can't believe i really had this thought flash by my mind.
its just annoying to know that you are under the OH SO MIGHTLY powers of your parents.
and it kills how your parents abuse this authority.
and there seems no way you can decline it.
i want my damn freedom back.
i want to grow up as soon as possible.
i want to be free.
and what worst, i wan to disappear and vanish as soon as possible.
its sick and irritating that i am constantly hating my own group of people that are flowing the same wong blood. (what! i am just being frank and very blunt about it)
what will my last words be?
and what wrong do i have when i paint my nails...?
oh sorry man i painted my nails and there was this nail polish smell that was produced which totally cannot be avoided. it was my fault. SORRY MAN.
(yar right like as if it was my fault.)
I HATE YOU WORLD. i really do.
ok just gonna pop in for a while..
just have to post it here if not i will forget everything AGAIN.
was it.....
Blended Coffee Java ChipSweet and creamy coffee blended with delightful chocolate chips and ice, topped with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle.or...
Blended Cream
Chocolate Smooth, creamy combination of chocolate, blended with ice, topped with whipped cream.which one of it did i drink it with my cousin....WHICH ONE!! very nice leh. i tried it once and I WANT IT. i mean i wanna try it again. i remembered the taste to be very nice^^ NICE COFFEE!! oh starbucks oh starbucks i wanna visit you again!! LMAO.which one is it....which one??
any way
MOS BURGER.my shout out:
ANY ONE WANNA ACCOMPANY ME TO GO EAT AT MOS BURGER?i miss their fish burger....really wanna eat it. haven't tried or have a taste on them or have them on my taste bug for a looonnnggggg time.
i haven't talk to eugenice oppa for a long time~~OPPA AH what are you busy with? and its weird to post this here since i could easily see her every weekdays where we attend the same school -_-" LMAO
ok i am going to pop in and poof away real soon.
wonder how many still view or visit my blog...
all seems to be busy for who knows what reason...
i am feeling sad:(
god damn it....blogger be quick...i need to bathe and wash my newly bought clothes along with sis' and sleep. i need to wake up 7++ in the morning for school...

<<<---- I <333>
some things that are added to my ownership.
new bag new clothes new pouch new eraser (rofl) new necklace. plastic bags are not into my ownership.....just took pics of it out of boredom and for fun XP
oh yeah! papers are all O-V-E-R
what came next? [s]RESULTS[/s] blah blah blah XP
any way yesterday was MOTHER'S DAY!! mama i love you ^^ <333333>
yesterday went to the MUSHROOM HOT POT (at OG) and i love what i wore^^
high heel boots+skinny jeans+the shirt <3333>

why my expression the same.....LMAO
tmr is my death day. yay!
and this taken ytd too^^ with my PARENTS ^-^
and look what have i done to one of my DB's pic
and i shall end off^^
super HOT!
no you can't be back. no no no no!
i dun wanna go back to those tears-hurt-sad-depressed days.
NO i dun wan, i said NO
yes i am forgotten, so??
i agreed to, not think of what others say, SO?
i can't do it
i can't control my feeling emotions my thought
i am breaking down into pieces.
how long since i last cried and i actually saw my tears recently, often
no point forcing myself to smile when my heart is bleeding.
can i just walk away
leaving all behind
abandon all
and let my soul free


aigoo....kawaii nah~~
i have nothing to say today.
MYE kicked off. I WILL BE FINE!