my tears was on its own. it seems also immediate that my tears dropped. of all, it was him. IT WAS SURELY NOT HIS DESTINY TO DIE AT THE AGE OF 27. i miss him. the dim witted guy min yeop in coffee prince. i may not like him as much as junsu, i still liked him. He went into god's arms. i miss you, i really do. i cried and cried. i didn't know how my heart could ache for this guy. NO this actor i once came across. it will be forever that i will not be able to see him again. i dun wish you to be gone!! come back....please....
imagine how shocked and hurt i was when the big big title of Lee Eon Passes Away in Motorbike Accident in coolsmurf's wordpress. i would have cared less, because lee eon who?? how the hell lee eon is that guy who acted min yeop! WHY!!!
i miss you i really do. i cried and cried for you. oppa, please dun go.
Lee Eon lost control of his motorbike and rammed into the guardrail of an overpass. It was later announced that he had broken his neck on impact and died’s still quite unbelievable to many who are just learning of the truth right now. His most memorable role must be the one last year in “Coffee Shop 1st Prince” which made him more known to the world.
in memory of LEE EON (PARK SANG MIN)
i made people laugh unknowingly.
ok then
check out janel's blog to find out about the story.
and...i just did something unknowingly that i laughed at myself.
i talked to a amanda1 i tot i was toking too....but it wasn't the amanda2 i tot i was toking to>.<>.<>.< i told this silly incident to the amanda2 who is the one i initially tot i was toking to, and she laughed at me.
she say this is so like junsu. WHICH IS GOOD.
but so bloody embarrassing lo!!!
if it wasn't amanda2 came online, i wouldn't realise this whole thing lo.
i was actually toking to amanda1 half way lo, then suddenly amanda2 came online, then i was thinking " how come amanda2 just came online? eh?! HUH!!!! i tok to wrong amanda liao la!"
ok lo, i can make 2 people laugh in one day. not bad^O^
TVXQ's going punk?aish....
my boys had new hairstyles.
yoochun cut his hair to......some hairstyle which i dunno its term.
junsu cut his hair to what i call punkish hairstyle.
yunho also cut his hair short and style it to also what i call punkish.
jaejae's hair didn't have much difference. just shorter.CHANGMIN GETTING HOTTER!! my four limbs up in the air, agreeing to it.
KIM JUNSU!!! what happened to you!! why did my baby prince turned to punk prince? WHY!!! you're suppose to have your cute and dorky image -.-
your punk hair and your personality doesn't match at all!!!
what am i suppose to do now!! is like...matching jelly beans in miso soup!!
what the hell!!!!
yoochun's hair...speechless lo
you will be the judge, see how my boys changed. ah susu....
actually i think i can accept their new hairstyle leh. hahahaha whatever hairstyle they may have changed over the years, they are still the way they are. they are still the TVXQ i love. they are still the same, just as handsome. SO! conclusion is......i can accept their new hairstyle^^
their 4th album de concept is punk?

i look cool with this sunglasses , don't i?

remember the time i said i went KBOX with my sisters and da jie fu at night? yup this is it>.<

clique outing yesterday^^ (08.08.08) took neoprint too! but only had two pics>.<>
the set of gowns i tried. i kind of like them all^^ the red one the red one. the yellow black and the black green
this is it!!
good boy gone bad....SUSU!!
she tried to stop me from loving them. she can always try and try but there is always endless channels for me to get my info on them. she can try and try, but she knows i won't die my passion for them. she can try and try. she can use her autority to stop me, but i have my rights to rebel. TRY ME THEN.
the controlled life, where is freedom, what is the life? free my soul, fly my soul.
OMG! last published July 25!!!!
that is like so long ago....-.- WOW
any way my blog is so dead that no one visits it any more!! i'm so sad, actually....i dun really care XD i wanted to delete my blog but considering that i like to blog....(what kind of excuse is this-.-) i shan't do it=D
any way this week is a bad week for me. have been sick from the start and the week(almost) ended bad too. just hope that the situation doesn't get any worst.
sunday, had a bad gastric problem. turned out to be some stomach flu -.- BAD CHEESECAKE!BAD CHOCOLATE SUNDAE! BAD LATTE
! bad me for wanting to eat these food at the same time>.<monday, didn't go to school. (hahahahaha finally!!!!) to be frank i waited for this day for a long time. i see it as a excuse to escape from school. i dread going to school. i hate going to school knowing that i have to study study and more studies. school only reminds me of O LEVELS. oh well all in all, i see the break from school as a little escape from the reality^^tuesday, was back to school. BUT! its worst than staying at home and rest, HEADACHES. sucks big time. getting headaches and feeling dizzy.....getting it for the first time and i wonder what caused it. have yet to figure it out>.<wednesday, HEADACHE DAY. it gets worst. and i got pills from my aunt, our family's "doctor", and the pills worked!!!! i should have gotten it from her from the beginning!!! after i ate the medicine, ok to be detailed, 5 minutes after i popped in the pills, my headache abandoned me for good, which is SERIOUSLY good for me^^ thursday, i couldn't remember what exactly happened>.<mmmm oh oh oh!!! i am suppose to turn up for dance (make up sessions) but i didn't. i was planning to use the excuse of saying i am not feeling well so i can't dance and that my mum was going to pick me up later. AN ATTEMPT TO NOT DANCE, TO LEAVE EARLIER YET HAVING TO COMPLETE ONE OF THE THREE MAKE UP SESSION I NEEDED TO GO. i didn't succeed. clever mrs wong. shit man.but before that i spent time in school doing lit and a bit of maths. [i am a good girl=)] while i was walking back to school, i thought about it. why couldn't just do it wholeheartedly? afterall it was my last 3 sessions of dance in school and after so, i wouldn't have the time to go for it any more. why can't i just go? therefore my conclusion is, to complete the 3 make up sessions wholeheartedly by the next two weeks. friday, to think i could have end the week well.....i got sick AGAIN?! cough flu sore throat losing my voice? CRAP. this is soooooooo great. MY VOICE! its so husky its barely my voice. IT USE TO BE HIGH (sort of?) PITCH!!!! its low now (i think). my voice.....saturday, went to wai po's house to stay over. actually went over on friday's night. its better to sleep at home then any where else. I MISS MY BED.ok thats all^^i think its a rather long and crappy post.