i miss them very much. haiz...it gets harder each day.
it seems further each day, perhaps one day it will shorten?
i miss them....when can i get to see him??
how can i stop praying for him? can i start once again? i can't use STM as an excuse any more.
lord, protect him and them.
no more playing for me. time seems shorter each day and i getting more depressed each day. i dun wanna stay at home. i get distracted every where. the TV the computer. everything. even TVXQ is kind of distracting.
i can't take my eyes off them. i can't seem to let go them even when this is such a critical moment.
for once let me erase the memories of them. so that i can concentrate on my studies?
it gets harder but i am not giving up. why should i? they haven't even gave up on me why should start giving up on myself first? right? at least i see improvement bit by bit. one by one.
it will kind of glory if i show them how they can push me. there is will be no success with you.
can't success without u. it will turn out s ccess.
working harder for the brighter.
junsu, may you be happy^^ i miss you alot. one day i hope to see your beautiful smile hear your angelic voice. but what really do i want to see is your happiness. i want to see you living happily^^
von had a mixed day today. i dun even noe what i am saying...haha^^von trying to change for the better but whatever von tried to change there seem to be a even better person making von feeling so inferior...von will try to change for the better^^ von wants to be as happy as how junsu be everyday. any way what did von did today??von had sort of fun today although....there was "stomachache" spoiling the day...haha...von talked with my friends about birthday party....VON LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT OK!! skirt? ok!! von wanna wear my boots~~SO ARE WE GOING TO PS?von went toilet with step and had funny moments...haha what we say...NOPE IT IS A SECRET!! and von finally founded eug to talk about tvxq (yay!!) but all she tok is jaeho-_-" haha...in my mind i only have junsu...sorry=xand jp actually tok to me about the anti...=) because she finally say about concerning me tvxq. JP NOW YOU NOE HOW MUCH I HATE THOSE ANTI HUH!!!! von changing for better no vulgar. hahaha=)please make von more happy each day=0and von is so happy some one finally buying PL ticket from me~~~THANKS TO MY SIS'S FRIEND...my da jie friend~~my er jie plus nicole? can i call her that?please be gone...as in the PL TICKETS! von had her english oral and chinese test today...english oral was okay...BUT!! von wanna hit her head with hammer cos the chinese test x_xhaiz...von miss her junsu more each day. why does he got to be so far away? so far beyond my reach? humphs=(i putting more emotions in huh...haha!! junsu yah...timeless love~~=)maemuki xiah junsu

oh~~~now i noe what occasion is this that junsu wear that toot toot cute cute specs!!! he is at his church!! i think he has some church service~~von is now burning...warning to all dun make me angry. COS I SAW SOME PERVERT FANS TOUCHING JUNSU EVERYWHERE!! SEE THAT PIC AT THE RIGHT? BLOODY GAL DUN TAKE THE CHANCE TO LIE ON JUNSU'S SHOULDER!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!! SO WHAT HE IS JUST IN FRONT OF YOU SO WHAT JUNSU IS KIND? THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HIM!!! ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey anti fans, are you sicko or mentally ill? hey try poison me too since you like to hurt/harm stars. or maybe should i do your method on you guys too? ah...hey you wanna try?
i have a question. do you watch shows? seriously have you? i am so sure you watch before and like even one star. i bet you do not want your that star to get hurt like what you are doing to the other stars.
is this some kind of trend? when did the world get so cruel? i shall kick my manners away.
yunho i dun understand why you protected that damn girl. but whatever you do i will always support because i am at your side. shouldn'd the government do something? i mean it is getting kinda serious...
¡°Two years ago, I set up a ¡°anti-DBSK¡± fan club, now everyone know that I am the one who did the ¡°Cyanoacrylate drink incident¡± to yunho because I hate him.Do you all remember in year 2000, the member of G.O.D Yoon Kye Sang¡¯s mother drank a drink that is mix with washing detergent from their fans and vomit, in the end she need to be hospitalised. That incident was also done by us. We all have a common name called, anti-fans. We are the people that will does something wickedly on stars.I, have been wanting to punish yunho for a long time but there isn¡¯t any chance for me to do that. On 14 October, 10pm, I past by KBS branch in Seoul and saw a lot of fans, gathered around there. After entering from the main door, and found out that DBSK is filming . After watching for 20 mins, I am so angry that I went to a nearby convienient store and bought an orange juice and super glue, mix them all up and gave it to yunho with a note.Haha, this guy thought that I am one of the cassiopeia (which is the fans of DBSK), drank it without thinking. I think everyone want to know what I have written in the note, now I will tell you.--to jung yunho:you better be careful of what you are saying! You are always so pround since you debut, you song let people feel like vomiting, your dance also have so many mistakes, compare to other singer you are the worse of all, so what is so great about you? do yo uknow what is your limt? Let me tell you, only kids like DBSK, when you all are shown in a channel, you all know how many people want to change the channel? The viewing ratio is so low!, haha, what kind of popular singer you are? Always the stars for the kids. Really feeling like killing you all. HeheI know that the police uncle will investigate that I am the one who did all this, on 15th 2.30pm, I surrendered. I could not believe that yunho still defending me, hope that I would not be charged.I will not thank him. Because I hate him.Heard that there are also anti-fans in china now, recently they make a mourning hall for cyndi wang (a taiwanise singer) online, this was a good idea.Anti-fans around the world unite and together harming the stars.From a korean anti-fansI am also an anti-fans. I will not say my name. We always do things secretly. Two days ago, there was a reporter from a newspaper want to interview me.Since the day that yunho was hurt, the entertainment reporters of the whole world was looking for us, cassiopeia around the world wanted to kill us even, hehe, and we even became the hottest topic of the entertainment.I think everybody may know that, the next target that anti-fans will harm will be super junior, kim hee chul and the only chinese member Han kyung. It can also be other artist as well. Everyone also saw in anti-caf¨¦ that mayne people also hate jay chou and lee jun ki.¡±
von received a very weird email...
the sender actually asking me to speak to him/her on the phone? and i totally dunno who the hell is him/her...and why is he/she sending that email to me? some kind of prank? wallow why why why why why why am i so unlucky? why?
i am thinking is it the fanclub people?
or is it some stalker...and worse still what the sender typing in the email i dun even understand. i still need to ask my twin to help me translate. i mean it is in english but those short form. worse is those short form english is those i dun understand.
why why why why??
last time is some man sending message to me saying that he admire me. wah piang. now this? wallow i dun need all this...JUST ONE CALL FROM TVXQ WILL DO!! i dun need this stalkers thing...i dun wanna useless stalker's message or email la!!! I WAN TVXQ!!
save me...
damn scared....leave me alone!!!
von miss her baby cousin min le!! haiz...von didn't go to school and mum went to see min le while i am sick.bad mum!!! haha...von found one dollar in my plastic bag~~yay!! von found her notes...yay...and i just couldn't sit still and start studying for her e maths quiz and ss exam tmr.found a book filled with my hatred memory. created during my sec 1 days. memories of friends love hate...i never once remember the secondary life i had. ok some. what did i really do during my secondary life...i have long forgot. the long forgotten memories one day will come back to me.and one day i will treat these memories as a movie. watching how my life goes on.wow what a life i had. love happiness saddness. i think i have experiences all. perhaps not love yet. hello i haven't met my first boyfriend ok...of nope no love yet.hahaha~~~how come my computer table like....not straight? or is it me going faint? ah...me wanna see tvxq~~maybe then i can feel the very big happiness in my life~~BLEAH!!junsu yah...tvxq miss you!!! haiz...very very long never update on their news le...tiantian like dun like tvxq le...even my senior...how?humphs...VON MISS HER COUSIN~~ VICTORIA...MIN LE...MISS YOU!! I WANNA CARRY HER~~
some misunderstanding. open up and speak dun say words hidden right in your heart. and you only hold the wrong conception of each other. and when you see each other the more you detest them, and the hatred will only increase.if only you could let it go. so.....go up to each other and clear all the misunderstanding you have.in my opinion, present is just a gift. but the friendship we own, doesn't that weighs more? present is just like a blessing. presents.....can be bought with money but can friendship be bought with money? no right....so yup...but i am just some outsider i can't say much but provide my views...oh well...off i go to sleep....VICTORIA~~~my baby cousin!!!
isn't she cute?
cute minle~~ just 1 day old only~~ von got to carry her!! she is so cute!!! von is super happy~~and she has blue eyes. damn it!! i am so envy of her. and you noe what she is 49 cm....what the...then i was complaining that when she grow up she will be super tall...yup...my aunt say she will grow to 170 cm leh...how? i become shorty liao lo...whatever it is....she is just cute ok!!! and she smiles when we asked her to. OMG HOW CAN SHE BE SO CUTE?? lalala....von living in her happiness~~
it is confirmed......VON'S NEWEST COUSIN IS BORN TODAY 21 JULY!! welcome to the big family victoria~~i think that was how to spell her name...she is called min le too..just came back from the wedding dinner....and guess who i saw? JIAXI!! THE CUTE BOY WHO ACTED AS JIAXI!! omg that was such a surprise!! and his real name is xinyu....what a girly name...but he is cute!! his mother like dun really dote on him neh..poor boy. but he gotten lots of attention compared to the newly wedded couple...OOPS=x and the brothers of xinyu is super cute too esp the younger one!! his eyes are so big!! he will be a very pretty and handsome young man in future de!! and you noe what he waved to me and said bye bye~~*faints* TOTAL CUTENESS!! ah~~~but my junsu is cuter...heh...i took pics with them too...shall post sometime...ooo i went to eat kobayashi hangul earlier too...and guess what....i waited for 1 hour and 50 mins...just to eat my lunch...mmm but i got a free meal...haha=D mmm von got new bangle...thanks to my aunt. KASAMHAMNIDA!!i saw hui min and mabel too...and wow they eat real fast....at least faster than my family.oh and the food at the wedding not really that good....haiz...i was expecting it to be nice...and the wedding dinner was so boring....the people there are crazy and noisy...hello that is a wedding dinner would you mind?? and two of my relatives got drunk....-_-" and two of my cousins was laughing till their faces went red...haha and how did they grow so tall?? damn...i feel short....why is everyone so tall? shee...AND VON DIDN'T GET TO EAT WESTERN CHOW TODAY! =( i was suppose to eat it today....haiz...and today von wore a very nice outfit to the wedding...hmm...my yi zhang praised me too...heh=)and my cousin told me: aiyo why wear your skirt so short? then i was: it was short?haha....and she is younger than me...and she speak older and she act older...am i childish? i am the older cousin!!! humphs.oh...today i wore a rather cool outfit....BLEAH!! hmmm....oh i was alighting from the bus and there was a boy saying hello to me. hmmm do i noe him? no i don't....why is saying hello to me at my ear....despo huh...sorry my heart only have junsu BLEAH!! von is happy today. von finally get to see a new born baby once again!! yay!! can't wait to see her...HELLO VICTORIA!! CAN'T I JUST CALL YOU VIC? THEN IT WOULD BE VIC AND VON....BLEAH!!! btw....SAENGILCHUKAHAMNIDA TO....KRYSTAL AND VICTORIA....BORN ON THE VERY GOOD DAY JULY 21...RACIAL HARMONY DAY TOO =)
von will be having a new member tmr!! yay...von is very excited to meet this new member~~cute little female baby!! it is my aunt's first child.ah yi jia you oh!! can't wait to see this newborn baby...she is mix blood...erm...i wonder how she look like. cos she is Chinese and Eurasian mix...erm...she will be a pretty lady!! and very tall...cos her parents are super tall...von is waiting for her arrival!! july 21 is her birthday....what a nice day to be born!! krystal birthday is tmr too....VON WISHES HER HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! SAENGILCHUKAHAMNIDA KRYSTAL SSI~~ i think of them everyday....when will i ever get to see them? you all noe who i am toking about. i am waiting for the day i get to see them? mmm...i thinking of them everyday. will they be sneezing everyday? haha...
super bored~~~von is bored....von is very bored...von has nothing to do....von is alone at home...von did nothing today...von wish to work on her work but von didn't have that heart to do...von is sleepy...nothing really happened today...i will try to recall...ah you all do noe that i suffer from STM right...so do give Von time to think. let's see....first period was....PE...ah!! shan accidentally hit mdm tini...good thing it only hit her hand if not we are so dead...pray nothing happen to her baby~~and....what else? oh...today's a maths class was horrible cos i couldn't do....as is ytd remedial ....von is stupid...and what else...feel like taking photos...with a whole lot of ppl...there is no dance today!! von was very happy~~haha...i bullied giant!! haha..was it me first to start slapping? ah...ok...so me and giant slapped each other...THE AH PEH AND AH MAH UNITE!! we are old couple...haha...why does everyday pass by so fast? why does everyone leave me?why everyone stop smiling at me?where did those smile go? why am i still here?dun look at me for the state i am now is horrible.dun smile at me for i do noe i can't resist you.
the maid evon serving the boss hui min
poor maid evon...seems like the boss hui min is happy

me and shan

the three emo

the three...gal?

we have a very nice effect there!

why jp eyes werid de?
proposal daisakusen ending was perfect!! just the way i wanted it to end~~beautiful ending..but there goes the story of rei and kenzo...I MISS YOU KENZO!! no way i am going to miss rei...snatching my kenzo...haha...kidding...any way...thanks to the show i tot of many things. perhaps it is just as good to taste the goodness of the present rather than regretting what is in the past. so what you can go back to the past you can change things but you can never change yourself. taste the sweetest you have now...and think about the future. WHOO....THAT SOUND SO CHIP...BUT HAHA YES IT IS FROM EVON'S MIND. YOU ARE NOT DREAMING!
so be with you...this is just our fate isn't it? the journey to the sucess is long and painful but the sweet result after such long and painful journey eventually will be sweet. SO I BELIEVE MY JOURNEY WAITING TO SEE TVXQ WILL SEE IT RESULT.i believe....how could i forgot my love for them? haha...i will wait...it may hurt like it never hurt but that is what make life exciting and thrilling right? i will wait for them...plus...after a long hurtful wait and finaly getting to see them....can you imagine how happy and touching it would be? i think i will cry and faint....hmmm i think this will scare my tvxq away...how ah? the day i meet them, the sentence i want them to write is...: i am happy to see you.i dun wan a meaningless i love you from them. and this is too common. every korean fan or jap fan or any other kind of fan surely ask them to write i love you...what i wan is i am happy to see you. haha...that is all i want...ok!! so tvxq i will wait for you till the day i meet you. after i do i still love you!!
姜 范 抡 is this my chinese name in my previous life? i sound like a korean or a chinese...but i only noe how to read the first two words....cool!!! i found like a boy...maybe my previous life is a boy...heh....
in case you wanna try this is the link
http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=226894446and if you wanna see what korean name you will have go this link.
冰菲儿 ...nice? bing fei er...kind of like it cos i like the word er... any way i kind of need some one to translate my korean name to chinese...kim hee rin to?? jin ai lin?金希凌?金 熙凌?金希林? HELP ME!! every one think. oh and if you are interested in finding a new chinese name....me help you. i got this from baidu.用你姓名的开头字母来测,例如张三就是ZY蓝娜,王小二就是WXE冰寒红.把你的新名字发过.
姓 :
b. 白
c. 慕容
d. 兰
e. 玲
f. 青
g. 甘
h. 萍
i. 晶
j. 天
k. 灵
l. 雪
m. 梦
n. 竹
o. 幻
p. 夏
q. 云
r. 艾
s. 林
t. 梅
w. 冰
x. 水
y. 欧阳
z. 蓝
i am officially in love with YAMAPI!!! 山下智久, Yamashita Tomohisa!! oh leh...he is super cute and handsome!! oh shoot...die what about my junsu? ok...fight!! go go!! but junsu of cos my all time love wins...but currently i am crazy over this show which yamapi acted...super nice and sad and touching...MOST OF ALL FUNNY!! YAMAPI AH!! please tell me you are not gay...if not i can die of shock...but at least i got junsu!! why didn't i realize his beauty at eugenice's house? i bet eugenice's house got lots of yamapi things~~lala...omg the show is super nice!! Proposal Daisakusen(Iwase Ken) yup that is the show with the name he had in that show!! ask and it shall be given. HALLELUJAH CHANCE~~annyeong haseYO.lalala i am crazy over yamapi now...die NO!!! junsu junsu junsu junsu junsu junsu~~
junsu and tvxq stay strong. guys i pray for you everyday. it is tiring but remember this is your dream..this road is long and tiring..PLEASE DO REMEMBER HOW MUCH WE LOVE YOU. our love for you is never ending. i noe your strength is slowly decreasing...I AM UPSET AND WORRIED TOO. i am hurt when i see how skinny you guys are... skinner each day...when must you act how happy how not tired in front of us? it make me more hurt. you guys...PLEASE TAKE CARE!!!! your schedule of work is like increasing each day...how i wish i could help you...
我,不知道要怎麽去说那种心情,看到哥哥们如今的成就,我打心眼里开心,并且希望他们永远都这麽红下去,但是,亲们致意到了吗? 他们的身材瘦了 他们的眼戴明显了 他们的黑眼圈被装盖不住了 他们的笑容看起来累了 他们的眼神忧郁了 他们的护照使用的频繁了 他们想念爸爸妈妈的次数多了 他们在椅子上睡觉的时间也很少了 他们看见经济人的次数几乎快成了每分每秒了 他们几乎没个生日都快没有家人在身边了 他们的计事本了已经都是行程了 他们也已经快份不请每天的第一餐是早餐还是中餐了 他们为了掩盖不让我们看见他们憔悴的样子帽子越来越多了 他们有了越来越多的压力和希望了 也许这样说可能有些人认为很夸张,也许 是吧,但是,最近无论是大吧还是小吧,越来越多的帖子在说5只瘦了,累了,疼了。。。。。 亲们知道吗,前几天,我们几个好朋友去上网,上着上着,其中一个朋友突然哭了,我们好惊讶,我们还沉寂在刚高考完见到神起的喜悦了,可是她哭了,哭的好伤心,我们再仔细一看,电脑前是允皓,他好瘦,瘦的让我心疼,让我也哭了!!!!!!!其实他是一个珉饭,我是秀饭,但是我们说好要一起爱5只,所以,看到队长疲惫的样子我们得不伤心,这时又一个朋友扒下了,我问他怎馍了,她指指眼前,我一看是在中,天啊,在中以前好白好开心的,现在,我清楚的看到了他的眼戴,他的黑眼圈。。。。。。我但是在大吧,也看到了一个楼里说大米的笑容,他们是这样说的,也拿了照片比较,和以前的笑容比起来,好勉强,好无奈,好累,好倦。。。。。我也看到了秀秀睡在椅子上的照片,我也看到了珉珉累的吃不下去饭。。。。。。 我,真的心疼了,也许有人不愿意哦看到这样的帖子,但是,我这个人忍不住话,我想说就说-----------------------你们好累,是吗? 我看国你们行程的单子,天啊,好满 我看过HOT歌迷写给仙后的话,她说你们和HOT哥哥一样在承受不平等的待遇,我是真的心疼,但是我也无能为力,唯一能做到的就是守护好你们 秀秀,你好累,是吗?你说过,你一年都很少联系父母,你,一定很想念吧,你是因为不敢打电话吧,你的笑容看起来好疲倦 队长,你好累,是吗?你要带领东方神起前行,你和自己说不能倒下再累也要坚持,为的不是你自己,而是其他的4只,还有爱你们的我们 珉珉,你好累,是吗?你是最爱吃花花做的饭的,但是,你的食量最近少了,你的笑容也少了,而你皱眉的次数多了 花花,你好累,是吗?你永远都是最开心的,可是,你那讨厌的眼圈,眼戴是哪里来的啊,你要照顾的很多,有好多家人在等你是不是? 大米,你好累,是吗?你最近想家的次数一定很多吧!年龄不大,但是所有人都依赖你,你一定很担心想念你的弟弟吧! 东方神起,你们好累,是吗?你们的梦想,你们的追求,你们的希望,在达到的同时也付出了好多,可是,你们却不后悔,因为你们身边有爱你们的家人朋友,还有最重要的我们在你们身边支持你们啊 无论怎样,仙后永远在这里爱你们,你们吃的苦,我们看得见,以后,你们也一定会更成功的,公司的剥削,想念的心情,我们都看得见,放心吧,老天是眷顾你们的,因为好心的人一定会得到幸福的 答应我们吧,以后要好好注意自己的身体,要按时吃饭,想念就打个电话,心情不好就找人聊聊,你们的健康才是我们最关心的!!!!!!
it was a misundestanding!! well at least we are honest with each other, now we wouldn't have misunderstanding!! i feel guilty now cos what i said the last post is so harsh..shan dun get to upset...I AM SORRY TOO!! i didn't meant to hit you with such big blow...sorry...really....you noe how much i was hurt with that friendship problems i got when i was sec1? i was very hurt....but any way lets be closer than before!! it sound weird...ME NOT LES!! as in we noe better now!!! GIRL, WE SHALL CHANGE FOR THE BETTER K!! GIVE ONE BIG TEDDY HUG!! i am so going to cry in happiness...haha...I LOVE YOU!!! once again me is a PURE GIRL~~i feel so loved....THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING HERE WITH ME....I AM HAPPY ONCE AGAIN~~THANK YOU SO MUCH YEE SHAN JIA PING HUI MIN EUGENICE PEI LING. YOU ALL GAVE ME THE SAFE FEELING. THANK YOU FOR FORGIVING ME FOR MY SUDDEN MOOD SWINGS!! BEAR WITH ME!! I WILL CHANGE!!! TO LISTEN TO YOU GUYS BEFORE ME BLAST IN ANGER...THANKS GUYS!!SARANGHAEYO!!
arh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! argh~~~~~~~~~~~~~`ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!just wanted to shout....cos i am too depressed to shout in reality. you think i am trying to act pitiful......maybe i am....i am jealous too....why other's life is so wonderful...
oh well...seriously i am tired...if you say dun treat you as a 出气筒 then dun treat me one too. you saying it like this so can i. you wan to play some kind of games with me, i shall play with you. for your info i dun like playing those kind of 心理战。i dislike it cos i understand that the pain it brings will be bigger than what you expect. i dun like to play. when i choose to keep quiet you say i am angry. BLOODY FOR YOUR INFO I JUST DIDN'T WANT TO TALK. i hate being misunderstood. i hate being some clown. I HAD BEEN SOME KIND OF CLOWN TRYING TO MAKE YOU HAPPY WHEN YOU ARE DOWN AND EACH TIME YOU TAKE MY ACTIONS AS GRANTED TO I GIVE UP. i have nothing to say. all i want to say mabel's birthday i have found a way to give her on her day. DUN HAVE TO TROUBLE YOU. SORRY IF THAT WAS HARSH BUT AT LEAST THAT WAS WHAT I WANT TO SAY. come on what you wanna scold just smash it on my face SAY IT TO ME ON MY DAMN FUCKED OFF FACE. i hate this. it gets worse. one day i can just cry in class just because i cannot take ALL THESE DAMN THINGS which brings me LOTS OF STRESS. if you seriously want to noe why i was so sad that day, i tell you part of it was my senior most of it, it was you guys. you guys didn't tok to me that morning, so i didn't tok. and you guys think that i am angry. FOR GOD'S SAKE, nothing to talk so what your expect me to say? so your were expecting to talk to your with that enthu attitude everyday? dude you can do it? sorry ah i have MOOD SWINGS too. FUCK....i am saying it all out. BLEAH i am only trying to be honest with you. ARH~~HOW TIRING IT CAN BE. LET IT GO AND BE FREE....MAYBE ONE DAY I SHALL FREE. LET THAT THING FLY PASS ME AND THERE I GO WITH THE WIND. whatever it is, all you want from me...it was just a sorry. if i said sorry, you will still have that scar in you right? we can't go back what it is before after i posted this. BECAUSE I GONE THROUGH ONCE. FRIENDSHIP IS TOO HARD FOR ME. I WAS HURT ONCE, I DUN WISH FOR A SECOND TIME. AND HERE GOES THE SECOND TIME. MAYBE IT WAS MY FAULT. I AM SORRY THEN. but i can tell you....my tears were all gone when the first time hit me harshly. this second time...just................COST ME ANOTHER PAINFUL MEMORIES.let me go....maybe i should just go with the god. then just use my soul to look over my dearest ones....whatever it is....i just one to be a star to be able to look at my loved one on the high and big and beautiful sky. shall i just say GOODBYE TO ALL OF YOU? nope....cos i just want to....stay alive just till i get to see junsu for one last time and the first time.any way it is kinda 矛盾....cos i dun what i am toking now...i going through mixed emotions. sad guilty worry depressed angry happy. all at one time. so if it upsets or anger you. sorry. but now you noe i am fragile too....i am just a girl too...
dance as usual suck like hell as in my school dance the term dance doesn't suck at all. i still have lots of passion for dancing. problem is that i dislike my instructor's dance bloody hell hard maybe because i can't concentrate so the dance steps just can't register into my brain~~oh well...yay dancing!! oo!! i must say i like summer dream!! the MV was nice the dance moves is a whoolala MV!! COS JUNSU SOLO DANCE MOVES IS CUTE!! super cute lo!! and and there is one seriously cute jaesu moment!! oh me god!! jae is super sexy~~LOL and i dl so many nice songs in one day!! and and watched many super duper nice stuffs!! cool!! i am happy once again!!! oh...i realize i have developed this habit looking up into the sky and search for stars...and i spotted two stars today!! whoolala!! nice stars i see recently!! and and!! amanogawa!! it means milky way...haha that is one jap word junsu like...he likes many words...like maemuki...ooo....JUNSU YOUR SEXY AND ANGELIC VOICE...i gonna faint...go away all idiots....junsu is mine!! haha kidding...oh!! i went out with PL'S DANCE'S DONG BANG CLUB. haha fun neh!! haha ok...what else?shee....i can't remember any...i can tell you i have serious STM. shee....i can't even remember what i thought about 2 minutes later after that thought...shit....how? but at least this can be some good points? haha...BUT I CAN STILL REMEMBER JUNSU!! HAHA OK..
i just found out today that one of my seniors didn't like me at all. i had admire her that much and so she thinks me that way. haiz....how depressing...she wanted to talk to me but i showed attitude or something? why can't i remember a single thing about that? so she dislike me from that day onwards. then worse more i went to talk to her best friends in dance about tvxq who she didn't really like us talking about. haiz...it gets worse...it didn't noe the whole thing till today. super saddening, doesn't it? and one more thing is.......two of my dance senior starts to decrease their love for tvxq....and one of them scolded me saying that i wouldn'y like them any longer too....(somewhat there)...and i told her....i can like a idol for the least 3 years. haha....so i would support one idol for more than 3 years.TVXQ I WILL NOT BETRAY YOU!! hahaha...i love my sweet prince KIM JUNSU!!! haiz....i wonder when will i get to see my sweet prince junsu? next year? cos i was thinking they will be holding concert in singapore next year....but the future who knows? right? maybe tmr i step out of the house step only one foot onto the road and my journey to god starts? haha....who can foresee the future in front of us?ok...i shall go back now...KIM JUNSU AND TVXQ ARE LOVE!! TVXQ FANS PLEASE DUN BETRAY THEM!!! LOVE THEM K!!
yesterday's performance was a disaster. the dance costume which is a skirt can't stay in place. so the skirt was like opened. my short could be seen. is like hell. the skirt was like swing open even during the start and i have to go on. some pervert uncles is like looking...shit. disgusting la!! forget it sia...stupid la...and now i hate one show. this stupid show. is 5566 wu lin da hui. stupid lo. that zax wang is even worse. he is practically rubbing salt into the wound. omg why did i like zax wang in the past? smash me in the head. omg....he is like not funny at all~~today was so bored~~but at least i got to dance with songs~~~haiz...i realize i fall in love with ballet!! yay!! ballet is so nice~~haha...dance is like my life now....TVXQ!!! haha...i didn't mention them on this post so must mention yi xia!!
XIAH!! i am really bored....just now i went to xiah east....and shit i forget what is my password...and i have to wait 3 days later to get my password....die lo....
i am really bored....what kind of stupid show is that!!