oh....lil su and junsu just look soo good together dont they???and its soo cute when they both kissed.. hihihi.. *jealous*but they accused him of being a pedophile so..like lets go and kill whoever said that =.=
can i kill the fucking people as i was getting happy today and there this article came out....this was when you know junsu kissed mini junsu?? well it was merely brotherly love la....what pedophile. shit those people. who insulted my junsu with such words those people doesn't even noe junsu at all and just give the accusing words....FUCK. mianhae junsu but i am getting even angry when they said that about you......they dun even noe the you....the cute the innocent you. FUCK THOSE IGNORANT PEOPLE. better not like me find out who say that if not i am so going to attack that person....nah maybe just warn that person...better not blow up this matter so that this doesn;t gets into junsu's ears. if it gets into junsu's ear i can imagine how sad he would be. junsu is just too innocent and he can get really hurt. although he can just dun mind what some IGNORANT PEOPLE say about him....but you noe junsu also got man's pride and ego....he definately would get hurt. JUNSU DUN MIND ABOUT THOSE WHO DUN REALLY NOE YOU!! AS LONG AS THE FAN THE PEOPLE LIKE ME (WAKAKAKA) NOE WHO YOU REALLY ARE!!! WE WILL ALWAYS SUPPORT YOU!!! AND AFTER READING THIS ARTICLE JUNSU IS NOT A PEDOPHILE!!! 사랑해요....준수오빠!! LOVE YOU LIKE I NEVER DID BEFORE....I AM SERIOUS.ok junsu dun worry i think this is quite long liao....people after reading please forget about it....dun spread around....i dun wan to make this too big cos it can eventually gets into junsu's ear...kamsahamnida for your co-operation!!!

if you can't see the words or pic, simply click on the picture and you will get to see the words plus my pretty jae jae~~
finish reading?? know how good my jae jae can be??
i feel so guilty now....becos jae jae is being so nice and kind and i feel so guilty choosing junsu over jaejoong. 在在你会原谅我吗?对不起。。。是我的错
爱为什么那么难。。。到底要做什么才好。。。在在与秀秀 到底要何从选择??
反正就是爱他们就对了。。재중, 준수 사라해요!!

pai seh must put this link first cos i wanna watch this video...heh....dun mind hor...
wah today woke up at about 1 quite ok la...i slept at about 5 plus last night la...heh....watching tvxq shows last night la obviously...but it was a great night last night cos i dreamt about tvxq last night!!! whoots....you dunno how happy i was...i always can't wait to fall asleep and see what dream i am going to have....and it is so obvious i want tvxq dream right.....they are my dearies mah......so last night i dreamt about them!!! you dunno how happy i was la...but one thing bad is that i can't remember what is it about...i roughly remember is i gave them paper each for them to sign?? even in my dreams i still want them to give me signatures...wakaka..but the background like in school leh.....i got a feeling is korea school leh....i still dreamt of me myself in korea lo.....SM....shuang ah....but idiot i forgot what the whole thing is....haiz....any way still had things to make me happy...see the picture there!!! thats is why i am so happy go read yourself and you would noe....but i am still sad leh....cos tvxq oppa got more fans means me lesser chance to see tvxq oppa and means there would be other fan who is much more better than me....haiz.....give up la evon....your chance is like gone...go daydream ba...haiz...
later come back and post another one...
ah....today was ok in the morning....afternoon was okay too....at night yay is the best!! i went to suntec!!! and you noe the fountain there?? where you can leave a message for whoever and they will laser it?? ah...i went to left a message and obviously i left one for tvxq right....any tvxq fan would do that right....so left one and after a few mins it is up already and i didn't have the time to record it la!!! idiot....so i didn't get to record it and i so regret....wanted to buy auntie anne too but by the time i go to buy the shop has closed regret again....then i wanted to buy a cake at olio damn the last order was over and when i was so depressed on the unlucky encounter i saw macdonald mac cafe.....yeah.....cheese cake!!! so i bought one....so cheesy.....eat a few bites headache....but who care i have to eat it all to pu chan myself....i must eat auntie anne next week i dun care!!! grrr...hahaha....later went home and i reached home at about 11.45?? went home and straight to the com to check on my TVXQ oppa....yay~~~i always think of them....ah also watched show and there is this taiwan show...omg that guy is like super funny laugh till my stomach so damn pain....hahaha....
then i went to the fanclub and wah...heart at first like so jealous la saw pics of junsu kissing a boy to was labelled with the name little junsu...wah...i felt so jealous for the very first time....omg....heart broke...so i eventually label junsu my husband and that litlle junsu to be my son yay like that i will just think of father kissing my son whoots...hahaha like that i feel more happy....yay.....my husband kissing my son so sweet right...okok...this is a picture of it....

<-----this the pic my husband and my son kissing such father and son good relationship right....
i have other junsu handsome and cute pics lor i have to show you all man...ok i shall show them in the next post....omg so i was like so even more madly in love with junsu la...saw too many junsu cute actions....just let me see the whole video of it la.....stop showing me all those pics all i get so fuss over it.....grrr....
junsu love@@@
준수,사람해요!!! 동방신기 사랑해요!!!
One member of Super Junior had to apoligize because of an incident.Super Junior had a program in Beiging, China for 7 days. After hearing about this, 1500 Chinese Females were waiting at the airport.Super Junior's Donghae had said while trying to get pass the crowd, "Get out of the way, f***"This video was posted publicly and was a search on the internet.Therefore, Super Junior had to apoligize publicly.Super Junior (from SM Ent.) had said "We are very sorry. It was very crowded and while we were trying to pass through the crowd, those words just came out naturally. It wasn't said purposely. For those people that were hurt hearing this message, we are very sorry. Even Donghae (the person who said it) is very depressed (?)"Even stars(celebs) have a hard time as just regular people and mistakes can come from anybody. Even the person who said it (DongHae) is having a very hard time with this. Even we understand this. But, as much love that DongHae has recieved, we hope that he will be able to get every piece of love back to where it was.
dong hae is so careless to have say that in public....but he is human....so....lucky him to be forgive if not he can get ready to say bye bye to the entertainment industry....and thanks to him i can comfirm that sipal really means fuck in korean...wow thanks donghae for helping me clarify this yi wen i have....no insult or what to donghae......seriously.....i still love you donghae everyone does mistakes just like you and me....wow my english is better....hahaha....with the situation like donghae....everyone will tend to say that right....(say yes!!) i think i will too....not sure what i would say....i think i will control myself ba....cos i wouldn't want tvxq to noe i say vulgar right...some more in the public with let say my fans....wakakakakakakaka.... yay~~i going to post another one regarding my post ytd!!! whoots,,,