today, 31st march..
happened soooo many things...
first, my phone pronounced dead at around 0001am this morning. all i did was take one photo of my mum's birthday cake and "BAM" hanged, it got stuck!! and ever since it can't be switched on! and it can be so bad that i have to go down to orchard to get it serviced><><
forth, i went for my dental appointment today at 3pm and cured the "thing" that had bothered and cause me much for the 16 years i lived. HOORAY!
fifth, (for a moment i actually forgot how to spell fifth!) STICKMAN ACTUALLY WANTED TO ASK ME OUT TODAY! not as in those kind of BGR type of ask-me-out date. sian, but because i have dental appointment today sooooo haiz, wasted.
but its ok! he say can wait till next week and then treat me as he promised! WAHAHAHA i'm once again happy^^ actually since the last time he smsed me, we never smsed le now that we are back smsing each other i am like on the 9th cloud!!
ps: i made my mum 3 birthday vouchers. each that she can can ask me to do anything and only one mission per card. i will snap a photo of it and post it asap when my phone is cured^^ and she issued me the first mission : i want a 15' back massage. love mummy. SO CUTE LA my mama^^ okok i think i should be off to do my mum's command now! BYEBYE
ok, my mum just stated her command she say she didn't want it to be done today that's why she din put any date. hahahaha my mum clever hor? hahaha any thing la! any time i can do it for her as for now heh i am here blogging and waiting for stickman's reply.
it felt so long since my heart flustered.
i must have waited for you.....for a very long time that i thought that my heart had 'died' down but only to realise it was just sealed lossely until you came knocking on my heart's door once again. i wondered if you were angry when i ask about your gf, you sounded offended but what is the true emotion behind those words? you again, make me fall right back into the deep deep trap of love.

i went K-ing(kbox) with my 2sis and mum yesterday, and these two pics are proof to show that HEY I SANG DB'S SONGS! those pics aren't in high definition so you can't see their pretty faces on screen, (too bad!! xp)

i had a pizza hut date with wan leng last fri night. this is warm chocolate cake with ice cream.

i cleared and organized the area under my bed. what you see now is the collection of wallets/pouchs i owned.
i didn't wanted to blog but had nothing else to do any way so...i just pop by and will poof away!
awww, it's approaching april already...
orientation and school.
i'm excited to go to poly, actually=)
i miss those days where i have to mug myself in the world of studies...
to hold a textbook in my hands and walk around the campus, heading towards classroom...
lectures, tutorials...
make new friends, not to mention grabbing a bf=) hahahaha!!!
oh! this reminds me where did i find the courage to actually go to work all by myself?
i usually will be afraid but...well..
any way since i'm able to do this 3 months ago, i should be able to do it again.
make new friends^^ adapt a whole new environment.
ahhhhh poly life.
should be a much relaxed life than secondary life.
mmm ok i am getting bored, bye folks!
^scroll down to the music
you can hear it in the preview!!!
people, if you are planning to watch fast and furious 4, do look out or hear carefully to see if you can spot tvxq's <
> in the movie!
ahhh today was a...emotional yet memorable day?
supposedly today was my last day of work but when i reached my workplace to report for work my team leader told me that i dun have to work today. guess what? i got a shock of my life. hey, please inform me earlier? even those who are given death sentence were given a period of grace. man, i was super upset about it. when i checked my schedule it was initially 1-5, 6-10 then they abruptedly changed to 6-10 then they totally changed it to no working hours. Oh man, i feel like bashing and almost cried on the spot. i rushed down just to be in time and what is this? it's a good thing i din cab down if not my money down to the drain.
and as i had already planned, i wanted to treat my workmates pizza on my last day. and since yesterday, unexpectedly, was my last working day, i hurried off to buy pizzas for them and all by myself carried the 4 boxes of pizza plus a few other food stuffs to my workplace. man it's quite a torture. i bought 2 family meals and upsized the 4 pizzas. guess what? it turned out i bought too much pizzas. OH CRAP. and i din managed to have a munch on those pizza.....THEY COST A BOMB, hundred over dollars. god, my heart ache like hell. then i carried those stuffs into the kitchen and i seriously how and why, i cried. ahhhh cos i really was going to miss those guys!! esp....stickman. i din thought that the day i was going to leave them was gone before i knew it...i was dumbfounded, i guess? but any way i cried and was really hard to calm myself down. HAIZ, stickman saw me crying>< he was trying to cheer me up neh. then i had to push myself away cos, seriously i had no place there cos i wasn't working on that day then dunno stay there for i went off, rushed down to my grandma house. on my way there, i thought about the whole thing and many times i felt like crying already. HUMPHS.
after that, in the night i got a big surprise!!
i received a sms from a unknown but is from my workplace de.
IT'S STICKMAN oh my god ($^%Q(#^%_(*$#^%#
hahaha *shan knows how happy i was back then*
oh my gosh, how happy can i be?
at least he was the only one who smsed me that night that he was thankful for the pizza i bought for them. HMMM
and i have been smsing him since his first sms. HAHA man, i am one happy girl.
man, i am back to the jobless me again. haiz
SHAN AH, let's go back to my workplace there and eat! err one week or two weeks later?
oh man...
i think i'm like a play girl.
ah lun
ah kang
and now?
OH CRAP what the hell am i like a despo for bf?
i think i just really go out for stickman but then i kept thinking of ah lun too.
ah lun is like the first guy i really crushed on at my workplace.
then later is ah kang but i didn't really like him or any sort. is just that we kept meeting each other at unexpected times. so is like wow destiny kind of thing?
then gary? he's just a new guy at my workplace.
what the hell><
stickman, you idiot.
he made up a introduction script for me to say to the new people which are the two new part time waiters.
"Hi, my name is evon. I'm 16 and i dun have a boyfriend."
*acts shy and shakes hand*
i laughed because you were funny but seriously, i didn't really cared about him.
the people at my workplace is like desperately trying to find me a boyfriend and trying to pair me with the new waiter that came today. but seriously he is soooooo cold.....
MAN i should stick with my junsu.
if you knew how my heart flustered when you always been spending time with me while we work, will you stop?
if only, i knew you before her would you have chosen me over her?
if there's a way for me to stop my emotions to go out for you...
if you knew how i dislike the way you tried to make me like him, will you stop?
if only you knew i was going to be this miserable, will you stop being nice to me?
if only you knew i was going to be reluctant to go, will you ask me to stay?
every part of falling apart and i'm desperately trying to hold them in place.
but every time you come, you scatter them into pieces once again.
i knew, i shouldn't have fallen for you but as more time we spent together laughing, joking, playing i can't seem to pull myself apart from you.
will you please, stop knocking on my door?
yes, i confess, the worst of dreams, i think i really do have a liking for stickman.
i should have saw the signs when i typed more "stickman"s than junsu in my recent posts.
i should have guarded well...but i lost control.
each time i see him, i smiled, it's like the most natural thing to do.
i don't know if they were doing for my own good.
my other colleagues were joking, "no looking at stickman" "no joking with stickman" "no touching of stickman" . perhaps they knew i would have fallen for him if this continues. we are closer as days goes by and by this, it also means i'm leaving soon.
i regret why didn't we started like this earlier then we could have more of such memories but left with only 4 more days. what should i do? i'm already wishing for time to pass by slowly, i'm already having second thoughts and thinking if i could stayed on...
stickman, if you knew you were holding me back, will you be shocked and surprised?
you were like my big bro and i know you look it that way.
perhaps it's just a heart's confusion.
i will sort my emotions and will soon regard you as my loving brother.
you have looked out for me and i really thank you.
i could have mistake my gratitude for you as love but it will soon be solved.
i will miss you and i really do.
4 days left, i will make this 4 days precious and have LOTS MORE FUN WITH YOU.
and when i leave, please do remember me and dun make me cry...
dun make me cry over you any more.
hey peeps!
evon is having her one of her two days off this week~!
gosh, why do i feel like i'm working full time when i am a part timer?
oh well, guess the company i'm working is just one weirdo that i can't seem to understand.
any way countdowns!!!
9 more days to my last working day
11 more days to meeting wan leng and janel for a meet up dinner.
15 more days to my dental appointment and mum's B DAE.
32 more days to my school's orientation.
35 more days to my first day in school.
i beet 9 days will be gone real soon! *'cos seriously, i really hope it will*
ahhh i feel empty.
previously i wanted to buy new clothes but had none to my and i tot of getting new bag...ah...
any way i bought a new wallet today^^
i can even feel heart ache everytime i part with my money><
oh well...
tmr i'm working 11-2 5-10 AGAIN.
ok so today went off to have a badminton game session with ys, m and jt.
my right hand hurt><
oh, we went to police post after that to report jt's lost wallet (just like what ys said)
and we crapped alot at the police post XP
now another problem comes, my another close friend's wallet is also stolen at the same(kind of) area!! DANG!!! be careful people!! wow, so times are so bad? so this is the aftermath of recession...
any way, played a lot of games at ys' house later on and mahjong was one of them.
i have a total amount of 735 at the end of the game!!! WAHAHAHAHA (super proud=D)
at the very last round, i won!! (those kind you took the winning tile yourself?) and i have no flowers or no tais!! and i was "eat eat eat" win!! HAHAHA
imagine my winnings. 32 each!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
ok i am done.
then we played uno, monopoly, snap and last one de stack thingy one.
you know the one where you have to slowly take one out and build on top and not topple the whole building of blocks? yup. i lost 3 times for that game.
but i must say that game is super exciting and nerve wrecking=.=
ok so team leader called me up just now to inform me that i will be working tmr when it is supposedly my off day. DAMN.
well, in a good way, i'm earning more money la, plus i am leaving in about 2 weeks time so...I TORLERATE YOU!!!!
*poof fire*
also i kind of had second thoughts on getting new clothes...well, i need to save money><
OH, my sis are going to taiwan (again!) and now i noe what i want them to get me le! HOODIE. oh yay
ahhhh i'm working 8 hours tmr, 11-3 and 5-10. *curses*
GAHHHH can't you give me a better timeslot?
oh well i should go now><
i just realized something...i only own 11 pairs of shoes><>
BAGWALLETAPPARELSyup^^ but all those are only applicable if i can find any nice ones^^
i usually get the items if i have a strong desire to have it, if not, i won't think about taking it out. LOL
so, i was shopping online for nice items (in the GET LIST) and guess what? i found a decent online shop that sells these items!!! :)
but still, i have lots under the consider category and none is confirmed to be purchased by me:(
so now comes the real purpose why am i here, blogging.
TheBuyology.comthis is the site.
so i am considering items as such:
i came to a conclusion that nowadays, bags designs are so mature...its either that or there are no real nice bags for someone like me. =.=
ok i'm going off now. its late and i spent lots of time searching and looking out for the GET LIST.
tmr playing badminton!! meeting at 9.20 in the morning. wonder if it's possible for me to wak up earlier than that...><
so i was clearing up my shoes which are all in a very messy situation...and look at those shoe boxes. guess how many pairs of shoe i own?
answer: 11 pairs. high heels, platform heels, heel boots, slippers, sneakers, sports shoe...blah blah
and if you think that's all....NOPE another addition to my collection of SHOE, is this. that make me owning 12 pairs of shoe. wow
other than that, i bought a new book just today^^ <>, written by the same author as PS.I.LOVE.YOU. i got to finish <> before i get hook on the earlier one and never get to finish it. that reminds me that i have two totally new book that i have yet started reading...oh god...
this are gifts i prepared for ms chee and mr hang to thank them for their effort, helping me to get in BM. ms chee was like: oh no...i can't accept this kind of thing. afraid of bribery i guess? but it is just a gift of gratitude...><
i went back to JGT for lunch (again) and this time look at what surprise i got!! we have no one to do the desserts and drinks of the server team have to go in and take up the's a good thing we, (server team) have learned how to prepare those drinks and desserts if not we're in deep trouble. *even i, learned too!!! i tried putting my hands into preparing MANGO LASSI*
any way back to the main subject, guess who did this for me? it was the same person who didn't liked me when i first started working!!! wow, a sudden change in the way she treating me leh><>< but still, she's nice^^ see!! she wrote my name on the pudding (which was meant for hui min to consume-.-) and she gave me too chocolate balls and more chocalate syrup. MY COLLEAGUES DAMN NICE^^
dinner at hangsang korean family restaurant. i think only dukdokki is nice....that chicken bbq was nice too....dun talk about the rest...><
me, at hangsang. my stupid expression><
awww i kind of missed her...
i kind of feel excited to go work nowadays...that's really weird.
any way, working gets really fun when you mix well with your workmates. esp, when you joke around with them. STICKMAN KEEPS POKING FUN OF ME AND ROBIN HOOD.
introducing new character, ROBIN HOOD. his name pronounces as robin but spells differently.
now, when he sees me comes to make fun of me, -.-
it started on the last day of hui yu's working day...the group of us were having lots of laugh and fun, so he sort of got closer to me?
i remembered the first time we actually started a conversation he called me STUPID in those dumb those stupid.
still evil.
i like stickman better, BLEAH
oh well, tmr i will be working and also on friday, sat and sun. 8 full hours for these four days...back to old times yeah? gosh, angie is having off tmr....i will be alone..><
thinking back, where did those courage come when i actually dared to work in a whole new environment all by myself? wow. i din even realise that...maybe i just felt like barging into the world....independentally? *i dunno*
ok i'm getting sleeping *yawns*
currently listening to PARADISE by memory (korean singer)
as time flies...
as each day pass by...
we, slowly drifts away from each other.
so that's how reality going to be?
there is pics that i would like to post up but i'm lazy. shall post it another time ba.
bye folks