ok, blogger is so fucked up. ooops=x did i just use the word? XD
i guess i will be switching!
Hey hey=)
I'm back to blogging! =)
well, last friday was a really great day for me=) so many reasons for me to be happy on that day=)
then, on saturday it was really a big contrast. I even had a little emotional breakdown that night. it was super stressful. all of the sudden all came to me and then i felt super useless and inefficient once again. it's as if i exposed my little leadership ability. sighs. luckily, i got myself together after the release of emotions and is able to settle the matters if not...i will be so darn dead. sunday, it was really a packed day. but the feeling of accomplishment is so great! look at our report and ppt slides for POM ica2! it's marvellous! =) THANK YOU GROUP MEMBERS! geraldine, kimberly, rachel and jj. with your efforts, our report came out mightly fine=) and thank you for tolerating my super uselessness=(
and i am going to say a damn gross thing now.
can a pimple actually pop out like...on your head? like behind the back of your head?
cos right now, there is this big pimple at the back of my head, hidden in the forest of my hair. it's super big and painful to ignore. SHIT. i was so darn worried! i tot what happened to me><><
when, just when...
will you open up and tell me the words i wanna hear?
Feelings that can't be told.
Like fondness, frustrations, sadness, certain happiness.
i can't tell them and only the heart knows best.
today was not a bad day. At least i felt happy in school today.
yesterday was a stressful day for me that i had a minor emotional breakdown.
felt so useless and ineffective.
the lost of confidence and esteem.
but now is all well and fine=)
i had a little tiff with my dad. he irritated me><
so i threw temper at him and picked on him><
like...dad, why do you have to yawn (bloody) loud?
got a shock nah...#*$&*#$&
i know i am super bad nah but..it's just that i got irritated by him.
ah guess its karma now.
eating fish and chip is really a wrong choice.
before that i already know that eating fish and chip will cause me gastric but i just ignored that cos seriously, there was nothing else for me to eat. (the other food available din tempt me)
it's friday tmr! Yay!
then it's monday.
i won't tell you that i love you.
i just keep wishing one day, you will tell me that.
Good afternoon everyone!=D (as of typing time)
i wanna start of by saying, WHAT THE HECK. i actually overslept today>< i woke up at 8.50 am when the first lesson today starts at 9am. BEST RIGHT. i actually already woke up at 7.15 in the morning but i....just put my so i hurried up, changed and cabbed down. i should have skipped hayma's lesson and take my own sweet time to come school for econs norh. DUMB nah evon. XDDD
Hayma's lesson, once again is presentation. haiz. my group did it quite simple and sketchy nah so..haiz but wonder why people can do it properly when we are given the same time. HAIZ
k i'm having econs tutorial now. Here is what we are doing: mel is toking to someone. XDDD and evon is busy blogging. XDDD
i'm darn sleepy now...><>< i seriously going to shut my eyes and sleep. ok no more afternoon naps for evon, cos when i do have afternoon nap, i won't be able to sleep at night and then...i will oversleep in the morning and thus late for school resulting in more cab rides and lesser money for me to spend. =.=
k la
lastly, i shall end off with this: people! stop getting attached. my shoutout to you couples out there. XDDD
it's monday again><
need to face a whole routine of tutorials and lectures. sian><
i actually wished for another term break hahahaha!
oh well, i should get myself into the studying mode soon since final exams are really approaching soon. i need to clear up stats (some confusion in that module) and all the modules' topics.
oh well, this is the time where i really feel my life really meaningless cause i will be mugging =(
well, i just have to get myself thinking, all this mugging is for you own good and it will result good in the end=)
Lenny say i holey and PERVERT can!!!
i told him i will get shy when i see people half naked. (cause the guys go swimming nah then he ask me go to mmm observe something. cannot say that something, he say must keep it a secret XD) then dunno we said, he say i pervert O.O
LOL i wanna say, i am holey but NOT pervert. XD thank you=)
tomorrow have to face hayma, cheong and lilian.
ok i am hungry. (what the hell can? always hungry! LOL)
bye folks! determined to hunt for food liao! XD
Hey hey=)
Today is mel's bdae! Happy birthday yo! my lover leh! XD
and now, it is kavi's bdae next! Happy birthday kavi! =)
and before mel and kavi, it was lenny's bdae! Happy belated birthday wor, humble guy! XDD
k, today in school, we celebrated mel and kavi birthday=) got them a cake and book=) all put on dress=) after that went to further on celebrate mel's bdae with lenny, daniel, JJ, john, mel and mark. it was funny nah, with daniel shooting mark like....LOL. lenny laughed till stomachache larh, so imagine how funny it was. LOL. but i thought me being there was extra lo. i was for the purpose to accompany mel but in the end mel was super entertained with JJ so i was super left alone>< not exactly alone nah but... oh well XD lenny was super pro can! he can name AND sing the songs played in the background in fish and co. Oh! we dined in fish and co, AMK.
ok got hold of more pics taken on mabel's bdae and mel's bdaee=) whoots!!! LOL me and mel finally got pics that only have us leh LOL mel dun say we never take pic together before, LOL and mel, you owe me a date can! when are you going to pay me back? XD
k, i am super satisfied with the pics=) my face not retard or weird can le XDDD oh right, shall get going=) tmr still need to go for relative's homecoming party. DANG DANG super tired for these few days...sleeping hours only for a mere 3 or 4 or even lesser hour. SIAN. money also bidding me goodbye at a fast speed too><
k byebye! =)

Today, July 8 is my fellow HAPPY BANG-ian, Mabel's 17th BIRTHDAY!!! happy birthday, girl=)
Though we din get cake for you, but i think you had enough of cake for today XDD (since your classmates so kind, gave you 2 =D) Since it was her birthday we (HAPPY BANG) came together to celebrate for her and have a clique outing=D Her cake in this picture has a special feature, a wooden chopstick candle. Congrats to Mabel for having the first wooden chopstick replaced real candle candle! =DD it was damn funny! LOL

PL and I cabbed down to Bugis to accompany Mabel and we camwhored inside the cab! This picture is the one shot that i like=) Feels like i was taken by a paparazzi. XDDD

This is my dinner. Super small portion can but even so, it filled my stomach can! Also with cold tofu and coke float. Not bad lah XD It actually taste not bad. It's grilled curry rice? from AJITEI. (it's AJITEI right?)

My only clique photo for the night=( i think the rest has one too? SEND ME!! =DDD

Ahhhh orchard in the night. WOW. i dun think i ever had the experience of walking down orchard road 10 plus in the night before neh...so it was cool having the night walk experience with HAPPY BANG=)
We spotted car accident at orchard road.
We had fun at AJITEI. too many details for me to type here so it shall be a shared memory between the 7 of us=) But i have to say! the wooden choptick candle part was darn funny!!! LOL
Eventually at starbucks just now, we got a free cup of green tea latte=) that went to pei ling. FINE i admit i was being petty cos she got it free while i got it for $6 for the same thing>< oh right oh right=((
Then in the mrt, training down to kovan, more funny talks and yt even recorded it down! LOL
Well, clique outing is always fun=)
ok, my head was just hit by a dumb dumb box and up till now it F***ing hurts! damn it, just it was just a hit it still wouldn't be that bad but problem is it went straight down to where the big hair clip was. DOUBLE THE PAIN and now i am having a headache. STUPID
From this week's tueday down to Saturday, is people i know birthday. Tuesday was my senior, Wednesday was Mabel, thursday is lenny, Friday is mel and saturday is kavi. WOW
ok other pics from me will be in facebook=)
happiness comes simple=) it's something i learnt today=)
i dun have to be rich or pretty to owe this happiness.
i can just be me and with my friends to owe this happiness.
this happiness that is categorised as friendship ties.
so glad that we still are close friends who celebrates birthday together=)
i hope we can still be friends that can walk down the road, helping and holding each other in the times ahead.
happiness comes simple.
Hello folks=D
guess this blog will be deserted for quite a while since i am getting more and more sadder each day. sighs.
the link is, i will be blogging at another blog. this blog shall be kept at it's happiness state. =)
ok, i wonder how many will understand what i just typed XDD
rainbows after a storm. hope it's true=)

Watched Ice Age 3 today=) It was funny and cute=) That animal in the middle still is obsessed with that nut. LOL

My collections of books. Wow did not realize that it was this much. Well, i need to clear some place to settle this XD
And there was this time when my sisters and i had a very late lunch at ichiban. My big sis even bought me a mini cheesecake=)
Then there was this other time when i walked around my school's car park. I was darn dumb that day! i kept going the long distance instead of the short ones! and i was walking around the school campus like some idiot! But any way, i had a good time walking and exercising XDD

There was this time when my family went to MOF for desserts=) This is...errr i forgot>< but nice yet common design=P I had strawberry sundae that day!! Cereal and ice cream totally match i tell you! =DDDD

I present to you, my little hat! SO CUTE!!!! i had all my "little ones" a go with my little hat=D

Donald duck was seriously too big for little hat (and also he din have any place for little hat to settle on) so it landed on DD's mouth XDDD Looks like DD has 斗鸡眼!! haha!
Different styles=) i should totally put on my little hat to school one day=) little hat concepts!!

You know random people do random stuffs? and so i took this random snap shot when almost the 7 of us (clique happy bang) were online at one moment=) too bad hm wasn't online=(

The Vongola ring can actually be bought at Asmama! So cool! imagine having the thunder guardian ring like Lambo's! XDDD Lambo is just totally cute=) Man Lambo is getting lesser and lesser screen time in REBORN anime><

i regret not going to the class BBQ>< sighs. But then again, if i was there will it be better then? I was hoping to be able to be there when she needed me...but where was i? laughing my way in the cinema. I wish she could have open up to me but what can i say? will you open up to me so that i can enter your world? i was this much worried for you. Did not know i could get this worried for you. behind those tears, there are stories. Not told not heard. i can lend you my ears i can lend you my shoulder i can just be there if you need and not say anything and let's stay strong together and walk through this together.
e learning finally is over! YES! e learning is soooooo troublesome. who says we are lucky to have extended holidays huh? it's better off heading back to school ok!
still left with effcom, econs, Pom and html report. GOOD LUCK EVON.
effcom to be done first then html. econs and pom....can be done much later=)
can't wait to start school again=) miss my friends already! (can't believe i said that XDD)
next week....wow so many friends' bdae....#($*(@*
but it will be fun!!
next wed will be out with happy bang yay~
time flies dun you think?
it's the part of the year where the bdae marathon starts=)
everyone just would stop getting old><
i dreamed about my grandpa twice already. the first time was a short one where he said" go, go eat" LOL so cute=) grandpa, are you trying to say i din eat? XD i actually do eat ok! but e learning is making my whole eating routine upside down><>< IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF DUMB E LEARNING!!!!
will, try to stay strong and happy! i know if i can't do so, how am i going to help my friend? right? yup=)
okok that should be all for today. bye folks! =))))
i feel like a stupid and lazy human being.
there is so much to be done and what am i doing? slacking around like, man this is holiday! but hell no! i still have report for HTML, the whole ica2 for effcom left undone! not to mention POM and econs. ok, i am stressed only because i am so lazy to pull my socks!
but at least stats project is done, ppt for html is done too. oh man, speech. damn it. need to finish it asap since i am presenting it on monday. shit shit shit.
need to study every module (except effcom) too!! shit shit. elearning week and the 2 weeks of holidays is a total disaster ok. shit shit shit.
oh well, there is alot of photos i wanna post up and blog but i can't find the time and the mood to do so.....
okok i shall get going and do my afa hw due tmr afternoon. whatever man. SHIT SHIT SHIT.