Hello:) i'm having my MircoE tutorial now. Heh heh XP using laptop right smack in front of my teacher XD. bad student! bad student! But never mind la, all of us are sort of doing this together so...HEH HEH XP
just had effective oral communication lessons and had my presentation like finally. XD sighs...it didn't go just exactly how i wished and thought it will be>< sighs
oh well going off~~
teacher seems to coming my way....><

Had a short met up with Jia ping and Yee shan today^^ Even though it's a short friends get together time of just 3, it's nice and sweet. If only the 7 of us can unite once again...I wanted to organize another clique outing for the upcoming public holiday, Labor Day, but someone will be busy working>< *coughs*yeeshan*coughs* XD Still, it's good to know and see that your friends are doing well and I'm also now in a rather good form now^^

And so, with our little meet up, i went for a little shopping, LOL. My winnings are one green cardigan, one purple and one light gray spaghetti strapped top. I kind of regretted not getting the S size for the tops>< Oh! And everyone's having their closet crisis XD I saved mine for just a while, hopefully...this will last me for quite some time^^
Oh man, tomorrow i'm going to do a presentation on the topic: What are your objectives/goals in life? Even though i prepared myself for it but still, i'm lacking of confidence>< I hope it all goes well^^
School's aren't that bad as i thought it will. Monday blues didn't knock on my door today^^ Yee shan is still the same and Jia ping+Yee shan combination is still the same^^ LOL, thanks to them and part of my humorous self (=D), laughing was in the whole little gathering^^
Oh! today in school, i realized that Tweety ( nickname for my friend) looks like a goldfish when she did a particular thingy with her mouth. So i told her, you look like a goldfish when you do that. LOL. Then i told her, eh, open your eyes when you laugh. Because our eyes tend to turn what it seems to be one line when we're laughing so i was thinking how it would be like to laugh with your eyes opened. LOL and she really did it. It was hilarious how the whole process went. Hahahaha, laughing seems like ages ago><
Now then, try laughing with your eyes opened. Hope you will find it just as fun and kuku like i did^^ night~

I have no idea why I am so addicted to piano nowadays. Piano seems to get into me somehow XD I have been repeatedly listening to the piano version of the songs i pretty much enjoyed. It's nothing out of the usual i guess?

So i went to search for piano pictures for today's post and look at what i found. I even came across this picture titled, the death of a piano. It's just sad to see those pictures that display a burning piano. The pic above shows a burnt piano, a story behind it. If you stare long enough, not sure if you guys can see it like how i view it, the "soul" of the piano. Scary?
Yup, this is the place that i had been waiting to dine in for the past few days. It recently opened it's door located at the new Tampines 1 mall. The reason why I am so interested in is it's variety of Japanese cuisine available. There is 10 of such! From Japanese famous ramen to their own Tart. You got to have a go on them^^ I got to know about this shop through my ex-working place's site. The other reason why i am patronizing this restaurant is also because my ex-boss opened it XD I want have my second visit to this restaurant soon! Even though i went there like just yesterday. The restaurant is pretty big so be sure not to be lost in it!

Here you see are the only two items i tried yesterday. Okonomiyaki (Mochi&Cheese) and the Tart (Fruit tart). Both item i had tried them before, so not much of surprise^^ I'm definately going back for a try on the other items available^^ And if you're wondering why i tried them before, i tasted them at my ex-workplace beforehand^^ Most of the item available at my ex-workplace are also available at this brand new restaurant^^ The most noticable populer stalls in this restaurant would be Botejyu and Fruit paradise (just the two stalls that serves the two item i ate). Personally, i love the sauce on top of Okonomiyaki and the crispy biscuit of the Tart. I thought the Okonomiyaki wasn't really the standard i remembered at my es-workplace. The tart was exactly the same taste since it's coming from the same dessert chef, Chika san!

So before you get to step in the restaurant, you will be first asked the number of people entering. Then according to the number of people entering, they will issue the same number of MANPUKU cards. The other stuffs they will be given to you are the RESERVED thingy and tissues (LMAO!) Then, a waitress/waiter (in my case) will show you the way to your seat. Unfortunately, if you used up the tissues that you are given, i have no idea how you're going to get new ones. Ask the serving crew?
The display near the entrance. These display items looks just like the real ones, don't they? My ex-workplace has these too! I bet the kids are all fasinated by it and i won't blame them XD

So the first week of poly life has just ended and my first weekend after first week of school is going to end soon too=( Only first week and these are the materials needed for lessons.

Taken before lecture started XD

Wonder why Shaggy and Scooby doo appear in my blog? Reason: Shaggy has connection with me, and this connection isn't nice at all>< My poly friend, Hui jie, actually said that there is a resemblance between me and Shaggy. In case you don't know who's Shaggy, it's the one with green top and is a human. LOL. Oh my goodness, where the hell, which part of my face do i look like Shaggy? COME ON! he's a guy, i'm a girl! We don't look alike, like for real! #%&#(*&%*#&%#
As disbelieved as i am, i'm not angry with her=)

And why is Tweety Bird in my blog too? Reason: the same friend commented that my the other friend resemblanced Tweety Bird. LOL. Well, i kind of agreed with her, she does look like XD Can't exactly point out where and how but it's just there. HAHAHA

Then i also received my long due THSK's 4th japanese album <
>. i received a Junsu photo and a Yoonho card. I played the disc with my laptop and oh my gosh! Look at what the songs' name displayed! It's so not the ones printed at the back of the disc case! Even the pic that should be the cover pic of the album is different. I wonder if these are the "secret code"? But even so, the title "Sex Still Sells" is abit...
LOL at my own doodles on the snapshoot i took XD
So basically these are what filled up my first week in school. Friday i had a hour-long ride from AMK hub to Tampines 1. I could have cooked an egg on my butt =.= What's worst about the trip was, the weather. So hot! In the night, i got into a argument with my second sis, it got so bad that
my parents have to come out and settle. My mum even slapped herself because she felt that she was such a failure, not being able to cultivate her children well. (and i really mean by slapping. *smack smack*)
Why does parents always push the blame to themselves when clearly, it's the child's fault? I know it's our parents' responsible for not being able to teach their children well but hey! when your children are at a reasonable age, they should be responsible for themselves. So, truthfully, i didn't think my mum's slapping herself was a great idea as a punishment.
It's a lie if i didn't fell guilty and awful. I cried so bad, partly because i saw her slapping herself with my own eyes and wasn't in my right mind to stop her. I feel so useless as a child, to let my mum treat herself like this and especially when mother's day is near.
But still, everything seems to be just fine today, except for the fact that my second sis is still as always nasty to me. We ignore each other presence.
I was doing tutorial works a few hours ago and for most of them, i didn't complete them. It's a pity! I'm going to ask teacher about those questions! Go evon!
I will be getting my newly bought bag soon! yay=)
It's approaching 4am in the morning now, and i haven't bathe, get ready for bed. ><
Bye folks!
it's wednesday..
they say we have monday blues but why am i having blues every other days too?
maybe it's because i can't adapt to my poly life.
today, i just want to escape from reality and run back, return to the time in secondary school.
for some reasons, i feel so sad, disappointed and missed so much, wanting to go back, this much.
i feel so tired in poly life.
my poly friends are nice and great people but somehow, it's just feels different.
it feels close but yet...
but my clique, it's completely different, it's close to heart and it's...something as close and as comfortable as family.
i feel as in i have to package myself everyday in poly. i feel tired, tired of trying to...stay close.
i dun even have to try in secondary because i know i can always rely on my clique.
now, it's different and it's scary.
to face it alone, to try to be bold, to stay strong.
it's hard but what can i do?
i chose this path and now i just have to walk through this for the 3 years.
today, i walked back from kovan to my house.
with my bag and hands filled, i should have taken the easy option, to take bus home.
it was so hot, the bright sun sending down it's torturing ray down, scorching hot.
sweaty and sticky.
still, i dun regret taking this route back home.
the route home was so familiar.
we use to walk this route together, laughing as we head home.
even though we're toking in small little groups but we're always strong together.
i walked and looked.
it was only months ago that i was walking down the same route with my friends but now, i'm walking, alone.
to be left alone. it feels so..
then i realise,
how much i miss you guys.
how much i miss those days.
how much i want to spend just one more day with you guys and relive those moments.
nowadays, i kept asking people if they wanted to go out.
but i'm always so disappointed.
to relive the lost moments.
i feel so stressed now.
maybe i will get used to this soon.
our distance, increases as we move on.
it's sad to see, how ignorant we are to observe the distance that are increasing.
it's disappointing to see, us falling apart.
it's also depressing to see, how envious i was when my poly friends were chatting away happily with their sec friends when i...sit here blogging how much i miss them.
it's the difference.
it's upsetting to know, we are not what we are like...
wake up evon and you will adapt to your new poly life as soon as possible. it's only time that will pull you closer.
just how time flies~look at her! aren't she getting more and more pretty as the days goes by? she sure is one pretty mama! ^^
my new MP4 ZEN mosaic. i bought it just yesterday^^ 4GB for 129bucks, guess if it's worth the price?
orientation for me, only lasted for 2 days.
day 1 of orientation was....mmm ok-ish. hahaha if i were to say it was such a bore, i think i will break my OGL's heart.
oh, my OGL's are Alex and Zhi jun. (alex! i got mention your name leh! not bad hor XP)
frankly speaking, second day was way better than the first.
i dunno what else there is for me to blog about orientation...i think i forgot most of the details...
i noe alex and zhi jun was self highing while my class was dulling. hahahaXD
at least i tried to keep my soul from floating away^^
oh! initially i planned not to attend the second day of orientation, but at the very last minute my sis told me this: if you dun participate fully for the orientation they might call you back for it when you're in year 2. O.O and because i want no more of orientation, i unwilling went. and when i reached, !!!! there was one line of boys and no girls. imagine my shock! i was so reluntant to go join the line>< (feels sorry to the guys luh, MIANHAE!) in the end i was so happy and overjoyed that one group of girls came for the orientation^^ thank god! peiling's friend was laughing at me>< guess she thinks my panic reaction was interesting luh XP
then....i am also glad that i went for the second day of orientation. closer with my poly friends^^ tomorrow marks the first official lesson, i'm kind of excited! does this make me look like a weirdo?
oh! and the zoo! see if i can remember all 14+1 animals XD
alex the ape
zhi jun the zookeeper
lenny the lizard
don the dragon
john the jellyfish
junjie the jarquar
cindy the crab
hui jie the horse
zoe the zebra
rachel the rabbit
mark the monkey
daniel the donkey?
olivia the owl
kimberly the koala
evon the elephant (dun laugh ah)
heh heh not too bad right? i can remember it after two days^^ oh! and for the second day, there was this game where we need to use 13 strings( i dunno who to spell the correct term for that kind of strings) to make a mmm chair? to lift one person up. guess what? i was chosen to be lifted. OMG super embarrassing!!! i remember when i sat down, there was someone who said: huh you sat down already? it either means that i was lighter than they thought i was or heavier than what they thought. i prefer the formal one^^ and when the rest lifted me up i feel so TALL!! the tallest i felt in the history of evon wong ah hahahahah XP but at the same time, super gugu! and the length left for them to carry me hor is so short lo....practically everyone is touched my butt and what's worst, my butt was like facing the guys....so imagine my situation and my thoughts...i was like "FASTER!!FASTER!!" sorry luh, super inconsiderate to my classmate who are like dying to carry me and also have to shout the cheer while i happily sat and did nothing. XD but someone from my class sank her nail into my thighs>< OUCH. in the end it ended rather quickly luh...hahaha i am light~
hahaha then i tell you, the theory that i at least will have one embarrassing events done by me each day applies even after secondary life. sighs. SUPER EMBARRASSING. i think only zoe and daniel knows. aiya, i always do emabarrassing stuffs one ma...nvm de><
ok la that's all. i shall retreat to my comfortable bed and enter my world of lalaland^^
the start of orientation!!
the start of school!!
am i up for it?
am i ready?
will be back to update about my orientation!
wish me luck:)

For today's dinner, my dad drove us (mum, sis and me) to pasir ris. We had our dinner at JUST ACIA. The food there are actually not bad and the price is not too expensive, should consider bringing my clique members to just acia next time^^ HEY! shall we dine in there for our next clique outing? heh heh XP

Taken after our meal^^
I look super weird!! and i am super pissed now =( Blogger screwed me and i accidentally deleted one pic i took with my sis. CRAP. boohoo=(

Remember me blogging saying how much i loved LAMBO? Well, now i like CHIBI GOKUDERA too!!! My two favorite characters from KATEKYO HITMEN REBORN! in one picture!

SEE!!! Chibi Gokudera is so cute=) Totally digging chibi gokudera than the usual him. He din even find out that he had turned small and when he finally do find out, his reaction was so out of the world and hilarious! Love chibi gokudera!
This little cow guy i love who is only 5 years old. I totally dig his childish voice and personalities. Too cute to be ignored. Hahahaha!!

He is also one of the characters i like in KHR. His "Tsuna-ni" is totally KAWAII~! I like Fuuta when he is this age, not the 10 years later Fuuta. I'm totally digging those little ones, isn't it? XP
I know i'm late in posting this, but here's my favorite neoprints we took the previous clique outing. (totally digging the first one! =D)

And here's some other clique photos we took the previous clique outing! We seriously have to take more clique photos! None of the clique we took are decent enough (decent as in not chopping people away/everyone shown) to put on MSN display pic. Sighs. It's ok! We'll take more clique photos the next time=)
ps: We look like a band in the second pic. HAHAHA!!

The nerd specs!
School's starting real soon! I think i blogged this like a thousand times already, or have i? =D My mum is totally rejoicing because i won't be slacking at home, sleeping all day long at home and spending more money by going out. Yay school!! I'm counting down to 4 more days till my course's orientation! 7 more days to my official first day at school^^ Let's just wish my new classmates are nice, fun, evon-friendly and interesting people to interact, play, joke and work with^^ I'm asking too much XP
I have just ordered the bag and shirt that i have been eyeing for for a long long time (mabel knows that =P) Seems that if i wanna ask people for opinions on the stuffs i considering to purchase, i will approach mabel, =D. Haha!! She's turning into my counsellor, poor thing! My stuffs will probably arrive 14 working days later so, i will just wait patiently^^ But first! I should totally pay the bill. Haha XD
I'm still waiting for my <
> to arrive. It's taking such a long time...I'm dying to lay my hands on them and most importantly hear the songs! Surprising, i didn't have to surpress the temptation to hear the new songs too much =)
Today i bought a notebook for my sis and a notebook for myself^^ She, in return, bought me a file^^ Those were for my poly school life purposes, can't wait to use them! I'm also planning to buy a new pencil case for myself =) Seems like i am turning into a shopaholic without myself knowing it XD Speaking of which, i have lots of movie to watch!
- Confessions of a Shopaholic
- 17 again
- Fast and Furious 4 (It's a must!)
- Mall cop
- Detroy?
Who's up for a movie marathron? XD
Oh! And today, wanna guess what time i woke up? I think i broke the record of THE WONGS LATEST WAKING UP TIME IN HISTORY. I woke up at 6.40++ in the evening. *gasps* O.O
The power of sleeping at 5-6ish in the morning. ^_^" Which only means that i ate one meal today? *gasps* O.O I think this is the second time i'm doing this. *gasps* O.O
Ok, i should change my sleeping routine as soon as possible since school is starting real soon! Alright, changing of sleeping routine will conmences tomorrow! XP I will wake up 11ish in the morning and go down to buy my brunch then spend the rest of the day doing....doing....anything that comes to my mind tomorrow^^
What am i going to do? Seems like everyone is down for orientation before I'm having mine. Sighs.
Oh well, i should get going! Bye folks!
my good friday should have been a happy start and a happy end but because of some, it's happy start bad end.
went out with yt today. all i spent on were, FOOD FOOD FOOD AND MORE FOOD and one neoprint session. over all, i spent over 50 bucks today. HAHAHAHA yeah food.
i went back to workplace today to return those clothes and to get my pay advice. i was like totally avoiding stickman, it's just awkward. but still in the end when i thought i have successfully avoided him, he saw me at the cashier. T.T
at least one thing happier happened today, the 2nd kitchen leader ah lun, the seriously first person i crushed at my workplace, said i looked prettier. HEH HEH. “越变越漂亮” in exact. hahaha happy!^^
well, everyone, i have gotten over stickman and any other people at my workplace. no crush or other relationship feelings towards any one currently. so JUNSU~~~~~~~~
afterall, i can't possibly date stickman...we won't spend too much time together and in the end we'll still distance away.
i took some pics today, will post the pics and neoprints asap^^ BYEBYE
ok, so maybe i have over-reacted just this little bit, but don't i have enough reason to be like this?
come on, just place yourself in my shoes.
i have only changed the whole sheets of cushions pillows and stuff just not long ago, so you know, i kinda expect it to last for at least a month before i change it again.
then here comes 2 little ones age 6-7ish, playing on your nice newly changed sheets.
OMG, like seriously.
have they bathed? are their hands legs clean? if they are like sweaty and is like stinky and they move about my bed, OMG....how dirty it is!!!!! i wouldn't mind if it's my own bloody sweat and all since it's like my bed and i'm going to like smell my own scent or whatever, that's totally fine but...what is this?
oh my fucking god, where's the common courtesy?
COME ON that's bloody unhygienic to the max!
ewwwwwww, the worst part is, i fucking just changed it. AND I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING AGAIN. shit.
actually i dun even mind doing it but all this could be avoided if my mum could have CLOSE THE FUCKING ROOM DOOR.
you know why she din do it? because those little ones were pleading her to let them play in my room...so she let them in because she say she's afraid to bore them.
i dun see their mum doing that to me ok.
at least i know the damn courtesy to stay out of their room because it's like their privacy.
i seriously wanna strangle them, seriously.
that's why i say, i really dislike 4-10ish kids. it's just sooo hard to control. and when they do stuffs you know you won't like, you just can't fucking blame them JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE K-I-D-S.
seriously, next time, any one visiting my house, CLOSE THAT DOOR. at least they know they can't go in/it's blocked.
my mum and i even quarreled over this. when i was complaining and kind of bad-mouthing those kids, my aunt( one of the kids' mum) suddenly popped out from the back. wonder if she heard it. i bet my mum got so angry because she felt that i have like disgrace her. HEY WHO'S DISGRACING WHO? she's probably felt that i over-reacted, but seriously, BED, the longest time spent is on BED. that's like one's most...intimate place, it needs to be hygienic and what the heck? sheee, i have my rights to be angry ok. my aunt should be the one ashamed for letting her daughter dirtying someone's bed. THAT'S JUST NOT RIGHT.
besides, i din even know beforehand that they were coming. IF I HAD KNOWN EARLIER, oh god, i would have locked that damn door. and before that, my parents only told me
they might leave the house for mahjong session and not them visiting us. oh my gosh, in the end, the whole thing can be avoided by A DOOR. fuck.
fucking angry. i just officially detest kids, especially those two. PLEASE, leave me and my stuffs alone. PLEASE , i fucking beg of you.
i'm bored....there's absolutely nothing for me to do at home other than using the com and the daily routine.
i can't go out since that would means spending a lot of money...
i wanna go to someone house or just doing something around the neighborhood with friends but depend if friends are available.
it's been a long time since i played mahjong...HEY any one wanna play? hahaha
well, school's orientation is starting really soon. from the beginning i was already looking forward then pl smsed me that the first semester's timetable is out. i went to take a look at our school's site. wow, the timetable doesn't interest or impress me. down it goes, my interest rate went straight down.
then what made it shoot up again is janel's orientation.
hahahaha, her's sounded fun and most importantly, FUNNY!!
i hope mine will be just as funny but more interesting. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *sorry janel XP*
maybe those stuffs we're learning not that bad as i thought...
shall be positive^^
my last pay went in already!!!
YES! it means i can get my stuffs now^^
i actually earned 500++!! i thought it will be....something much lesser than that! hahahaha goodie!!!
i'm gonna get myself a bag and the shirt i saw online. HEH
OH and twilight de book.
so...it rounds up to about??
hahaha i shall work out~i must have a budget!
lalalala quick..i wanna go back to school, go back to those mugging days.
I WANNA STUDY!!! believe it or not, hahahaha
dad ask me to study if i'm that bored, problem is, what is there for me to study when i'm totally clueless on what is in stored for me, studying in business management.
PL, just to let you know, we are learning calculus too!!! that's bloody a maths. but that's opinional, plus we already took up a maths before so we probably won't need to study that in our poly life!
this is soooo unfortunate. i shouldn't have gone to bathe that early...
yesterday we rented 2 movies to watch and i took them back to watch as the first one...
i watched twilight and liked it very much till the extent of watching it twice in one night...
then just now...
when i came back from my bath...
the cd case for TWILIGHT was like broken to 3 parts.
good thing the disc are still intact...
why are you so fragile...
most importantly, why am i this stupid to leave it on my table and let accidents happen?
now, i'm like going to (unwillingly) pay for the damaged case or rather buy that whole thing.
its like 16 bucks...not that bad nah...
oh lord....even though i like twilight like a lot a lot, you dun have to make me own the movie in this way......T.T
worst part is...i dun even know when and how it fell on the floor.
but it did happened at my house so...
sighs...sian sian sian

it's clique outing day!! 7 April~ i'm just glad that my excitement didn't go down the drain^^ i was actually excited for today's outing and it turned out just fine^^
we played "THE ULTIMATE CODE" (direct translation from the chinese words: 终极密码).

this is the punishment. this is only part of it, you should see the end of it, plain gross! this and that added into the saucer...wah...

all except jp had the chance to taste it. i managed to capture two aftermath expressions from our clique members: mabel and yt. here's mabel 1 sec after tasting the punishment reaction look. you should see yt's reaction! that's a jing tian zhao of how bad our punishment was...our punishment was super salty and towards the end it's still salty plus a bit sour because lemon was added.

and pics i took~

this is dai yang tian's sign~~~
my sis is going gah gah, she's going head over heels because she gets to see him, takes his signature and take a photo with him. i'm not jealous at all *burns*
that should be all for this post since most of the pics are not with me, it's with yt ^_^"
oh! and shan treated us donuts~THANK YOU~~~