in me.
this big hole in my heart that waits to be filled.
one big part of my heart was ripped off, mercilessly.
since then, i've been working hard to heal this wound.
this wound will heal but one thing for sure, it has left a mark that will never erase--a scar.
the colours in my life are drawn away from me.
i'll wait till they come back and stay with me.
blind to see
numb to feel
deaf to hear
mute to speak
i'm getting sleepy despite drinking quite an amount of coffee><
always thought that maybe, just maybe...
you and i...
but as time passes by...
i came to realize, that i'm not in your mind..
then now...
i'm slowly settling down.
because, my heart now says:
i've gotten you over. once and for all.
still i would like to say thank you.
for the fantasy and happiness.
it was such a dream.
I'm freed=D
gastric sucks!
why is there such problems called gastric? =(
sighs...i shall go eat my medicine and clean myself and rest in my bed, read new moon and go to sleep=D
the world's spinning and people keep changing.
keep moving forward, dun look back.
sometimes...history are not meant for us to look back and ponder on too much.
hello=D it's Saturday!=D this means that the first week of school is over!=D
Hip hip HOORAY! =DDD
School's actually not bad!=D but i hate the position i sit for some classes >=< it made me so uncomfortable and uneasy=( our class really separates into the guys and the girls section. Why is this so? its weird, you know, how close we can be in semester one and yet can distance away during the holidays? But this is only first week so probably things will brighten up=D I still have 16 weeks more for this semester before we all get separated into the different specialized course..
okok i'm gonna do my tutorial work for next weeek=D so good right? XD
oh yeah oh yeah! i keep bumping into friends after school leh! XDDD
My poly friends saw them and they commented that my friends look like me leh..
they meant the height (shortie la!) the style (casual?) the specs (my new specs=D)
hahaha! birds of the same flock together isnt it? XD
then Kim and Cindy started saying about my dressing style...
those colorful type and sometimes childish...
haha! what! how i dress express my character right! XDD
they say i'm always so happy everyday. LOL
this is the first time i hear it directly....=D
its good isnt it? XDDD i told that to sha xiao zi and she agrees too XD
not bad nah=D
more like people scolding me siao crazy self high blah blah blah HAHAHA
i said ciaosu to olivia that time and she din get it =(
hahaha didn't reborn used ciaosu to greet the audiences...><
i think i'm getting a bit high now despite the aftermath of gastric pain.
okok, i'm really leaving to do my work=D

I watched this awesome movie today with zoe john don cindy and kim. sighs...natural disaster-mega tsunami...this movie is awesome in a way that it displays the different kind of love and also how this one guy affects so many lives. I saw the love parents had for their child, the love between lovers and just compassion for people. For this one guy who affect so many lives, he's a idiot i tell you! if he just issued the emergency signal and evacuate the people at haeundae then it would have save so many people's live nah! DUMB GUY, feel like punching him =.= i saw how people died due to electric shock, tsunami, fire explosion and the containers that fell off...There's this one who is the ultimate lucky survior who amazing dodged the 4 falling containers, explosion (he caused the explosion T.T stupid guy =.=) and tsunami. Although he survived, his mum didn't><><><><>=< All in all, this movie is not bad=D made me cried, shocked, laugh and sad at the same time.

saved this picture cos i tot this scene looks kinda beautiful and artistic in a way. The orange is natural ok! XD
there will meteor shower tonight! awwww=D it would be nice to be able to watch this with my guy=D but too bad i cant since i dun have a bf and that its highly impossible for me to go out in the night><
ahhh wth! i wanted to type out this post with perfect English but its hurting my brain to think up properly structured sentences and stuffs =( too bad, i guess i will attempt it another time=D that's when i'm into the mood and when i'm free =D
well, school on the second turned out to be fine=D
sometimes, it really depend on how you see it and eventually, what you can do to make yourself feel better=D
it definitely took me quite a while to actually adjust and open up>< but one can definitely sense the awkwardness. In the end of the day, i hope everything will turn out just fine=)
It'sWednesday tomorrow! and i'm hoping the first week will be gone faster so that we can skip those introduction and stuffs. Really wanna get down into business=D
I was talking to my sister and mum on this certain incident that happened today.
"if she's your friend, she wouldnt do that. she shouldnt be taking advantage of you."
my sister said to me and also agreeing to my side.
oh yeah! i had this module called effective writing this semester and its about perfect english (at least that's how i see it XD) Learnt singlish! (how amazing! =D) hahahaha what's interesting about it is that half the singlish filled sentences i din quite get it D= i mean my singlish is at the lowest rank! My english arent that great too=( OH MAN!=((((
any way....i saw the signs. The signs that indicate that i'm slowly letting the feelings i had for him. I thought i had finally mastered it but that's only until i saw him once again. The fact that i know you are nearby makes me makes the whole process difficult again. How can your presence make everything so hard for me? And it felt so different...we are distanced again. This time, i know, i have cared less on that. At least, this would means that i'm making my life a tad easier =D
if only you made your confession at the right time, we wouldnt have missed the chance.
i'm upset, at that time, i had feelings for you too =(
however, i'm quite shocked to know my nerd times can attract people too! =D
I thought i look so nerdy and toot that it makes people turn their heads away! hahaha!
but thank you for being frank with me=) even though you are late by 2 years=.=
you are my good brother and i will work hard to be a good sister too XDDD
Jia you!=D
a ride of rollercoaster called life.
Some say love, it is a river
that drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor
that leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love, it is a hunger
an endless aching need.
I say love, it is a flower
and you, its only seed.
It's the heart afraid of breaking,
that never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking,
that never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
who cannot seem to give.
And the soul afraid of dying,
that never learns to live.
When the night has been too lonely,
and the road has been too long
and you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
in the spring becomes the rose.
first day of school...i dun like it at all. I'm thinking, how am i gonna survive through this semester when i'm already so depressed on the very first day...
it's not exactly good or is it bad in a way..
i feel very very very pathetic today.
I gotta stay strong and learn to be independent. But being alone is something i always dreaded.
school's gonna be tough for me since there will be times i'm gonna be alone.
you gotta pull me back.
its too hard to put on a genuine smile when you cant put real feelings into it.
its too hard to be strong if you arent strong in the first place.
dear lord, will you give me some guidance and grant me strength?
sighs.....i wish i dun have to act happy when i am sad.
i wish i show what my heart feels.
or best of all, let me disappear so that no one can see me=D
poof away and bring my troubles and woes along.
my phone gone crazy. the clock, no matter how many times i change it to the correct timing, will ultimately tune back to 8++am by itself. dunno why it just love 8am so much...=.=
my laptop's BATTERY also gone crazy. although it states that its fully charged, by just with the battery attached, my laptop won't on. Only works with the power source attached...
oh man...i totally jinx technology leh...how?
SEE LA, my phone jump back to 8++ am again! *$&^#&$^
oh well, at least i get another extra excuse to change my phone heh heh heh =P
school is starting tmr!
and kim told me that one of the teacher for this sem is fierce one lo
ahhh starting to feel sian about school even before it starts...
oh well, i wanna change my phone>< if not...HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO WAKE UP ON TIME FOR SCHOOL? =O
wanna guess if i am 99% in love or not in love? =D
LOL! i did this quiz in facebook to see if you are how many percent in love or not. HAHA i got a really....out of the world statistic. seriously, i LOL-ed! haha! how can it be like this?! D'=
any way this post marks the 430 stories in my blog! heh heh =P
if you consider the time now as sunday then.....school is starting tmr>< OH MAN!
how time flies....and now its semester 2.
I seriously gonna strive hard for this semester!!! REALLY, mark my words XD
(and if i dun honour my words, i allow you to smack my head =D great deal right? XD)
should i be happy and excited or feel sian for school's reopening? XD
oh yeah, imma go HLM to ask about helium gas XD tweety's elmo balloon, it's time to go to your rightful owner ah? XD
What's the hottest time of the day?
eh, love for idols does not qualify for the love thing in that fb quiz meh? IDIOT =P
hey peeps=D
actually there was tons of things i would like to blog...but! being the evon who suffers from STM, i totally forgot what are the things =P what...that's me! being so forgetful XD
any way, i bought New Moon and Eclipse!=D *claps* HEHEHE I'm gonna read them and faster get to Breaking Dawn =DD i finished first chapter of New Moon so....FIGHTING! I'm gonna finish them asap!=DD Edward~XDDDD
"money was just something that accumulated when you had unlimited time on your hands and a sister who had an uncanny ability to predict trends in the stock market."
hehehe if my sister had that power =DD
Happy Birthday to Wan Leng=D
My dad was angry just now..sighs over a trivial thing...=.= sighs, some times he's just being petty or was it me that didn't understand him?
we all stand at different levels.
that's why, we are all different.
thus, we can't always satisfy all mankind's wants.
thus, we are all imperfect.
and if we truly understood this point,
the world will be in harmony.
But there are always people wishing and hoping for world peace.
so what does this say?
hope to the end, always keep the faith yo!=D
and if you believe, everything will be just fine=D
I believed=D
i'm listening to SHINee's new song
this song is soooo cute! hehehe the part they start singing "ring ding dong ring diggi diggi dong" is sooo funny! especially the dong and the ding. HAHAHA xDDD
imma gonna change my blog song to this soon=D
oh yeah! a while back i changed my blog song to Mic Pink's NaNaNa from HTTG OST=D
was already interested in this song the first time i heard it in HTTG opening =)
i hope putting cheerful song can make this depressing blog a bit more enjoyable!=D
here to blog some random stuffs since i have got nothing to do><
today....went to play basketball!=DD
are you shocked? XD
just to prove i actually DO sports! XD i think i have established this i-dun-do-sports impression for my poly friends XD see~i do sports, i am healthy!
the reason why i hardly do sports is the stickyness so...yeah=D
and and and today, i totally admit to my fate that i have the bully me face =.=
i'm always bullied by people. Its not those violent type nah, more like those make fun of you but not intentionally. You probably get the idea=D and i conclude that even kids do that to me =.= sighs, i totally give off the kena bullied aura ><
one of my friend thus once told me to speak up, dun like always kena bullied. But....somehow i dunno how. Become if i am angry or pissed off, i will just shut up and not say anything and give that "i-am-not-happy" face. Its just....if i really say...i probably will just blast off and just...you know...AIYA why the hell am i making this like so sad? XD i'm pretty ok to be bullied nah but please dun get too overboard nah, you know there are limits to patience. =)
tmr suppose to have class outing but ermmmm i know quite alot not attending. i feel bad for mark nah since this is like the second time for him to organise and then he did it on his own will yet not all appreciated. sorry ah mark.
any way, tmr! imma gonna go out! if not...>< SCHOOL REOPENING ALREADY NAH.
hahaha singlish all the way! XD
i will never patronize DongbangStuffs-Singapore ever again.
First, they wrote my address wrongly. Making me wait for one week for the items. That's fine, but i'm wondering, didn't my friend paid for registered mail? So its their fault on writing wrongly, shouldn't they refund the fee for registered mail? Also, my friend still had to call up singpost herself and collect the items herself. Is this freaking "registered mail"?
Second, missing item. I can't say more on this since they have yet give me any reply on the whereabouts of the missing item. But i'm already fed up and disappointed at the way they handled the stuffs.
what i'm saying is, blog shop owners should at least be responsible. If not, you wouldn't establish trust between customers and yourself. Also, credibity.
oh man, my attempt to sleep at night was only half successful XDDDD
i fell asleep around 10 and woke up in the morning of 3++am XD
and since its already 13 oct, i went to check my new timetable for the sem...
i think it was way worst than the first><
the hours seems longer and there is two 8am startings 0.0 this means that i have to get up at 6 twice in the week...oh man.
thus, its making me a bit reluctant to start school now><
i want starbuck's green tea latte..shopping for tops...
even though i am so broke><
but i will be able to shop when i get back my money from friends =D
okok i dunno how to make it through the night now ><
i should get myself on my bed and knock myself to sleep XD
who wants to go shopping? =DDDDD
sad to say, i am once again in the situation where i can't seem to sleep in the night.
yesterday, i spent the time thinking and pondering over the decision.
it just suddenly came to me...after all, we are just friends...
but i'm not exactly giving up...
and i'm not exactly upset or depressed
but now, i feel like i am released, more relaxed=)
for all the past times it got me upset unhappy and all, now i am enlightened=)
but future is hard to predict isnt it? =D
anything could happen you know XDDDD
a decision to be made.
Stay, the same way.
Move, a step forward.
I wanna summon my courage to move, but knowing me, i will stay, to be safe.
now or never.
happy or sad
here or there?
All the bad things are happening at one time><
Someone gotta help me with msn. I dunno why, i think there is bad blood between me and msn. I wanted to change a newer version of msn for the computer in the living room, then it disappeared. Seriously, i couldn't find the icon for the msn!! except the old windows messenger, damn damn old.
It's fine as long as i have my laptop....until last night..
i wanted to change my msn since its gone really really weird...(cant do the pop-ups, sounds, etc)
i started deleting/uninstalling stuffs in order to reinstall...and *poof* somehow i dun have msn in my com now and i totally cannot reinstall msn now since that bloody set up said i DO have msn in my com and can't install...
you see the bad blood between me and msn? GAH, msn hates me, well at least i can rely on ebuddy for now=D
I really do need to get someone to fix my msn problem for at least my laptop=(
I'm such a IT noob, someone please help me?? =/
its the time of the month =(
last night, i went to kick my table and further deepen the wound on my toe, now it got even more painful =((
see! all the unfortunate stuffs happening at the wrong time....=(
i seriously should kill myself...GAH
and me being me, i'm such a bucket full of jealousy=( for that one person.
alright, i'm gonna go hide in one corner and reflect on my wrong doings. Maybe i will start whining and have a light shone on me. Get gloves that has claws on it and put it on my hands...HAHAHA i'm turning into the witch in L4D XDDDD
really damn unfortunate, i was going to check something in my phone and it died on me, NO BATTERY. i totally forgot how to spell
suay. DUMB DUMB EVON WONG. thanks.
maybe i should admit that...you are just not into me like i am into you...
maybe i should give up since its going nowhere....
not gonna continue this....cramps is making me dumb dumb and dumber =(
Some things, you just couldnt forget.
This feeling i had for you, even if i tried and tried, i still cant seem to break free.
I still miss you.
But somehow, i'm always reminded about the differences between you and me.
Maybe you didnt know, but somehow you landed in my heart.
hehehe i got bored and i started researching what does Evon mean and i got this:
- French: Young archer
- Scandinavian: The wood of the Yew tree
- Irish: Young warrior
oooo Young warrior eh? that's great, now that my english name has a boyish meaning and also my chinese name a boyish one it makes me even more boyish as a whole. LOL no wonder people say i dun act like a girl since i'm violent and stuffs. LOL oh well, too ba=P
and i saw L4D2 stuffs and L4D1. COOL...
hahaha and those funny happenings about them. LOL
10 ways to annoy in L4d XDDDD
its 3++am!=D
i feel so full>< actually i'm stuffing myself with food especially in the night....maybe this will help me gain some weight? XD
ahhh can't wait to go back to school=D for the past month of holiday, i'm rotting and rotting and rotting and rotting and rotting.....going into a pool of...errrr evon liquid? ewwww what's that? LOL
i'm so bored at home! and i seriously cant wait to start school and have some fun with my friends=D there is this "class" outing this sat, i wanna go=D but the problem is...who is going?
ah, only about 1 week plus to school reopen! YESH!

this one is the best out of the so many pics i took...hahaha!

for comical relief, i did this LOL LOL
i took a hell lots more but wont further destroy your eyes by posting them so...yesh, this is how i look like with my new specs! =DDD
sighs, this weekend was a terrible one.
Something happened on Friday night...lazy to type out and also there is no point in doing so since its over=D
but just because of it, i couldn't make it for YT's birthday celebration. I feel bad><
and they took neoprints! oh man, i wanna take neoprints with them too! jealous><
i was banned by dad from going out BIG SIGH.
but any way, before that, i went shopping=D
the quote goes, no pain no gain.
So money flies when you owns pretty stuffs=D
i bought myself a blazer (first piece from formal wear XD)
boyfriend tee (finally! and
a simple ring=D (i've been thinking of getting a simple ring and it was cheap!=D)
i have yet wash the newly bought clothes heh heh XP they are still lying on my bed =P
oh man, i getting fat already><
i kept eating and eating and eating! in the night=.=
especially tonight><
i wanted to get a tub of ice cream too! too bad the provision shop is closed=(
i wanna go play! i wanna have fun!
i'm still a kid nah XD
i'm also EGG Wong nah thanks to Tweety tan XD
i wanna break the ice between me and you.
but everytime i start coming to you, i feel like i'm so pushy.
my wishful thinking of you coming to me...
i should stop thinking of you and start getting my life back.
and i think, i just took my baby steps in doing that=D
yup, and i am still not sleeping.
I can't get to sleep! i should seriously eat sleeping pill to get myself knock dead asleep at this time. is like almost everyday i have been like this>< i hope when school starts everything will be back to normal?
well tonight, it gets even worst since alot of things is going through my head...
like what to wear....HAHAHA since i am like going out for a consecutive 3 days...XDDD
later in the day I'm going out with TWEETY TAN! like finally....since when have we been toking about it? its only up till like...when? then we finally take action...oh man.
okok i gonna suffer again.
i'm pretty sure i'm not gonna sleep tonight. and make it through the whole day. i will be drop dead when i reach home. XD
hahaha, oh oh oh, my new specs is actually not bad XD
i'm lazy to upload it now...sooo hahaha!
some people take things or people for granted.
just because you are my sis, doesnt mean that you ask me to do it and i will do it.
plus, you are asking me to help you do something. At least make it sound more sincerely rather than demanding or ordering me? Btw, where was your please and thank you? and please, stop taking advantage of me? stop taking me for granted. DAMN IT.
that's why i say,
suck to be the youngest
suck to be under the big sibling authority
suck suck suck to be her sis. damn it.
bloody B****
damn it damn it damn it! ARGH!
spoiled my day, thanks so much.
Hola human beings!=D
What's the day of the year today? CHILDREN'S DAY! =D
I used to be happy on this day=D hehehe my (sec)school probably will give freebies for children day, HAHA! evon is being cheapo...ah whatever=P If only poly celebrates children day or youth day...hahaha! childish la evon!XP
any way, yesterday night was fun! XD
went to eat zu chao, YUMMY!=D
weird combination of dad, mum, big sis and me XD usually its dad, mum, second sis and me XD
then i went to order new specs=D
a plastics one and i think it made me look even tooter....if you ever see me in my new specs, please refrain from laughing. XDDDD and i am getting it later tonight! awesome right? XD at least i got my nu er excited for my new specs! HAHAHA
people are going overseas, i tell you...
super envious...and reminds me one of my friend's word: "envy is the root of all sin" mmm
nu er is going bangkok can! she's gonna have shopping spree lo...damn it! i wanna go thailand and spree too! clothes there are nice and cheap! probably good quality too><
JJ went new zealand...so darn good nah!
and kim...not too sure if her turkey trip is still on><
any way last night, i multi-tasked! =DD
awesome right? i usually can't multi-task ok! HAHAHA
i was toking to 6 people at one time while playing spider solitaire hahaha!
and and and! the weirdest, funniest and random topic you can ever talked about is the farting session! HAHAHA courtesy of Lenny Lai XD
and one funny thing happened yesterday! LOL he was showing off the shiokness of air con and being full and peaceful sleep so i bombed him with this...
"scarli you fart ah"
OMG darn hilarious! laughed out super loud and seriously had stomachache. LOL in the middle of the night! hahaha! omg darn funny!!! HAHAHA but seriously, like alone in the room so quiet then you suddenly fart....gosh funny la! omg omg omg XD
he did stupid face too! PUAHAHA good thing i captured that image, can threaten him liao HOHOHO like " still want to bully me is it? *take out picture* still want? still want? STILL WANT?!" XPPPPPPP
i should do that to every single person who bully/bullies/bullied me=D HOHOHO
next aim, Daniel, Melody, Claire and JJ. HOHOHO! cool sio!
okok i can't wait for my new specs to arrive..!
shall update again with pics of my new specs!
thats all for now=D