ah....teacher's day celebration. cool. have 5 generation teacher and student relationship among the teachers.the most happiest thing is that MRS PAMELA LIM won an award!! yes!! i voted for her k...and i cheered for her when she went up to receive her award. i stood up and cheered. even when the teachers started to came in too.any way today went shopping with jp bought 2 jap and 2 korean food. haha=)it was all awesome~~ and doughnut from breadtalk and it taste good=)von went to play mahjong too. guess what i actually have won 2.20 but return to jp 1.20 ofr teacher day present for that tuition teacher who i dun really bother about. i went home and i felt depressed. my house is like somewhere i avoid nowadays. pathetic when i was young i always wanted to rush home and stay in my comfy house. now i dun even want to. just imagine your parents...ah whatever i dun wanna mention about them. to protect them or rather protect myself from getting scolding but people who reads this.whatever it is, i still love them dearly, no matter what they do to me i always love them.although they cause me many unhappiness, i still really love thembut still you can't blame me for my coldness to them.do you noe what, they dun even trust me...so i chose not to talk or fight back. just let them talk all they want. believe or not up to them i dun make that choice.by this way, i will not fight with them, i will not waste my tears away.haiz.....i imagine my future family. with my loving husband my cute kids. how wonderful.i miss junsu. oh well bye bye computer will not be using you till next time...which is dunno which day...

these are the pictures of the teahcer's day card i made for mrs pamela lim.
i am participating in the TVXQ X'mas project!!!
http://tvxq-xmas-project.blogspot.com/but this blogskin is the same as mine....

for more pictures go ys blog=) more on the drawings...=)
1st pic: junsu logo
2nd pic: A1 PLEASE!!!
3rd pic: my ballerina and my hanguk and my emoticon=)
after nine days....and i am back!! welcome me back ba=)many things happened in between these nine days. happiness sadness bitterness.i also had my valuable lesson of life. haha=) i learned to look everything in a positive. some day i wish someone will come to me and tell me: hey you are so optimistic. i think i will thank that person=) cos no one said that to me...haha=)von really wanna meet tvxq sooner...any way von got back her report book today but didn't want to show it to parents. although they already know all the results...haiz...what should i do?? wow i can type real fast eh?? fast moving fingers....kidding=Pvon spent time with elderly today=) total failure i tell you...von talked to two ah ma...but couldn't really tok cos von dunno what to tok to them. i mean i can't tok to them about tvxq right?? i bet they will like nan shi shen me...hahaha=) no offence ah ma!!one of the ah ma i talked to...CRIED!!! oh my mama de...scared me to death!! we were on the topic on her childhood. i asked her what she played during her childhood. she said she never played...then i asked then what did you do?? she said cooked rice looked after brothers and sister. she said she got 9 siblings. (including her?? mola) then she cried!!!! omg~~~then i was like...xia dao!!! ok maybe i recalled her painful memories...SORRY AH MA!!! i went to say sorry to her...haha!! serious!! i saw cry then i was like ah ma bu yao ku....dui bu qi...yao kai xin!! ah ma xiao yi ge!! then the ah ma was like hahaha cute neh~~oh and i took dance photos...lots of them=) but all the pictures not with me=)hahaha stupid ah peh!!! STUPID KWEK GIANT!!! STUPID BARNEY!!! haha=)i was like telling her we are the old couple in dance then she was like who wants to be with you. =(BOX HER!! haha...von very happy for the last few days!! von found tvxq email address...not sure if it is true but von just sent it to that address. the receiver is micky=) why him because he is the only one who can read english..but his standard is like.....failing le...how ah?? my only communication!!!haha any way i sent it already was hoping one day he will reply...haha....let's pray for that day...tired....any way next up.....pictues!!!
[To.Xiah] Oppa~ Please marry Yoochun already! ToT[From.Xiah] Yoochun doesn't know how to approach me yet.[To.Mickey] Yoochun oppa, your not kidding about you and Junsu oppa aren't you? What about me?...[From. Mickey] I'm kissing with Junsu now S2(*S2 is a heart sign)this is the new UFO replies from yoochun and junsu. now people you may kill me with whatever ways you want. come now is your chance. if i said things that hurt you and that you wan your revenge you may take this chance. or you hate me to the core for whatever reason, you may also take this much to kill me. leaving my lifeless body with hurt soul behind.DAMN IT. junsu and yoochun just hurt my heart. my heart pieces scattered on the floor with so much tears of blood. shee....why am i not crying?? because i am outside in the hall!! if i were to cry out like now my sis and mum will like: aiyo what's wrong with you?? and after knowing the reason their reactions will be like: siao ah. junsu why must you hurt my heart?? why must you be the killer to cut my heart into million pieces. aren't you my knight?? bringing me across the dark day and satrun's attack?? aren't you the one defencing me?? junsu since when you turned to a devil?? making me cry everyday. i should have known, never to go there...junsu i was about to give you up. i should have already realise that we were never meant for each other but i still held on. i choose to believe at least that little chance of hope. but why?? why must you treat me like this?? you may be joking along with yoochun but can't you be much more sensitive??YEAH i am angry with you right at this moment. sometime your this childishness is sort of disturbing. hey you may say why are so dull can't see the joke?? junsu..things about you i can never take it easy. BECAUSE IT CONCERNS ABOUT YOU.you may say what are you getting so upset over for?? just because my love for junsu is much deeper than what you people out there think. i may not gone through real memories with junsu. BUT JUNSU HE WAS THE ONE WHO HELPED ME TO GO THROUGH THE HARDEST TIME IN MY LIFE. that's why my love for him is so strong. JUST ONE WORD FROM HIM, MAEMUKI.junsu, sorry for those harsh words i said earlier, but this just goes to show how hurt i am. what should i do. my heart broken into pieces. tears never ending. the invisible pain, wound, blood...what should i do??? what is the medicine to heal every single wounded in me? the key to release this memories of minefor once i hoped i never fell in love with junsu. the pain it brings along with happiness....
singing seems to get into me. currently i am into the song flavour of life. erm...i shall practive that song. my vocals seems to be in the worst of state. i having flu now and my vocals kinda block...so...hey flu go away i wan my high pitchs and vocal back. haha...dancing seems to get into me too. i kinda like ballet. haha!! humphs...i planning to learn summer dream and brush up my rising sun steps but i can't seem to find the time to do these stuffs. everyday seems to be a whore humphs?more depressing is that...i dun even get to touch and see real tvxq stuffs!! just because i am broke..haha i am seriously broke. i wanna go work and earn money. any way gtg...bye bye^^
hello!!haha^^ new blogskin!! kinda miss my junsu blogskin but no choice there is no other new junsu blogskin!! any way this new blogskin is the newest i find in blogskins.com haha~~ and this time is the five of them!! whoots!! hahait will soon turn back to junsu's blogskin but till then it will stay like this!!any way today chemistry is what the hell...it was damn difficult...how about physics?? i am able to finish it on time and too much time...haiz...first in my life my physics is able to finish like that~~haha^^junsu i miss you so much!! hahaha^^i wanna marry you!! haha this is crazy tok by me.it was boring as usual~~lala...i just have to crap...ok i am going!! bye bye!
HELLO!!! even if i am in the midst of exams i am still here to blog!! hahaha^^
my blog is rotting so i am here to save it...hahaha^^
any way i am here to tell you guys how many new songs i am into recently!!
try my love
LOVE IN THE ICEutada hikaru's the flavour of lifeso nyuh shi dae's into the new world
perfect for you
this so nyuh shi dae is SM new artish group. i am now sort of promoting for them. the songs are ok at first. but i listened to them for a few times so i am kinda into it. haha^^ ok i gtg...
maths is not going into my brains!!! ROAR~~~
i sleep about 3 hours- 4 hours.... i thought it would be better for me to sudy after i slept. but it wasn't like that. wow....'nice' method i have here.
oh well i am only here to vent my anger. and i shall go off to study.
the friends-forever we wrote, we swore will never be like what it used to be. didn't we say friends forever 2 years ago?? what about now?? we dun talk any more i am not even sure to describe ourselves friends. whatever it is. i shall always remember you, my friend. the one who walked along with me during our sec 1 days.
today's chapel was fun!! i am so glad Glenn lim came...is that how you spell his name?? any way he was funny!! haha...i love his chapel session~~funny!! and he was toking about boy girl relationship...and how he started?? he said he had a difficult time finding the gents in a girl's school. PUAHAHA!! I AM EVIL=x
blah blah....and then there was questions or whatever from our school??
there was this stupid question...will we get pregnant after kissing?? ps: my class didn't noe we have to ask questions....so you can confirm that the question is from the other classes...
i think the person ask this question fail her bio....OOPS=x sorry my friend.
i am so depressed....i am still so short as ever.....when will i ever grow taller?? i am only 155.6~~ shorty i noe....and i weight 40.1...at least i got into the 80% category...i am much relieved after seeing my weight. shee....i am so pathetically short!! ARHH!!
any way....today was terrible. i feel so lonely. i feel so out of place. oh well i shall go study for the stupid common tests coming up...literature then social studies. OH MAN....i am going to pray now....HEH!
dear lord,
please bless me with wisdom tomorrow. please let those information enter my brains. please bless me with knowledge and then tomorrow i will not have a blank mind while doing my test. lord bless me!! allow me to pass with flying colours for all these common test!! addition please protect my junsu while i am out for exams~~bless my friends too=)
in your name, AMEN.
this is weird....praying in my blog...ah....
ys i really wanna change my blogskin cos it is kinda old i found a suitable one....problems is i can't bear to bid goodbye to this blogskin of my sweet prince junsu!!
junsu dear i miss you so much!!
sighs...and there is this vietnam singer copying the music of se7en rain and most importantly TVXQ.
you guys should noe i will get angry if some idiotic person just copy my dearest tvxq song.
so i just got so fed up and angry with that bloody person i just went to scold him on youtube.
hahaha i feel much better. i sound so evil but who cares!! that bloody person copied the whole chunk of it and claimed that it is conincident. KISS MY ASS!!! like i will believe you.
you jolly well admit if not the cassiopeias will never let you off. you noe the power of cassiopeias right. you dun wanna try it. maybe you need examples of the power of cassiopeias?? nah i dun wanna scare you till you wet your pants. HA
this is fun just scolding the person in such erm....how to say. haha i just enjoy scolding such low class people.
aiya....can't shit leave?? oh!! and you noe what i comment on youtube??
hey dude, go shoot yourself you just embarrassed yourself in front of the people. i am laughing like mad just seeing your stupid performance. MAN YOU SUCK.addition, DUDE GET OFF THE STAGE. your performance just SUX...what kind of shit are you??
ha!! i think miracle happens cos when i am scolding people my english standards is like whooo...
any way i swear i wouldn't say such vulgar till next time i am angry=) haha this is like whatever.
any way...yt san dun be so depressed can see you very depressed neh. will you kill me?? STAY HAPPY=) every time you wake up is a new day!! new hope!! when the sun goes up.....it is a brand new day!! and journey awaits!! whoohoo!!
=Pxiah junsu---> it's my logo now
haha!! i love my logo!!
it was a terrible day yesterday so dun tok about it...
so when i wake up today i was at a lifeless state.
dun ask me what happened....cos you noe i wouldn't tell.
today morning i was so depressed...then afternoon after eating my lunch i went straight to my room got nothing to do...so i just played TVXQ 2ND LIVE CONCERT CD..
there is some songs with a very very sad melody....
and you noe i am kinda emotional when i am already depressed...
and i wanna tell you something.
sorry guys...me suffer serious STM...
haha...but i am ok now. those days like over=) it is a brand new me!!
while i was listening to tvxq concert cd there was this sad song part so i was wandering in my room looking at things...staring no where just daydreaming...
then i saw my past photos...
how toot can i be?? never want to show these pics to ah peh if not she will laugh at me again. STUPID AH PEH=X
i saw lots of my old neoprints too.
sec 1s. memories.
PS: jp ah...those neoprints that you say you took with krystal me and steph yeo, i found it. you look so toot!! so am i=(
those memories...i was half crying when looking at them.
we can never get back to the past. where we have fun together. those happy times will never get back.
ok me dun wanna be sad so let's change the atmosphere...
=P maemuki
i want the photos~~jp ah~~
what shall i say today?? ah....about ytd?? ok!!let's see...i have to perform ytd so i didn't get to see the parade thingy, didn't get to see other performance. didn't get my free stuffs. humphs=(ytd performance was ok...and i was super nervous ytd good thing i didn't mess it up=)but why they say i look weird as in dancing??? HEY I CAN DANCE OK!!! sexy ones=X then went out with jp ys yt pl. one word: FUN!!PS TO JP: send me the pics leh...and dun bad mouth me in your blog!! BLEAH=Xheh....me and yt wore tie...i love me outfit=X if tvxq ever come to singapore i wanna wear that to meet them=)hmm....still got what else??i bought TVXQ 2ND LIVE CONCERT CD!!! oh me mama de!! HAPPINESS!! i am still listening to it=)and i also poor thing no money left after outing...i still own money...oh!! we went to this japanese shop called daiso?and guess what?? i heard tvxq jap song!! yay yay yay yayness!!the song is....ming tian something...oh....and yt said...: heard their song in a Japanese shop in Singapore.-_-" what's that suppose to mean??today~~it is national day!! free day~~went to aunt's house!!min le as usual is cute=)but i carried flower pots way up 4 floor!! heavy~~fainting~~my popo still say: you look so skinny but have such energy??i take that as a compliment=)today von didn't to touch tvxq till 9 plus in the night...haiz...i missed my tvxq dearly!!i didn't get to see the national day parade till the end...or rather the whole thing...first time spending my national day in places far from my house.miss my gu gu suddenly...last year's today i spent my national day with them...=(what else?? OOOO!!!tvxq 13th single is coming out on the 9/something...yayness!! so many singles...i am BROKE!!ah....i officially listening to tvxq concert cd today....super nice=)started DANCING to it=PHAHAHAHA!!whatever i did the last few days...i forgot....seriously forgot. so whether it is happy or sad i can't remember seriously...i can'tcos you do noe i suffer from STM right??
aigoo...while i am happy over tohoshinki's achievements, i got upset about teukie...haiz...first TOHOSHINKI'S 12TH JAPANESE SINGLE GOT 1ST~~~come on and celebrate!! finally they got 1st~~ their hard work have paid off!!! i am happy~~i am such a devoted fan!! haha go TVXQ!! and on the other hand...teukie...you bobo!!speak without thinking carefully...aigoo...Lee Teuk, member of Korean boy band Super Junior, admits that he lies about the link exchange on July 30. Recently Lee Teuk says in a TV program 'School of Rock' that figure skater Kim Yeon-ah refuses to exchange links with him on his cyworld minihompy. After the broadcasting of this program, crazy fans of Super Junior attack Kim Yeon-ah's mini homepage. They leave more than 2,000 hateful comments on Kim's cyworld minihompy. Kim Yeon-ah has to clarify that she has never refused such an invitation. Yesterday Lee Teuk says that he just wants to make an interesting topic in the TV program and doesn't expect such a bad consequence. He is terribly sorry about that and will not say such hasty words any more.
aigoo...teukie...HE GOT PUNISHED!!! HE GOT BANNED FROM APPEARING ON THE TV!!teukie dear dun be sad...be happy think positively like you finally got time to rest? next time think before you say anything ok? i miss you dear^^STUPID SM AH!! BAKA!!!BABO!! must punish teukie like this? bloody!!! stupid SM!! after bullied my TVXQ you bully me TEUKIE? what exactly you want? RETURN ME TEUKIE BACK ON TV!!!