today i woke up at 3++ in the afternoon. i slept at about 4 plus reaching 5 in the morning. i was watching honey and clover^^ oh, the previous post was typed at that time^^
well, my brunch was only a bread because i dun feel hungry at all. my sis thought that i didn't eat anything at all, seems like she didn't see me eating my bread>.< i spent the rest of the time( till the time my parents came back from work) cleaning up my room. i didn't manage to clear everything so it is only about...83% done? (exactly what i done in my journal xp) however, my desk is almost done and my laptop can finally be used on it.
i took out my musical box from my drawer. (you see the pink box?) a sudden thought of having it placed on my desk came to me so...yup there it goes. i lifted the lid, and errr the figure?the music? didn't go quite smooth. so i somehow managed to fix it. HAHA the mightly evon's hand! but still, the first part of it will be quite slow but in the middle part of the music it will work just well, and finally the last part it will start to slow down because that's the end?
LOL it's christmas eve tmr!! and i have it packed from morning to night.
morning: breakfast with friends.
afternoon: lunch with parents. going ntuc with them to purchase stuffs?
evening: out with shan shan
night: out with shan shan.
i will be back before 11pm^^
i'm getting excited, going out on christmas eve! i will be putting on christmas hat and with that walking down the streets of orchard road. YAY on christmas day, i will be at my ah yi's house, celebrating christmas. this would be the first. my family doesn't have the custom to celebrate christmas, firstly most of us are free thinker. something interesting, my dad use to be a christian. WOW. my dad eh, he looks more to the chinese side and he use to be christian? amazing....sugoi neh...
any way, why are we then celebrating christmas this year? simply because....uncle robin aka ah yi's husband aka min le's dad, has the custom to celebrate it, (he is a foreigner. those....ang mos? sorry to label him like that>.<) HE WILL BE PREPARING TURKEY!!!! T-U-R-K-E-Y omg. that would be the first time i get to eat turkey. wow. i wonder how does it taste like? chicken like flavour? MERRY CHRISTMAS!! ps: my dad is in a deep trouble. being a very traditional chinese man, he only consume chinese cuisine. HA. even my aunties whom i thought are even traditional eat other countries cuisine eg: japanese cuisine. my dad, i wonder what he's going to eat on that day. my mum is preparing to bring sparking juice over. YAY yum yum eh. pictures time~
my desk. it's neater than before because now i bothered to clear and tidy it. still not perfectly cleared but well, better than before neh?

in conjuction to TVXQ DAY which is on the 23th and TVXQ's 5th anniversary, i present to you my different areas(in my room) dedicated to TVXQ.
1st pic: i have a three story bookshelf, and the second is as shown. filled with the many TVXQ's merchandises i purchased over the years of fandom. you spot lots of junsu's pictures yeah? hahaha that proves that i am a 100% junsu lover^^
2nd pic: i call it THE WALL OF TVXQ. hahahaha simple reason, it is pasted with TVXQ posters.
3rd pic: another WALL OF TVXQ junior. the two MIROTIC posters replaced kim jeong hoon poster neh.

yesterday( i think) i went down to buy my brunch. so this is a proof of my brunch. (i'm having a healthy diet eh? i think, when i go there to buy a proper meal for myself, i will somehow buy a healthy drink to accompany it. eg: sunkist orange juice and what you see here yougurt drink)

and so, this is where i ate my brunch, in my living room. i was half having my brunch and half using my laptop.

the uncle(the one whom i purchased my brunch) was so darn nice! i bought a pack of rice+3 side dishes and a pack of sichuan soup from him and look!! the amount of food and soup he gave me!!! and the total was only $4. that bowl to hold the soup was rather big and the soup filled all the way, almost the whole bowl!!! note to self: next time you wanna have lots of soup to drink, da bao(takeaway). XD

this is the photo of what i left. i told you!!! that uncle gave me lots of food that even after 2 hours of eating, i can't finish all of them>.<>.<
conclusion is, TO VISIT THAT UNCLE AGAIN!! ha^^
i will continue to work hard even if i were to fall.
thank you for standing there, supporting me silently.
to stay by my side, that's what friends for.
i finished watching HONEY AND CLOVER.
inspiration from it although most of the time i didn't quite get the idea...
but i still enjoyed it very much.
it started one day in oct 2006
till now approaching 2009...
i am still very much attached to...
them.has it been 2 years already?
there are many ups and downs on this journey but i am glad i am still standing strong with you.
i hope your bond will stay just as strong as my heart's longing for you.
5 years ago, the five of them debuted as DONG BANG SHIN KI, rising gods of the east, conquering the world's stage, to be the finest stars that the world have never seen before.
happy TVXQ day, my loves^^
i love you, and i always have.
no matter how many times i drifted away, my heart still came for you.
you are always, always a part of me.
i love you, more than i do.
stay happy and strong^^
hey people! i am here to update after such a long time of hitaus, hehXDwell, dad comfisicated my laptop from me so currently i am using the 'public' computer out in the living room near the television. HAi think i got myself a job but with the help of oppa aka YT. if i am not able to work at YT's workplace, i shall call up those restaurant that's hiring. mmmm what there left for me to type here??OH! JUNSU&junho's birthday just passed! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!and there is nothing much for me to blog~ciaosu~OH REBORN i miss you! haha i miss lambo though and i-pin hahahahapictures!!!
christmas cards i did. (ps: i esp like those stickers^^)

christmas tree at vivo. (ps: you can go sentosa from vivo! i just knew that>.<)

wan leng treated me ice cream!! the vanilla one^^ (i treated wan leng hot dog too!!) who wants a piece of wan leng's tiramisu ice cream hand?

river and me!

river at clark quey~~

on monday, went alot of places with wan leng and janel. we went to watch BOLT 3D. a pic of us in the theatre.
^went this place to do voluntary work. santa hat!
some time ago 5 happy bang-ers went down to ECP to spend time cycling.

our lunch at ajisen. main point is, the comparison of spicyness. haha
beach writing by, ME!!!
the sea!! oooo sea~~
hey hey hey!
i am back, yo~!
here to update on my birthday spree like i said in the previous post, i am such a good girl :)
when the clock strikes 12 on the 1st of dec, my birthday officially kicks off!!
i got lots of sms with well wishes^^ thanks guys!
this year, unexpectedly, i think i got more smses than last year. that's weird....
wan leng and a fellow cassiopeia wished me HAPPY BIRTHDAY online. hahaha
i woke up at about 2pm++ (i think) and i called for job and online application. (that was such a lousy job agency. i still haven't got any calls from them about job...lousy! BOOHOO!)
then dad drove my family to heartland mall for lunch.
my sis even got angry on some matters....but soon she was fine because my dad said magical word.
spent 100++ bucks there. (oopsXP)
i managed to get myself potatoes wedges~(been wanting to eat it!)
my aunts joined us only later part of the meal.
my sisters "secretly" went to buy a mini cake for me before the food arrives. (it was no secret at all because i totally could figure out what's in their mind....too bad XP but still i appreciates their effort so i acted as if i didn't know anything about the cake when they brought it back^^)
then they sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY song as a whole for me, and i blew the candle.
i only managed to have a small bite of the cake before i was really full from the stuff i ordered.
in the end?
the cake was found lost
CAKE MISSING!!!!!!!!! in action?
good thing it was a small cake but my sisters' effort to get it....>.<
no one had any idea who took the cake or where the cake is...
i had to rush down to bugis to meet janel and wan leng so had to give up searching for the cake myself. however it was lucky that my aunts were still there (heartland mall) to purchase some stuffs.
little, mini cake still lost....maybe....right is in a dark airless place....maybe digested? YUCK why did i imagine how it turned out to be *pukes* eewwww
my aunts thought i would get upset so this time they got a much bigger cake.
they got vanilla flavoured cake with strawberry chocolate topping!!!
YES! my type of cake.
and cut cut, share share
i got two hongbaos! and gifts!
my uncle didn't give me:( upset.....if he gives my sis for her birthday (which is on the 28) HE IS SIMPLY BIAS AND PETTY
just because i once fought with him....humphs
any way, down at bugis, wanleng and janel couldn't recognize initially.( i had the cap on which ys bought for me. i figured out that since ys got this for me i should wear it on my birthday to show my appreciation.) janel took my cap off without having second thoughts. I GOT SO SHOCKED AND ahem, i wanted to bash her up. haha
then walked around, got bored so trained down to NOVENA
gosh, there is a square 1 and 2?
i always thought that at novena there is only square 2...
oh well, my overall verdict for novena is....SQUARE 2 is much to my pleasure. (verdict biased HEH HEH XP)
square2 is like a haven for me~!
it is a korean mall in fact. (if you want a japanese mall, probably central at clark quay)
walked around and really i love SQUARE2
(i'm getting hungry while typing this....)
the korean fashion!! woots my style. haha now i know my fashion style....i managed to find out because janel was saying: your style is much to those korean japanese pop right? (something along de line)
you should know why i am like this, because my idol, TVXQ, is a korean idol group who has activites at japan.
yup that should be all the stuffs happened on my birthday. i dun feel like typing now, my shoulders aches....and my hands feels weird. ok thats all folks! WHAT A LONG POST OF WORDS.

a random pic took out of boredom. *cuz boredom kills*

the korean food i brought, dokdukki(korean rice cake, spicy) and kim bap(korean sushi).
dokdukki is love<3>.< i wanna eat dokdukki again...i had a cup of soup free from the aunt that cooked the food. she gave us because she spent some time waiting for the food to be done. ( i accidentally deleted the pic for it....damn it)

took at NEW YORK NEW YORK. *daddy is so...enthu-.-)

its me and my first cap! first gift i got this year^^

ys' gave them to me on the 1st. i told you that the stuffs i got recently connects to pink....hahaha ah christmas cards, i got to do them soon>.<

me and my first bowl of ramen(id i am not wrong) miso ramen. oh god tell me why does it taste odd to me? i look like a dork for the first pic, damn. lol
alright thats the end. i am hungry i am going to grab something and eat! oooo drinking jolly shandy.
2nd dec 2008!
(be back to edit)
(update on my birthday spree~!)
hey guys, i am once again back here to blog. hohohoho
want to have a guess on what time i woke up today?
1pm? 2pm? NO!
its 5pm or to be exact 5.47pm!
wow, the best record i ever had.
any way, i tried calling kinokuniya to ask if there was any job vacancies but unfortunately, no one picked up the phone so....i am going to call again on the 1st.
also, i bought new swimwear!!! (wonder if it is still called swimming costume??)
OMG, if you believe i wear bikinis.
yes, i do wear bikini ok. hahaha bikini is just the wet version of bra and panties so i conclude that i shouldn't be afraid to wear my new swimwear out. XD
the problem of me fearing to wear bikini simply because my mountains aren't.....well...mighty?
haha LOL XP
yup, so i bought bikini, pink ones. seems like i am getting pink stuffs recently but i am not a pink maniac ok~i am a purple maniac. hahaha
wonder who will be able to see me in my pink bikini. LOLOLOLOL
this few days is horendous, is that how you spell it?
back to the topic, i'm sooooooo bored.
all i did everyday was to accompany my laptop and watch REBORN!
come to think of it, the character from REBORN! that i fancy the most would be LAMBO.
so darn cute!!
i like his voice!! haha i dunno, and i sound weird too>.<
any way the whole character of LAMBO and the voice just goes soo well!
everyone likes REBORN though.
oh! i like the other character called....collon....something along the line..
he always goes, KORA at the end of his sentences. CHO KAWAII.
kora= hey
soo cute! i like the young versions of LAMBO and the KORA! guy.
the older version of them just doesn't seem to capture my heart as much as the young version of them.
its, 2 days away to my birthday!
say HB to me!
any way, my big sis was saying this to me, 2 more days to your b'dae hor? 19th b'dae
then i went O.O huh? i'm only 16 this tuesday leh. wah you jump 3 years?
hahah LOL then she went, sorry la, wah you will be a young adult soon.
and she goes, YOUNG adult.
haha emphasizes on the YOUNG.
adult seems old to describe a 16 year old.
my big sis also told me that....
they have even planned out to what the present they will get for me when its my 21st birthday.
wow, thats like 5 years later...
and they planned that even before my second sis' 21st birthday. LOLOLOL
she said it was worth 2000++ bucks and refuses to reveal what the gift would be.
why then tell me in the first place! keep me in suspence...
i will wait for 5 years ba.
so this is the longest blogger can go...