i want this too! from Forever21=D

i want this too! from topshop, studip

all these are from topshop. OH MAN so pretty=DD

see those heels? OH MAN those heels are damn pretty can! heels can be purchased at Diesel where i know they have one outlet at VIVO *grins* those colors are DIY by 2NE1's stylist><
i wan one!!
and alot more from forever21 and topshop=D
need to go vivo and do shopping!
shan shan~XDDD
this is my 401 posts in this blog=D
so i had 401 stories kept here XD cool=)
Holidays have started!! =D
even though it should be a happy occasion, but i'm feeling a bit lost.
I don't what i should do to keep my occupied in this holiday.
I am in need to growing money because i wanna go shopping=(
therefore, i am now looking for temporary jobs-to kill time and earn money at the same time=D
i realize as time goes by slowly i am able to let go a feeling that i have been holding on for what seems like forever. From what it seems like something possible to something i think its reaching to impossibility. It started by me and i am going to end it with me=D
I guess, i misunderstood kindness to something else. it wasn't meant to be that way but i saw it too much into this kindness. i wished it had been more to the kindness but i guess some things cannot be forced right?=) but still, thanks to this feeling, i was exposed to so many things=D memories=D
oh man, i can't wait for the new semester to come=)
maybe there will be new people to meet? =)
thinking of the new semester even before getting back this semester's final exam results XD
my sis and mum got me nervous today about the results today when holidays has only just started=.=
i keep going to the seaside><
friday went to pasir ris with dad mum and sis for cycling=D
then today, went to west coast for some kite festival and saw the sea again=D
west coast is near to vivo leh XD
and i am so into 2NE1's fashion nowadays=D show you those pretty stuffs in the next post with pictures=D
k that should be all for this post=D
Hey! blogger is back to being normal again?
final exams for this sem started last friday already=(
POM was fine and i had stats paper today, i dunno how to rate it><
after that spastics without claire and with mark went to tong shui.
Its actually at sin ming! just opposite the teochew porridge daddy always drive us to! XDD
not bad leh! i would want to try their fried rice soon!
we watched this movie (no idea what is the name XD ) from the start and towards the ending. LOL
Then i looked at the time, WAH almost 6pm! shocked! so quickly left the place and went home.
on the way home, i saw 6-7 AUDIs ok! OH YEAH BABE!
i saw the first audi then i went: ok, i see another audi i will hang on
then poof another audi
then i went: ok i see another audi, likes me
poof another audi
then i went: ok, another audi, we got chance
poof another audi
after that i totally shocked dao.
GOD is making a fool of me><
speaking of audi, i think my 6th sense is like working.
i was at this junction, the bus waiting to turn left., so i looked at the cars going opposite direction and thought, maybe there will be a audi drive pass. AND POOF a audi drove poof.
then right, earlier, while i walked to take bus, i received a sms, i guessed mel will sms me
then after that i received a sms, then i though maybe it was ***** and poof it is.
then i received another sms, must be mel and poof it really is!
awww man =P
then i was in the queue waiting for the bus to come, i sat on the railing and strengthed out my legs, looking straight. there was this scene in front of me that was sooo beautiful. there was a tree and the sun was setting. the rays went through the leaves of the tree...aww that scene...
then there was this breeze blowing...
so refreshing=D
at that moment i thought life was beautiful=D
ok i am gonna study econs tmr. BYEBYE MONEY. dunno why my money is flying so fast><
i love this beautiful world=D
like a fool, i thought we were on the same page.
like a grown up, i made a choice.
like a girl, i wanna cry out and a hug.
i will move on, and not making the situation between us so weird any more.
i like you, as a friend.
I guess it will take time till i find my guy=D
i actually remembered this statement =D
not because of the person who said itand...HEY PPL! i am back to blogging! Blogger is not too bad now. I shall stick back to blogger aterall, i have been using blogger since the beginning! and i found out how to make the blogger template back to normal when you blog! WAHAHAHA
envy is the start of all sin.jealousy is one of the many sins humans commit.and if jealousy kills,i think i just died. hate it when i thought i had putten it down and then it is back again.i thought i had given up hopes on him and just treat him normally, but when he toks to someone whom i kinda thinks that he likes, i feel damn jealous. COME ON! what is with me? oh god, plese take away this sin of mine. i hate it when i am this way. and i have absolutely no idea how long i can stand this. its painful to compress this feeling and hurtful to act like you dun feel anything at all. jealousy kills. and by now, i have died several times already.
mmmm is it me or blogger is still so sucko?
oh well, finally i updated my dead blog. LOL
school has been a mix of fun and unhappiness.
but i guess all will be solved=)
we will go back to what we use to be and we will bond more than we did=D
because of misunderstandings, we drifted.
but because we talked, we can get back together again.
and i am glad that the situation didn't go that ugly like how i went through back when i am sec 1.
GO BM0901=D
final exams for this sem is approaching. I see myself mugging like some bookworm. XD
for the sake of wanting to achieve a director list, i shall fight fight!
i think i will be going back to NYP to study, home is not a productive place to study.
imagine those distractions! the soft comfy bed...the damn laptop...
everyone in class knows that i like stick man 2 can....WTH, please allow me to kill myself.
someone even told me that he, himself knows that too. =.= ok, if he really do, shout out to him, PLEASE DUN LEAVE ME STANDING NO WHERE.
i'm not a actor of love. (MLTR- ACTOR)
It's true, i'm not one too.
there are some feelings that i hope i have such abilities to hide so that no one can see.
but whyt...why do my feelings and emotions take over me so easily?
some things are not to be forced.
and so i entrust it to god.
God has it all planned right?
one of my friend once told me something like, for everything that you do, god has it planned.
if i tell you i like him before and now only has good feelings, will i look like some...
i guess somewhere out there, someone will like me for who i am and without me trying so hard.