my ICA 1 for MircoEcons...
dunno how is it...
also dunno how is my effcom ICA1 result...
today i din go to school due to fever sore throat flu cough.
like swine flu but good thing it's not.
i was almost asked to go to the hospital if my temperature was 38 degrees><
but i was saved by 0.01 degree^^ it was 37.9 LOL
yup, any way feeling way better=D
slight headache now due to the long hours of sleep i have today.
was asked to sleep all the way..><
Don't know if you guys remembered me blogging about the movie called Subaru, the one which TVXQ has a guest appearance. Well, i saw this whole page of the movie in U weekly and look! there is even a short introduction on the sound tracks used for the movie! Smart choices to put TVXQ's pic instead of Koda Kumi or Boa XD I think it's because TVXQ has some scenes in the movie, that's why...Any way, it will be a great movie and i urge all to have a go in watching it! It's actually a ballet/dancing movie.

So tomorrow will be my first official ICA. For starters, it's MircoEconomics.

Look at the lesson plan, it shows that this week, my class will have their ICA1.

I made notes for the first four lectures we learnt so far. This is, LECTURE 1- Introduction to Economics (Micro)

LECTURE 2- Demand
LECTURE 3- Supply
LECTURE 2&3- Demand and Supply

LECTURE 4- Market Equilibrium
Any way something about my today(25/05/09)...
It's second sister graduation day! Hey come to think about it...i din take any pictures with her on this day...and also, i did a congrats card for my elder sis when she graduated>< ooops="x">< still...
LOL, what the heck was that XD
and also because of the graduation today, most of the year 1s has no school, which was lucky for them but unlucky for me because i still had one lesson today=.= My statistic teacher is a part time tutor so she's not affected by the graduation=.= wah piang. So i had class at 8 in the morning and ended at 10am.
well, after that, met up with pl for study session. Study session with pl is more like a cam whore session XD Go visit her blog for those candid pictures! Our victims were Mabel and Jia ping, somehow you'll understand after you seen the snapshots=P
So we spent time only at two venues: KFC (NYP's inside joke XD) and library.
Pl left me alone in the library at about....3pm? wow we've been staying in the library for like how long?? So i studied by myself in the library till about 4 plus. That was the time when i was really hungry! i could hear my stomach growling! I called my parents to see if they are done (they are in the mist of the graduation ceremony).
Guess i din have to wait that long till they came out=) about 10-15mins?
Then we proceeded to the reception.
They didn't question my presence in there, LOL. I wasn't invited nah but because i was with my parents and sis (who had her graduation gown on) so hahaha i went in.
mmm the reception there was...mmm i can only say, Nyp super budget. They prepared alot of tables, yup, but each table same kind of food=.= diaos, drop my interest. BUT!! their cream puff and otah was nice=) other than that....nothing much=P
After that, went down to TTSH to visit grandpa. Long story on that, i could fill up this post with this but decided not to=) any way, grandpa's fine. Hands were kind of reddish swollen, because he pulled out the tubes. Tied up, because he keep trying to pull out those tubes and also he is fall risk. Sighs, i feel sad for him too..lonely, in the hospital. We can only accompany him during the two visiting sessions everyday T-T
Then came back, went for dinner, reached home. Slacked abit and back to studying. This is the time when the knowledge really goes in.
So all in all, today was quite productive isn't it?
OH! i confirmed a date with wan leng and janel this coming june holidays! YAY!
come, HAPPY BANG! (clique) let's organice clique outing this coming holidays!
alright that's all folks!

It reads evon-ne right? Took a snapshot of this ad in the net just cause it was fun to see my name (with a y)=D
My sisters and aunt is back from Taiwan! They are back since Thursday night=)

Went to fetch them and guess who i saw? 星光班's people and 大嘴巴!

It was totally unexpected but heck, since i'm so heng to meet them so i might as well take some pictures. The two pics above are failed ones nah...they move like the wind~plus i zoomed to the max when they are like right smack in front of my face when they came out=.= Kinda pathetic nah, the number of people to fetch them for like 3 artisites is actually that little of people><

I ate KID'S MEAL at MOF for dinner on wednesday when we had a mini clique outing.

First part
Second part. The green ball is actually wasabi.

Third part- Udon. The udon is fat and are cutted into shorter length. What happened was, the udon noodles were so fat that the whole time it was so hard for me to pick them up with the chopsticks><
In the end i resort to using the kid's fork and spoon they provided for kid's meal. XDDD
YT and her...mmm randomness=D
The five of us=D
The three of us=D

And i wore mabel's new bought glasses=) A different kind of style it gives off on me=)

Me and pl in the toilet where we confirm will cam whore at least once when we have our clique outing=DD

Evidences to me winning melodie in TIC TAK TOE=)
Various Artists LyricsThis song that melodie got it into my head.
Grandpa is alright now=) so glad=) thank you grandma for looking after him and not choosing to take him with you=) i was so scared to lose him like how i lose my grandma.
The night grandma left, i had the chance to see her just one last time but what was i doing? Sitting in the other room watching TV. Come to think of it, how many times did i step into the room where grandma lies in her bed? how long then was each visit i made to see her? I took her presence in my life for granted. I thought she will be here....i feel so regretful..i could have visited her the night before...but i didn't.
so after my grandma left, i vowed not to like this happen again. Ever since, i make it a point that i will talk my grandpa each time i go ever to my aunt house. When my aunt called, saying my grandpa fell down and fainted, i was so scared to lose him like how i lost my grandma. Now, everything is fine=)
I'm starting to detest calls in the middle of the night. I hate to wake up to the sounds of my elder sis's cry. I hate it! Just because i know when this happen someone so dear to me will be gone, forever.
Why didn't i have the courage to go to the room where my grandma stayed in for the past 10 years? Why didn't i bring myself in to see my grandma....when she was covered with white cloth? why didn't i get the courage to sleep beside her coffin during her wake? why did i feel fear and was afraid? She is someone who cared and dote me...she was my grandma.
Why was i such a bastard granddaughter? To actually feels regretful after the lost of her grandma? After her death one year ago?
will you forgive me for what i have done?
The feeling of regretfullness comes in after you take things for granted and not learning to appreciate when you had the chances before.
The lesson to pay are so dearly.
The scene to see my grandma pushed in to cremate, i know she's gone forever. Her photos are left for me to remember her presence in my life.
No child are able to let go their parents who brought them up to who they are. Deep down i know, my dad is so hurt to see his mum to go. My uncle, who didn't shed tears for the whole of my grandma's wake cried when she was pushed in to cremate. I remembered dad's teary eyes, the scene of us, crying out loud...calling for her..
How sad elder sis was..her tears her cries for grandma.
The memories was so vivid.
i feel so sorry to my grandma.
How are you then?
Grandpa, get well soon=)
my grandpa was already not feeling well when we went over to eat dinner just last night.
then, just a moment ago, my grandpa fell in the toilet and when we rushed over, he was unconscious. he was drive to the nearest hospital and is now on his way, reaching the hospital. i dunno how is he, i'm worried for him and i fear losing him.
at this moment, i have no one to cry to just sitting here facing the com and typing it to vent it all out. i wanted to confess to my friends about this but no one was here....i fear to bother them..
i wonder how is my grandpa he alright?
grandma, please look after him. please dun take him away.
ever since my grandma passed away, i fear losing him too, that sudden.
i fear, waken up in the middle of the day one day to my shock that someone so close to me is actually...because i tried that twice already. i dun wanna a third one.
aunt was on the verge of crying...
well but now i guess, he's alright now. at least that's one worry of my shoulder. i could have a night sleep. i couldn't bathe properly i keep thinking of negative and got so fed up with that i banged my head on the wall.
grandpa, take care alright~><

My friends are getting emo-ed, stressed and depressed. Scary><
*damn blogger! it deleted the whole later part here!!! $%&)*#&*%*)#& damn it*
cheer up my friends=) stay happy and smile always!

Alright, some time ago it was like a "health-check" day and so i went to this organic shop nearby with my mum to check. I'm considered the normal one even though i am lean=) my mum...mmm needs to work hard=(

Today, i had my ICA 1 for Effcom which is to present a speech. Did i tell you my topic was on the person i admire the most? If you have known me well, you would have guessed who i did it on=) Look at those que cards. I even prepared clips to show to my class=) At least this time i did better than the previous one when i'm suppose to do on the movie i watched recently. It was more than terrible><

This pocky is like the premium type. $4.50 ok, heartache dao....

heh heh cam-whored=)
The following sets of photos are taken at the airport. With my two aunts, who practically brought me up=)

My dad is one proud father with 3 beautiful and smart daughters XDDD
Oh gosh i look so tooty here! =x
With my big sis. Do we look alike? We look like twins when we're young. Like my 5-6 years old look looks exactly like her when she was 5-6 years old.

Some time ago, i also went to eat pizza with hui min=) thank you hui min for your company that day=)
Today's post like no topic, it's all random stuffs, heh heh =P
But any way, Yay i posted the pictures!
Tomorrow will have a mini clique gathering=)
yay! and i'm looking forward to it=)
I miss you guys!
i'm gonna wear that green 2 piece tomorrow=)
should i wear my that platform shoes? or just wear sneakers along with it?
We're gonna cam-whore!
Speech is finally over=) Actually i'm kind of satisfised with my performance=) Oh! and big thank you to Bingyu who helped me during the speech=) Tell you something, i can't remember what i said during my speech=( is like i just keep toking lo. Then it was register into my mind what exactly was i saying except that i'm reading from my que cards narh...
Next week will reveal the
alright, it's 11.33 now. i shall go off! should i study? XDD
alright, i'm here to blog once again!
actually i have lots of picture to post up but now, at this very moment, it's not the time to post them up>< well, you do know that posting pictures and blogging about them takes time and effort! =D
Today was a facing-the-computer day. I faced the computer for such a long time that my eyes feels the constraints. Alright, i didn't mange to complete any of my tutorial works which are due this week. Great.
There is Effective Oral Communication, Statistic and Principals of Management tutorial tomorrow and there aren't any i completed, half done. For the first, i've done speech outline. The second, didn't even touched the questions. The last, i did some like MCQs and self study. Well, i'm not going to waste time, NO MORE. I'm gonna spend my time, making sure that i redo everything with the knowledge imprinted in my brain. well, that's tomorrow's schedule XD
As for now, it's a bit slacker time for me^^
But that's not for long...It's almost bathing and sleeping time for me already since *tic toc tic toc* it's approaching twelve midnight. Cinderella is still dancing with Prince but will have to run away soon XDDD
I will be having my Effective Oral Communication ICA1 this coming tuesday! It's actually speech presentation=) HAHAHA just making it sound more professional XDDD any way, we need to dress formally leh. Guess i will show you evon in formal wear soon. Hahaha!
My sisters and aunt will be home soon! This coming thursday night! It's awesome to know that i missed them=x Not like i'm heartless, right....
Oh well, i'll be practicing my speech like a zillion times soon.
alright folks! see you around yeah?
till next time! eh eh eh eh eh eh 2NE1!!!
Hey hey^^
this week seems to pass faster than the past 3 weeks. Soon it will be the weekends! YAY
Well, this week's tuesday, i sent off my 2 sis and my aunt to taiwan at the airport while skipping my class's outing.
i also got back my refund for the bag i ordered online. The supplier gave them another color which was not the one i ordered so i had my full refund back.
I saw this really nice one piece at the same e-shop>< i'm planning to get that^^
can't wait for my sis to come back with those clothes and stuffs^^ they promise to get me a purple hoodie. Not sure if it will be purple but well, it's a hoodie i'm sure^^
ICA will be here asap so i wonder if i'm up to it or not.
Today, people called me the hard-working one but deep down i know i am not up to that standard. I have yet done my AFA tutorial which will be due tomorrow. See how i die.
i feel damn sian and sad.
i din manage to pass the mother's day card to my mum which i wrote today.
i forgot what i wanna blog liao.
oh! i sms-ed stickman a few days ago but since then we din sms liao>< sad sad
alright that's all. off to bed maybe try to tackle afa?
I'm back here again!
Nowadays, i blog with a lot of pictures right??
This time, i dun have any disappointed><
It's just that i make it a point to post pictures in my post to make it more interesting but there's no urge to take pictures so no pictures to post. *this is just a random note*
Tomorrow i will end school at 6pm. Wanna guess what time i start school then?
8am. Fucked up right? 8am-6pm
I am gonna be so dead when i return home from school tomorrow.
Any way, my whole class will also die together heh heh =P
Now it's like 1am and i am still wide awake. I expected myself to be so dead.
Plus i didn't do any tutorial work for this week.
I'm so dead.
I just wanna laze around for this week since i've been good for the past two weeks^^
*that's just a excuse for me to feel not so guilty hee=D*
Mmmmm my friends are getting either stressed/emo-ed/depressed.
I dunno why, but instead of being influenced by them, i still remain the same.
So carefress and like don't feel anxious for anything.
Like my ICAs are coming in about 2 weeks time.
I should get really stressed up or...?
Today's mama day!
HAPPY MAMA DAY!! to all wonderful mums! my cutie mummy=)
I love you!!
Even though i didn't get you anything this year or write you anything, i still want you to know, deep down, i love love love you alot^^ KISSES! and cheers to you!
*note to self: better write a card for mummy tomorrow in school*
My 2 elder sisters and my aunt are flying off to taiwan this coming tuesday.
I'm suppose to go with them for this year's taiwan trip!
I waited for a year! and still...haiz
Well, i will still be sending them off this coming tuesday where it's so coincidental that i end school quite early (like 11am?). Also so coincidental that my class is planning to go out after school on that very day too. Which result me not joining my class and i became the anti-social one in class...
Today's mama day dinner with my mother's side was soooo boring.
Like normal gathering lo.
What fun is there in a normal family gathering?
So boring that i could have slept during the dinner.
Plus, dinner was so torturing.
The dishes served are mostly seafood.
I dun consume seafood and so i didn't eat much.
alright, i'm off to bathe and night! oh, i still love my donald duck huggie so much! XD
alright, i just came home about one hour plus ago.
i only left my school campus at about 9.15pm today. super late and was initially reluctant to go for CSC's orientation. I thought it will be boring and a waste of time but who knows? It turned out just fine so i didn't quite regret my decision, attending=)
i could have gone home at 3plus today which was when my last class ends but because of CSC, i stayed back in school for 3 more hours. Well at first me and melodie really had no idea how are we going to spend it away since 3 hours is a really long time. But who knew? Library kept us occupied=)
I wanted to study AFA but couldn't get myself into the mood. So i started reading my Twilight novel but that didn't quite maintain my attention level. So then i recommended watching DVD since our school do provide DVDs for us to watch. So there i go searching for the DVD. All i can say is, those DVDs are...well, not my types. There is even 终极一家 DVD ok XD
Eventually most of the DVDs available wasn't up to my taste and in the end i chose the movie about penguin (forgot the title=x).
We watched and was like confused. The whole thing was like showing behind the scenes, the makings and interviews. the whole damn disc was all those boring stuffs. Wasn't a tiny bit interested. We got puzzled as to "the whole movie is all like that meh?", in the end we realized it is a 3 disc kind of thing. LOL. The one i took was the 2nd part, i guess the real movie is 1st part.
In the end we didn't watch the movie and before we knew it, it was already 6 in the evening. So we went to have our dinne at my school's KFC (koufu canteen XD). She had her 板面 and i had my 幼面. To me, it wasn't that good and wasn't that bad.
Then we had our CSC orientation which starts at 7pm. I dun like it to start this late and i was informed that it ends at 9pm, even worst right?
When we reached there, saw a lot of people turning up. They told us they received 400 plus applicants but when i just reached there is think there was a good 70 people. They took attendance talked abit, introduced abit and well, the VP said: "i know a few people need to go back early so those who need to leave early, you can go now". So we had a break and alot of other stuffs. Was given refreashment!=)
And you should see how many, in the end, stayed back for the rest of the orientation. I could tell you it's about 20. Yes, most of them went home during the break, and i am pretty sure most of them took the refreshment then went home.
So we proceed on with games and stuffs. The game i remember was BLOW WIND BLOW, that's really a ice breaker game. Playing this game does make your butt hurt XD I remember this time when Melodie said: "blow those who had green shoe laces". HAHA i'm the only one with that. #%*&#&%)*#$&%)* That was so on purpose! XD But overall, i'm all of the left over 20 had fun through this game^^
Oh! And because of this CSC orientation, made new friends too!=) also had lots of good laughs with Melodie. She's retard and funny in that sense XD Oh! and CSC, like Melodie said, gives free food LOL LOL LOL They were like pushing the food to us. LOL and so i brought home quite a bit of stuff home. Mine is only considered small case when you compare it with Melodie's stuffs. Her's is massive. HAHAHAHA!!
i reached home only about 10plus and before i knew it, 11 has arrived.
PS: my cousin Min Le and my grandma came out to have a night with us. Why?
My aunt gave birth!! Just today^^ about 9 plus? that's like...wait i think it's about 9-10 plus because my dad told me that my aunt gave birth after i called home which was 9.32...Wow, my phone just died on me after i had a glance of what time i called home. HAHAHA
Took the long journey back home which was the 76 bus ride. It's a hour long journey i tell you. Din take 45 because the gate to the bus stop closed so...yup.
Speaking of bus 45, that reminds me of this morning's incident.
damn malu and embarrassing=(
i was like telling this to my friends at school today XD
i mistook 62 for 45 and happily went on board and only realized i was on the wrong bus when it turned the wrong direction. i even asked a stranger sitting behind me what bus is this XDDD
GAHHHH super pai seh.
good thing i quickly found out a way to get to my school if not, i would have lost my way like a kitten MUAHAHAHA
so, moral of this story is to open your eyes big when you are looking out for buses!
alright i'm off to my bathroom then bed!
tomorrow i have a date with hui min!!!
our pizza hut adventure XD
Just a warning before hand, THIS IS A PICTURE HEAVY POST =DOk, remember me saying that i want to go MANPUKU to eat again? Yup, i'm back there again, just today XD

Here are my deserts. The tart tasted awfully weird this time. I wanted to feeback to Chika-san but didn't manage to><
At Manpuku, i found out that many or rather some, of the my ex-workmates are transferred from Vivo branch to Manpuku. I saw Kenny, Ah zi and many others that i'm too lazy to name out. Some could recognise me but some...I had to walk straight up to them before they would realize it's me =.=
When i first stepped in, Kenny greeted me by....kicking my heels. LOL, i was thinking "who the hell keeps kicking me" and i was like tripping. Then i looked up and tada, Kenny. Shocked to see him! He was transferred to Manpuku too. He asked me if i did go back to Vivo branch and see Ronnie =/ hmmm that sounds fishy. I think, somehow, my ex-workmates thinks that we're like "together" or maybe they are just making fun of me? LOL, guess the whole world some how knows that me and him are really that close into that kind of relationship XD

Alrights, after dining at Manpuku, my sis and I went shopping. The first shop we went in to shop eventually turned out to be the last shop we shopped in. The shop called: MICKEY. *man, i'm so used to type yoochun's stage name MICKY that i totally forgot what was the real spelling for that mouse XD*
Yup and this photo depicts the stuffs we got there. These stuffs are worth 120++bucks. Don't play play.
And as you can see, the Donald duck and Chip&Dale huggies aren't that small. In fact they are all kinda big. So both of us are hugging them home. Oh, we got those two mats free because for every 50buck spent, they give you one free mat XP
So after the spree at MICKEY, we landed at this cafe called: teadot.

I wanna go back there again, *some time later*, to try the latte (the one with pattern on top of it).

This is my order: Matcha Latte, Puny.

At teadot, it is revealed the number of receipts i received within a few hours.


Taken when she was busy taking other pictures =P

Second sis which got the honour of getting the Chip&Dale stuffs we bought. *actually we got the Chip&Dale huggies for her. Her graduation bear^^* Its good to know that she really loved them and was really thrilled to havethe two big huggies.
She likes Chip (the black nose), the smart out of the two. While i thought Dale was way cuter! My type of character, funny.

I bought myself a Donald Duck huggies. Here is my Duck with my princes' poster=D
I actually wanted to get Mickey but...this Donald Duck huggies is so much more fun! First, it looks like a bowling pin. Next, as a whole, it just looks hilarious. Last, he reminds me of Junsu's duck butt, PUAHAHAHA=P
I'm having the time of my worl with Dale and Donald! ooooo coincidently they both starts with "D" hahahaha!

The bow tie is sooo cute! and so is the hat but i couldn't take a decent pic of it so...yup=)

I survived well when melodie pang sei-ed me =D

My cute cousin, Min le! She's about to be a big sis to another baby girl!
Man, typing up this post sure takes a lot of effort and time. Phew, it's all done now=) Just hope blogger won't screw up this, if not...!!!
As you know, my sweet dolphin boy, Junsu, has injured his leg so bad that he has to on a wheel chair. Well, it's good to know that his condition aren't that bad. Finally he went to see the doctor and have his injured leg examined. *stupid guy, why didn't you go straight to the hospital when you started to feel discomfort? Idoit >=[*
Junsu will be recovered in no time so i shall not get myself too worried about his condition.
However, seeing those pics of him sitting on a wheelchair, performing (singing, if he dared to come down and dance, i would have punched his face), makes me feel so heart broken. Sighs, it's just didn't feel right and it's....unbearable to see him like this. WHEELCHAIR AND JUNSU MUST BE SEPARATED. I mean, junsu and wheelchair? That doesn't match. Junsu, get well soon and dump that wheelchair, dun wanna see it.
Sighs, junsu, please, for the sake of god, please take care of yourself. Stay healthy and dun injure yourself any more. I know you practised this hard for us (fans) but i want you to know that whatever you do, we will support you. So dun push yourself too hard, know your limits. Get well soon alright? I <3 you, my honey sugared angel, junsu^^
ok, tmr my school starts at 9 and it's 1.11 in the morning. I'm still here blogging. GREAT.
Tmr there's make up lesson till 4. SHIT