It's been a long time since i last came here to blog.
So many things happened for the past days.
There are happiness yet also brings sadness.
Life is so bittersweet.
The passing of so many entertainers just in one day (at least for me to know in one day) is depressing enough to make me burst out crying.
Early in the morning, The king of POP Michael Jackson.
Farrah Fawcett, then her. ( i dunno who is she actually><)
and last one, a korean entertainer, Kim tae ho. (who is he? I dunno><)
All in one day, depressing enough?
Then, also in the same day, i deal with my grandpa's continued prayer offerings. You know, i still can't adapt to the time when he is not there any more. When did he stopped calling us? I forgot, he used to call us so many times that we got annoyed, but now, his gone. He use to give us money too, but when did he stopped giving? Oh my god, i miss him. Those times are so gone, so gone. The times he would joke with us, the laughs he had, his hands on my shoulder and the last time i held his hand, the last smile he gave to us, the last time i massaged for him. Still can't quite believe the moments i had for all my life are gone and it has been 3 weeks, i still can't get him over. This is when i realize him for granted too>< At least i saw him in my dreams one night, he asked me to go, go and eat. Cute grandpa, isn't it?
I miss you, miss you so><
tried so hard to keep those tears from falling.
felt the pain, oh the pain of losing someone so dear to your heart.
felt the pain of bidding goodbye forever
felt the pain of see you for the very very last time
still feels the pain, of not being able to see you ever again.
then there was the annoying feeling of urgency to complete those irritating projects. some pests that i feel like smacking you flat like roti prata and flater!
and shit, i'm going back to school again, early in the morning just to finish my HTML research. Thank you so much.
This time it gets even more troublesome when you need to take your temperature! *%&#)& annoying.
Not to mention the e-learning, It's troublesome down to the core. Those floods of mail, man i feel like smashing my laptop and send it down to hell.
then those fall outs, be it friends or family, it just....making it even worst.
I think there will be a time when i will just break down and cry just to release those emotions accumulated unknowingly.
i am waiting, i'm always waiting.
I'm tired.
I'm tired of waiting and wishing.
why can't it be once, you just appear when i needed you?
why why why?
why do you always make me, wait wait wait?
i see your true colours....
so dun be afraid..
maybe i am not that brave and strong like i think i was.

Lunch-ed at Mr.Curry, central located with wan leng and janel today=)

We went in 13 minutes later it opened (11.30am). We stepped in and was like, eh no one? hello?? Really no one lo...

Paparazzi Janel took this while i was looking through the menu =(

And after looking through the menu ump times, i got this. Hamburger curry rice.

I got this as my desserts=) Baked cheese cake! Cheese cake is totally in my favorite list of food=)
Ladies eating their respective food=)
Ladies eying my dessert=(

Lady defending her dessert! HAHA!

I wore my newly bought black hoodie one piece leh=)
Cam-whoring at the toilet=)

heh heh XDD so embarrassed!

And finally i get to buy their sweets=) not bad leh =D I bought smiley faces!

Then we went bugis=) At Iluma's comic connections=)

MRT, going home=)
I bought little hat today! YEAH~i'm so loving my little hat=) Although it's not exactly how i wanted it but at least it's better than nothing=) hmmm, i should totally start collecting little hats since they are such a cuties! My little hat so small yet cost me 15 bucks! But that's ok since it's really cute! I still had it on my head leh=D
Had clique (without mabel) outing yesterday=) Not bad=) Although something disturbing happened to me, i still had a great day throughout. My mum that night treated me to massage=) not bad la, just that so pain so itchy and cause me more muscle strains rather then releasing it...mama say she treat us massage and a meal cos we were good girls who did their best for their grandpa's funeral. Erm...glad that parents recognise that but....isn't it like our duties as granddaughters?
OMG need to save my bank account's money!!!! need to deposit money in it liao if not my mum is gonna question me, WHERE DID THE MONEY GONE TO? heh heh =P
Everything seems so weird now><
whenever i go back to the place where my gong gong and popo used to be, i felt so wrong to see that their bed are gone. sighs. worst of all, my aunt who take cares of them is now....alone and lonely at home. since they are both gone, who will accompany her at home, at the four wall apartment? poor thing>< she really will be alone leh if my second goes to work. i wonder how she is adapting to this and spending the hours away....
projects aka ICA2s!!
oh well, i shall poof off soon=)
bye folks=)
it's over.
i know he is in good hands now.
he will be up in heaven looking after us.
i know he love us but to the extent of using his life...
i know he dote on us....i know he is great.
i love him and forever.
he's physically gone now but he's still here in my memories, in my heart.
he's one handsome tall man and kind man.
铁汉柔情, guess it applies to him.
how time flies, first i'm seeing him fine next seeing him suffering then and finally, he's gone.
i miss him><
i guess the pain that felt like tearing you apart is when you know that you will never a chance to see your beloved one...any more.
9 june, he left
13 june he's gone forever
and he will remain in our hearts for the rest of our life.
my beloved grandfather
there are so many things..
that kept me alive and kicking..
that kept me so happy and sad
there are so many things i have yet let them go and there are so many things i wish i could tell you all. there so many things i want to accomplish but there are so many other things that pulled me back.
i wished you would have understand how i feel.
there are so many things that are going on...
there are so many things for me to do..
there are so many things for me to handle..
i need a break, just something that i call freedom.
i want to go back to just being me.
no more masks, no more faces no more painted faces.
pull me back to reality, let me know where do i stand.
deep down am i happy or sad?
deep down am i worried or just....relaxed?
what am i?
who am i?
where am i?
now i know, why do i fancy angel's wings...
i need those to take me away, to bring me to paradise where i can finally find my soul.
i need those to let me find the freedom i desired.
i need those to bring me forward to the future so that i can find my true love.
someone to love me.
someone who love me, love me for who i am...
bring me home, bring me back, bring me to where i belong.
this is not what i want to be.
bring me back to who i really am.
i wanna go home.
she's back she's back she's back!
hooray!! yipee! OHHHHHHHHHH YAY!!
melodie tan owes me a vivo date and a lifetime of kisses! hahahaha XD
she says it herself de!
more like, we support you all the way!!
ahhh felt so much love today. it's great=)
the world is still so wonderful afterall=)
it's good not to lose hope=)
love makes the world goes round=)
any way, my grandpa is back from hospital=) HOORAY!
but he refuses to eat and take his med=(
it just seems that he is completely different after his fall><
he' much more fragile><
i realize, he has grown so much more weaker than he use to be.
he use to be my giant because he's always so tall but came toppling down><
he's so fragile...i looked at home sitting at the wheelchair and i almost lost control of my tears.
i touched his hand then i realize this is the very first time i ever held his hand><
i might not be able to communicate with him well but i hope through this we will bond=)
spending much more time with him=) i may not be able to help alot but i do want to help=)
gong gong JIA YOU!
take your med and eat your meals! keep insisting he ate and taken the meals>< haiz!
any way woots! today is a slack day for evon.
if you have heard my cries, will you leave me alone or come and sit with me?
knew you were out there, just had to hold on..
I am disappointed for so many reasons.
i am crying for something, deep down that's hurting me but i can't seem to find it.
what is it that keep you happy? or sad?
what is it that keep you excited for the next sun shine?
what is it that keep you dreadful of the moonlight?
now and always...
i'm tired of always trying..
keep trying keep trying keep trying..
i need a comforting touch, a hug, a pat.
where are you, just where are you?
down in the world of reality and i just can't seem to shut them away.
too burdensome.
too painful.
draining away...
my life energies.
it's hard, it's tough