what are you doing my dear?

you are so cute even when you are young!

you dun have to bend so low!! omg he drinks in such a cute way!! cool!!

<--omg!! i saw it!!! i saw it!! nosebleed.

<--tootness while is cuteness!!

handsome and cuteness is kim junsu~~

i so want to post my cute prince pics here....haiz...but it is so mai fan....next post will be filled with my prince pics...and i will post captions!! yay!! look forward~~
today the national stadium will be closed. new national stadium will be built on the same piece of land. BYE BYE OLD NATIONAL STADIUM!! HELLO TO OUR FUTURE BRAND NEW NATIONAL STADIUM! oh well kinda sad. haha....this is not farewell but a start of a new era. puahaha....that was what the MC said...well it is true. wat the!! past and present of team singapore? ok....whoa!! so cool sia....me wanna be there too. if my prince JUNSU is Singaporean, i bet he will be in the national stadium. i miss my prince!! kim junsu...i miss you my dear~~tmr i will be performing the heritage dance~~wish me luck k!! i am so nervous....oh well....what happen to kit chan? her legs...ok shall not be bad...cos my legs not good too.today went to play basketball with jp and ys. hahaha ys have muscles cramp? puahahaha!! she can't bend her legs....poor her. and ys ah...i do have muscles cramp sometimes too....haha...but it is true that me dance do lots of stretching then train up liao...any way i am evil huh....i laughed at her...ys mianhaeyo!!any way, today we played a match with Patrick boy. and what the hell they were so vulgar!! his friends is like omg...vulgar and totally rude...omg...regretted playing with them...and good thing we escaped fast...and that stupid tall guy is like giving attitude. we didn't do anything wrong also got your this stupid attitude...lala land...just heck them so vulgar~~i dun ever want to be their friends sia~~any way me found many songs of tvxq!! whoots~~ lets fly now~~i miss my dearies alot man! JUNSU YAH!! I MISS YOU SO MUCH~~IT WOULD BE GREAT TO JUST SEE YOUR ANGELIC SMILE! HYOUR SMILE IS WHAT I WANT TO SEE EVERYDAY. JUNSU DO STAY HAPPY EVERYDAY.
oh man i am getting bored blogging~~
but who cares....just blog!! hahah....i wanna change~~my blog stuffs~~
i am so bored~~haiz...shall go dance and exercise my fats off~~
rising sun is such a nice song to dance~~
not original but the ectended and reprise?
LASTLY....TVXQ NOT ONLY CHANGED ME...TAUGHT ME ALL THOSE FROM THE PREVIOUS POST..THEY TAUGHT ME MORAL LESSONS TOO. FORGET THOSE LANG LAI LE STORY......LOOK AT THEIR TRUE STORIES...THEY ARE NOT JUST IDOLS...TO ME THEY ARE A TEACHER TOO. oh man this post shall be my fav post ever....puahahaha...THEIR STORIES HAVE YOU HEARD?? OR SEEN?junsu...he gone through 3 years of puberty...the change of his voice is the most difficult time of his life. he even had the thought this is going to be the end of his dream to be a singer? he didn't give up his dream of being a singer. he still determined to be a singer. finally after his tough puberty years...his voice changed to a angelic voice....this voice was created by the screaming he did during the puberty years. if he didn't gone through that stage of his life i guess he will not have this angelic voice he now owns.开始唱歌时,大家爱我了.大家说,我的歌声很特别...大家说,清澈又漂亮的歌声如宝物一样...大家说,我一定会成为比谁都唱的好的人...有一天,脖子上粘了蜘蛛网,怎么都拿不掉...以前大家羡慕的歌声,现在从我的脖子里跑出来,变成了血色的金属声.我生自己的气...像傻瓜一样,大叫,又哭又笑.再也不会唱的跟以前一样好...再也不会听到大家的称赞...但就算这样我也还是要继续歌唱.我不能成为一个最会唱歌的人.但是我可以成为一个比谁都喜欢唱歌的人.如果无法因歌被爱,我去爱歌就可以了.就算失去了自己的嗓子.这份心意是不会失去的.这份爱不会输给任何人.我想唱歌.我要唱歌.要唱到我生命的最后一刻.也不会感到一点的痛.突然眼泪就掉下来了,想起俊秀在老师面前唯一一次大哭的事.俊秀他啊...在那最痛苦的日子里,曾经跟老师说,想看自己唱歌的样子,于是老师就拍了下来.一边流着眼泪一边唱歌的俊秀...唱完歌直接坐在地上哭的俊秀...第一次在老师面前哭成那样的俊秀...哭着说出那样的话的俊秀...我想唱歌……我要唱歌……到死也要唱歌……变声期过后的俊秀,带着感恩的心,仍然热爱着唱歌.即使出道后成了很受欢迎的歌手,他热爱唱歌的心仍然不变.嗓子状态不好医生要他休息,他也从不曾停下.在休息的时候,在等待的时候,在任何可能的时候,俊秀都在练习唱歌.这样热爱着歌唱的人...或许再也不会有了.这样的金俊秀,全世界只有唯一.1999年 10月03日 是我参加选拔赛的日子。 是我怀着崇高的理想参加的比赛.... 很幸运的被STARLIGHT SYSTEM 选中, 在那里学到了很多东西,让我很高兴! 可以在从小喜欢的经纪公司练习...这一切让我无比激动... 歌唱练习,舞蹈练习,speech练习,发声练习..等等.. 就这样向着我的梦想,接受训练。 但是在中2,刚开始怀着希望的时候,我突然经历了变声期,虽然早知道会来,但真的来了还真不是闹着玩的... 还后悔过为什么我是个男孩子呢? 突然得音调下降,干脆都发不出声音了。 只有铁互相碰的声音... 真的好想哭,难道就这样结束了吗??也曾经这样想过... 因为过了1,2年也声音没见得变好。 因为不想发不出声音而强硬地大声叫喊,真的好憋气啊!~ 我的变声期好象比别的男孩子还要严重,就这样过了一天又一天... 到了高1,这时候开始声音好了起来。也许是在变声期间,太过于叫喊了吧,说话的声音仍然还有些哑嗓...但是眼见声音好了很多,让我感到好高兴啊!!~~ 虽然因为变声期而有3年的时间都没有好好练习唱歌,但高1开始真的很努力得练习唱歌;唱工也进步了不少,声音了好了很多... 就这样练了1年左右,到了高2.. 我加入了东方神起,真的好开心。 更努力的学唱歌。就这样录音,练习..时间留去..练习练习再练习... 在练习过程中,跟别的成员们也亲近了,不..到了现在,如果不在身边就觉得好空虚。转眼间我进SM公司6年了... 在2004年我XIHA俊秀可以实现我梦寐以求的梦想了,以“东方神起”的成员XIAH俊秀.. 拿到我们的第一张单曲集的时候,不禁流出了眼泪,有好几次都想要放弃,虽然也有过不少痛苦的日子 但这一切成了我可以作为东方神起成员出道的契机,而让我感到高兴。虽然这6年的时间是很辛苦的,但我感谢这6年的时间,因为就是它让我变得更成熟。真的,不要放弃梦想的机会而努力,为了一直等待着我的人们..我要努力..爸爸..妈妈..哥哥!!谢谢你们直到现在仍然等着我..我一定成为努力地XIAH俊秀...还有为了..一直在身边我,支持我的各位和..支持我们东方神起的FANS们...
我好爱他。。就是这样爱他。。。就是这样爱着金俊秀。。。我不必再多讲什么。。。junsu....he taught me appreciate....his determination...he really is one serious guy....and he is the man who is pure in heart...i never want to see him get hurt....he was once hurt....i never want him to suffer again....i want to protect my little smiling prince...i will do my best to protect that smile on his face that pure and innocent heart. be the inferior me....can only dream to be by his side....maybe one day?? i dunno....
haha...that was in the forum...haha...did i post it in before? dunno dun care shall share it...how did i first notice tvxq? must really thank er jie!! that time...
i was really heartbroken...zax wang my ex fav idol actually had a girlfriend...but that is okay i can accept....but that time he suddenly have a daughter...it is so sudden!! my heart was broken to pieces...was really upset...i was so angry with him...i stop loving him...it was too sudden for me to accept....i was seriously angry..then one day...at home i spot a bookmark at er jie's desk...i picked it up and stare at it...i was like " who are they?? dong fang sheng qi?? who??" haha...with that question i put down the bookmark and go so my other stuffs...haha...by the way...i was crazy with korea that time too...haha...mainly because of jewel in the palace...that time it was so famous right? haha...not the characters which make me crazy over korea...is the hanbok which make me like korea...weird right? i noe...i will fancy the old times thing...those tradition clothes? hanbok and those chinese those qin chao those clothes?? me was really crazy over them...i can confess here lo...haha...
then this time...ok go back t the story...
then my sis said...scv have this free channel leh...channel 100...then i was like cool!! haha...you noe right me was super crazy over korea...haha...of cos i go for the korea channel too right...haha...then my first show to watch on this channel was heroine 6..jae still had his blond hair...haha!! haha...i didn't understand a single they were toking...so i was like bored...just look lo just looking at their actions!! haha...i remembered that their actions were so funny!!! LMAO~~ haha...then i started to grow a little love inside me...
i started to check them out...from er jie i guess...haha...their first song i listened seriously is o jung bun hap...this was the first song in my phone too...haha...then i went on to check them out too... ah!! i also remembered that 2006 year end holiday...me was spending my holidays watching their videos...haha...looking back i always fell in love with tvxq 9 months....so short?? it feels like i had loved them since their debut...haha...
actually i was in love with jae....but i changed to junsu....MIANHAEYO JAEJOONG OPPA!! haha there was a few reasons for this change too...first warning...my sis lo...she likes jaejoong...not to snatch her love so i must change lo...then...she also say her friend also like jaejoong so many ppl like jaejoong...I REMEMBERED SHE ASK ME TO LIKE XIAH COS XIAH LIKE SO LITTLE FAN...(AT THAT TIME~~)haha...then later was like....i loved xiah because of his funny character and cute!! omg!!! i tend to fall easily for ppl who make me laugh!!! some more junsu so cute and handsome!! perfect!! so junsu caught my heart...haha...junsu yah!! SARANGHAE!! haha...
plus i think my love for junsu is much more ah....how to say real?? because i go for junsu's character more than his looks or his voice~~but for jaejoong...i confess is his looks than later his character that me wah...love him...you noe?? so in the beginning my love for jaejoong is not as hard as junsu....so....
haha...till now i love junsu and tvxq very much...i cried laughed...touched...lived...prayed....for them...haha...wow...my life never been so colourful before...haha....i once again feel the enthusiasm i first ha for them!! haha....not like i lost it....haha...
this what i learnt from xman 69 i guess...it means watever...watever you see and you say it out....watever i dun care since this is for everyone to see...i tot this is online diary? i get to write watever i want? i dun care any more like it will get any better....you noe who you are...
so i am going to write only good stuffs? mu seun la....anything lo...
dun worry i know who liao just dun wanna say...it only make it worse....maybe you care about me lo?? that is the only way me can think postively...if i were to think deeply me can just go cry and say this person betray me....stupid blog...stupid world...ah...museun give up....happy blog this shall be...
ok me love my nick hahaha...i am getting even more lame dunno why...maybe because junsu's uncle jokes...hahaha@@ junsu yah you can stop your jokes....WAIT NO YOU CAN'T!! junsu's oyagi? just lame ok!!! my ice block like got everywhere in the forum...now got ice ball and ice berg...my unique is gone!!! i shall protect my sushi name!!! i got ice family liao...lame dao bao...hahaha JUNSU YAH YOUR FAULT ME BECOME SO LAME!!!
我们很努力的练习以后浑身是汗的坐上了公车. 因为实在是太累了俊秀就直接睡了. 过了一会从哪里突然传出了'哐'的一声, 我们一看, 俊秀居然就直接在地上睡着了.
这个经典!!我要笑死了!! 俊秀阿 实在太可爱了。。。我不后悔这样深爱着他。。也许这样默默看着他是一种幸福。。我想打我一个耳光。。我竟然动摇我对俊秀的那份爱。。只因为俊秀会对他不熟悉的人冷淡,我就动摇了。。。可是。。他实在太可爱了!!我相信我一定能让俊秀熟悉!!
i give up...hanyupinyin is so hard!! me give up...hahaha i just write in English la!!
my friend once said that junsu will be very cold to those who he dunno. i actually was shaken by this? i got scared..my love for him was shaken. but why wouldn't i be shaken and frighten? i love him so much and i meet him and what i got in return is junsu's cold shoulder? i was really afraid...love him this much and i got his coldness? this shouldn't what it should be!!! but...i am loyal de!! i still loved junsu this much! but today i saw many junsu cuteness!! and his humorous character!!
omg you call get frozen just by his jokes...i got frozen today...his jokes is really handicap and cold...wah...i become ice block because of him...haha....too cold liao le la!! and then you see the top one? that first line? i LMAO till i roll on the floor...i become sushi liao...omg...he actually slept on the floor!! that is way too cute and funny...ok...i gtg now...continue later!